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Wicca And Witchcraft Books (297) 

The Darkside Of The Moon A Complete Course In Magic And Witchcraft
The Darkside Of The Moon A Complete Course In Magic And Witchcraft by Basil Crouch
Basil Crouch makes the point that this book is not based on theory, but on WHAT CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN, based on the results achieved by his followers. In Chapter II he writes:Everything that I write of I have experienced. No other author can write with such authority. In my book you can read of... >>Download<<
Witches Potions And Spells
Witches Potions And Spells by Kathryn Paulsen
Witches have great knowledge of how to make magical potions and charms. A potion is a drink that causes a desired effect in a person's behavior. A charm is a magical incantation that helps to bring about a spell. Witches also are believed to be able to see into the future.According to tradition,... >>Download<<
Witchcraft A Guide to Magic by Anonymous
There are a few techniques that must be utilized for this part of spellworking. Ability to Meditate This is the art of clearing the mind of all mundane thoughts and feelings. It is a state of relaxation and peace, the goal to reach a state of nonthought.This is not easy and I still haven't mastered... >>Download<<
Witchcraft A Guide to Magic
Luciferian Witchcraft The Mystery Revealed by Michael Ford
For more than a decade left hand path and dark withcraft expert Michael W. Ford has labored in the forbidden fields of the dark side of the occult, lit by the pale moon of Luciferian ambition and Satanic drive. The first editions of most of his works are disappearing into private libraries of... >>Download<<
Luciferian Witchcraft The Mystery Revealed
The Book of the Witch Moon
The Book of the Witch Moon by Michael Ford
Presenting the forbidden works of Chaos, Vampiric and Luciferian Sorcery. A grimoire which explores the dark feminine current of HECATE, Witch Moon explores ritual and dream Lycanthropy, Chaos Sorcery and Luciferian Ritual practice as well as the darksome practice of Vampirism and Predatory... >>Download<<
A Practical Guide To Witchcraft And Magic Spells
A Practical Guide To Witchcraft And Magic Spells by Cassandra Eason
The practice of witchcraft (or Wicca) is currently the fastest-growing spiritual practice in the Western world. Everyone has the power to make spells, and this book takes the reader step by step through a menu that includes everything from self-help for happy families to green magic for saving the... >>Download<<
Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott's Demonology and Witchcraft contains among others the case of Bessie Dunlop, whose familiar was the ghost of one Thome Reid, killed at the battle of Pinkie (1547), who enabled her to give answers to such as consulted her about the ailments of human beings or cattle, or recovery of... >>Download<<
Demonology and Witchcraft
Black Witchcraft Foundations of the Luciferian Path by Michael Ford
Black Witchcraft as defined within the aforementioned grimoires is about self-deification but also the further expansion of consciousness, transforming the mundane into the divine, thus the antinomian and Satanic symbolism. But herein is cipher and clue to the essence of the Luciferian path, it is... >>Download<<
Black Witchcraft Foundations of the Luciferian Path
Old Witchcraft Secrets
Old Witchcraft Secrets by Archmage Bob Andrews
"This book contains rare incantations that belonged only to the pharaohs and their most trusted priests," Andrews said. "These spells were successfully used in those times to make the miracles that our science is still trying to figure out."Among the secret spells revealed in "Old Witchcraft... >>Download<<
Pagan Spells Blessings Spells
Pagan Spells Blessings Spells by Al Selden Leif
Spells are not about turning people into frogs or granting wishes. A spell is a set of actions and prayers that you do and say in order to ask for divine help with some particular aspect of your life. Spells are one of many ritual activities that many Wiccans engage in. Not all Wiccans cast spells ... >>Download<<
The History Of Witchcraft And Demonology by Summers Montague
My present work is the result of more than thirty years close attention to the subject of Witchcraft, and during this period I have made a systematic and intensive study of the older demonologists, as 1 am convinced that their first-hand evidence is of prime importance and value? whilst since their... >>Download<<
The History Of Witchcraft And Demonology
Witchcraft Dictionary by Anonymous
An extensive guide to terms you'll need to know as you progress along the path of a practicing witch. >>Download<<
Witchcraft Dictionary
VooDoos And Obeahs Phases of West India Witchcraft
VooDoos And Obeahs Phases of West India Witchcraft by Joseph John William
1932. Voodoo and obeah are distinct from one another, both in origin and practice, and to understand the force and influence they originally exercised over their devotees, we must disassociate them from the myriad of other forms of magic that have impinged themselves upon them. The author spent a... >>Download<<
The Calling to the First of Witch Blood An Invocation of Cain
The Calling to the First of Witch Blood An Invocation of Cain by Michael Ford
A short dedication to the Luciferian Sabbat and those seeking their own light within the gnosis of the Adversary. The initiation of the witch into the Circle of Cain, the living Son of Satan and Lilith, the great Harlot and Demoness, the Adversarial deific force of dark instinctual desire and... >>Download<<
Shades Of Algol (A Luciferian and Sabbatic Grimoire) by Michael Ford
ALGOL - A word which derives from the Arabic Al Ra's al Ghul, Al-Ghul, or Ri'B al Ohill, which is translated "The Demon's Head". Algol was in Hebrew known as Rosh ha Shaitan, or "Satan's Head", as some traditions have referred to Algol as the Head of Lilith. The Chinese called Algol Tseih She,... >>Download<<
Shades Of Algol (A Luciferian and Sabbatic Grimoire)
All About Wicca and Witchcraft by Anonymous
Have you noticed how many witches are featured on TV shows and in movies? It used to be that you heard about witches only in children's stories or fairy tales. But these days it seems like witches are everywhere. Why? Because witches are really intriguing and mysterious. Haven't you always been... >>Download<<
All About Wicca and Witchcraft
Witchcraft For All
Witchcraft For All by Louise Huebner
There are real witches today. Contrary to folk tales, they don't go riding about by night on brooms. They don't cavort in the nude unless they have something very normal in mind, and they don't cackle over cauldrons of vintage LSD.They do dabble in spells and chants, burning candles and employing... >>Download<<
Basic Technologies of Witchcraft
Basic Technologies of Witchcraft by Anonymous
This is the outline for a collection of four semi-formal training sessions for people interested in starting out in "The Craft" or Neopaganism. It is intended to give enough grounding to effectively participate in ritual, with the expectation that those that are really dedicated, skilled, and/or... >>Download<<
An History of Magic Witchcraft and Animal Magnetism by John Campbell Colquhoun
Modern doctrine of Animal Magnetism, which, indeed, was, until lately, entirely unknown. Facts are generally related and attested by various authors of reputation and credit and they have been laid before the reader of this work with as much accuracy as a diligent inquiry could insure. The... >>Download<<
An History of Magic Witchcraft and Animal Magnetism
Primitive African Medical Lore And Witchcraft by Ethel Thompson
This article presents a comprehensive study of the methods, practices, equipment, and paraphernalia of African witch doctors in carrying out primitive medical practices. The chief tribes studied are the Azandes of the Sudan, the Manos of Liberia, the Congo tribes, the Bundas of Angola, and the... >>Download<<
Primitive African Medical Lore And Witchcraft
Witchcraft And Medicine
Witchcraft And Medicine by Jaroslav Nemec
The National Library of Medicine extends thanks to the foNowing persons for their support in the preparation of this exhibit: Copperthwm'te, Derek, Research Director, Dr. Gardner Museum of Witchcraft, San Francisco, California Graubard, Mark. Ph.D., Professor Emen'tus and Chairman, Natural Science... >>Download<<
Yatuk Dinoih (Persian and Left Hand Path Witchcraft)
Yatuk Dinoih (Persian and Left Hand Path Witchcraft) by Michael Ford
The Yatuk Dinoih (and the parts contained therein, be it Hermetic Occultism or the sorcery of Ahriman) is a Grimoire of magickal art, specifically written for those who maydare to invoke the current of the Luciferian path.The Daemons of this grimoire, Ancient Persian in nature, are perhaps some of... >>Download<<
Witchcraft Dictionary of Craft Terms by Athena Gardner
Athena Gardner is a High Priestess in the Wiccan Tradition. She has been an active member her entire life. She has been writing on the Wiccan Tradition for 10 years. >>Download<<
Witchcraft Dictionary of Craft Terms
Wicca And Magick Beginning Wicca What is Wicca by Anonymous
Wicca is an unending path of light, magic, love, and constant learning. We revere nature and see the true divine beauty of the universe. It's about recognizing that we all have the ability to take our fate into our own hands, and we have the right to choose how we use that power. There is no bible... >>Download<<
Wicca And Magick Beginning Wicca What is Wicca
Ariadia Or A Gospel Of The Witches
Ariadia Or A Gospel Of The Witches by Charles Godfrey Leland
Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches is an 1899 book by Charles Godfrey Leland. The book is an attempt to portray the beliefs and rituals of an underground religious witchcraft tradition in Tuscany that, Leland claimed, had survived for centuries until his discovery of its existence in the 1890s.... >>Download<<
Anglo Saxon Witchcraft
Anglo Saxon Witchcraft by Swain Wodening
"What was Anglo-Saxon witchcraft?" is a very difficult question to answer. Our sources are primarily laws against the practice of witchcraft. These laws unfortuantely lump a whole lot of Heathen practices together so that it is difficult to tell whether galderes "charm speakers," seers, and leechs... >>Download<<
Luciferian Witchcraft An Introduction by Michael Ford
The union of some aspects of Middle Eastern practices such as Sufism and the various parallel witch ways of tribes of the Deserts are essential productive and beneficial for the advancement in human thinking. There is much to be learnt from other cultures, however the heart of such always emanates... >>Download<<
Luciferian Witchcraft An Introduction
The Luciferian Path the Witches Sabbat by Michael Ford
The Averse Path-way of the Sabbat lies in the twilight, the space between sleep and dreaming, which the flesh takes flight without weight to draw towards a communion of those gathered under the fires of the Elphame world. It is the trance which guides the spirit towards this darkness of earth... >>Download<<
The Luciferian Path the Witches Sabbat
Magic and Witchcraft
Magic and Witchcraft by George Moir
This book of the worthy Church-Coimsellor is rather a singular one : it is not a history of Magic, but a sort of spiiitual periodical, or magazine of infernal science, supported in a great measure by contributions from persons of a ghostly turn of mind, who, although they affect occasionally to... >>Download<<
The Witches Pyramid (Oath of the Circle)
The Witches Pyramid (Oath of the Circle) by Michael Ford
The Witches' Pyramid - Also known as the Four Pillars of the Witches' Temple, is the foundation for all magical work and represents the mindset necessary to create magic and the qualities to be embraced by all witches.There are four statements that represent The Witches Pyramid, To Know, To Will,... >>Download<<
The Witch Cult of Zos vel Thanatos by Michael Ford
There has been much talk and focus on the English Artist and Sorcerer Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956) and his Zos Kia cultus. Austin, the son of a Police Officer, grew up in South London near Kennington. His interest in art began at a very early age and luckily, was supported by his mother who aided... >>Download<<
The Witch Cult of Zos vel Thanatos
The God Of The Witches by Margaret Alice Murray
This celebrated study of witchcraft in Europe traces the worship of the pre-Christian and prehistoric Horned God from paleolithic times to the medieval period. Murray, the first to turn a scholarly eye on the mysteries of witchcraft, enables us to see its existence in the Middle Ages not as an... >>Download<<
The God Of The Witches
Vox Sabbatum
Vox Sabbatum by Michael Ford
Vox Sabbatum (The Witches Sabbat).Behind the initiatory models of what is called Diabolism, lies a plethora of shapes and forms for any initiate to move through. The gate of the Left Hand Path is indeed a dangerous way as it inaugurates and initiates change - internal and external. In the rational... >>Download<<
Dance of the Witches Opening the Devil Eye
Dance of the Witches Opening the Devil Eye by Robin Artisson
Some acts of craft require the trance to be effective in any meaningful way: divination, for instance, requires a shift into a state wherein subtle realities and messages are not only apparent, but able to be communicated.I have written at length about the need to change more than one's individual,... >>Download<<
Pocket Guide To Witchcraft by Frater FP
Witchcraft, Wicca and Paganism you'll need to decide what aspect to follow. In my view, Paganism encompasses all aspects of a pagan lifestyle, and suits those with a view to bringing their entire life, family and career into a pagan (country-dwelling) perspective. Witchcraft is the magical... >>Download<<
Pocket Guide To Witchcraft
As Above So Below A System of Value Based Ethics for Wiccan Clergy by Ellen Friedman
This work examines the present state of Wiccan ethics and the social reality existing in many Wiccan communities. Mention is made of the high degree of congruence between the roles of clergy and therapist. The literature on professional ethics codes is reviewed for types, roles and effectiveness of... >>Download<<
As Above So Below A System of Value Based Ethics for Wiccan Clergy
The Discoverie of Witchcraft
The Discoverie of Witchcraft by Reginald Scot
Remarkable 16th-century classic attempted to disprove existence of witches. Rich full account of charges against witches, witch trials, practice of the black arts. Excerpts from Inquisition, interviews with convicted witches, discussions of alchemy, astrology, much more. Indispensable primary... >>Download<<
The Malleus Maleficarum Or The Witch Hammer
The Malleus Maleficarum Or The Witch Hammer by Heinrich Kramer
The Malleus Maleficarum (The Witch Hammer), first published in 1486, is arguably one of the most infamous books ever written, due primarily to its position and regard during the Middle Ages. It served as a guidebook forInquisitors during the Inquisition, and was designed to aid them in the... >>Download<<
Beyond Wicca Journey To The One The Elements by Anonymous
The Elements are one of the most important things we study in Wicca and they're no less important as we move on in the Journey to the One. This is presented here as a study for those who do not have too much experience with the Elements and as a review for those who do.First of all, what are the... >>Download<<
Beyond Wicca Journey To The One The Elements
Magic Witchcraft Animal Magnetism And Electro Biology by James Braid
James Braid (19 June 1795 - 25 March 1860) was born at Ryelaw House, in the parish of Portmoak, Kinross, Scotland, and was the son of James Braid and Anne Suttie. He married Margaret Mason (or Meason) on 17 November 1813. They had two children, James (born 1822), and a daughter.A Scottish... >>Download<<
Magic Witchcraft Animal Magnetism And Electro Biology
Wicca Beliefs and Practices
Wicca Beliefs and Practices by Anonymous
There are a wide variety of beliefs and practices in modern day Wicca. However, despite the pluralism and diversity, distinct principles derived from Gardnerian Wicca are common to most modern witches.Beliefs will often be mixed with a combination of mystical traditions, Celtic or Norse paganism,... >>Download<<
Welcome to the Secrets of the Root Witch
Welcome to the Secrets of the Root Witch by Anonymous
CREDITS: In fact, as notified Lady Diavanii, De Lady-Root of the Circle Vitches, the author of this book is known, this is Wizard Luxas.Part 1 of a 4 part book that explores the power and truth of the "Rooting" magic(k) image of witchcraft and Cultures about...A coven journey of the secrets and... >>Download<<
Embracing The Witch And The Goddess by Kathryn Rountree
The purpose of the book is to present an ethnography of New Zealand feminist witches - to colour one small space in the global picture of Paganism - and to engage with a number of issues and debates which concern the feminist spirituality movement as a whole. I have also compared New Zealand... >>Download<<
Embracing The Witch And The Goddess
European Witchcraft by Anonymous
European Witchcraft is witchcraft and magic that is practised primarily in the locality of Europe. The old liberal view of European Witchcraft holds that witchcraft never existed at all, but was invented by the Catholic Church and other authorities to gain power and prestige.Margaret Murray claimed... >>Download<<
European Witchcraft
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology by John Drelincourt Seymour
This is a survey of the Witch persecution in Ireland, as well as a wide array of other paranormal events such as poltergeists, ghosts, apparations and even an early UFO account. Very readable, yet well documented, this book has extensive and fascinating quotes from historical source... >>Download<<
Highland Superstitions Connected With the Druids Fairies Witchcraft
Highland Superstitions Connected With the Druids Fairies Witchcraft by Alexander Macgregor
The following pages on "Highland Superstitions" by the late Rev. Alexander Macpregor,' M.A., Inverness, first appeared as a series of articles in Volume II. of the Celtic Magazine, and subsequently as an appendix to the second, third, and fourth editions of " The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer."... >>Download<<
A Historical Account Of The Belief In Witchcraft in Scotland by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe
1884. Found in this volume is a historical account of witchcraft in Scotland, with chapters delineating various time periods up to AD 1465 through AD 1724. It is an introduction tracing the legends of wizardry and spectral appearances to the earliest periods of Scottish history. It is the best... >>Download<<
A Historical Account Of The Belief In Witchcraft in Scotland
Medicine And Witchcraft In The Days Of Sir Thomas Browne by John Knott
The origins of medicine are closely linked to the supernatural. The primitiveview of medicine had more to do with magic than with what is considered medicine today. Witchcraft, or the practice of magic, could be used to inflict illness or to take it away. Hippocrates and later physicians tried to... >>Download<<
Medicine And Witchcraft In The Days Of Sir Thomas Browne
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott
In ill health following a stroke, Sir Walter Scott wrote Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft at the behest of his son-in-law, J. G. Lockhart, who worked for a publishing firm. The book proved popular and Scott was paid six hundred pounds, which he desperately needed. (Despite his success as a... >>Download<<
The Roots Of Witchcraft
The Roots Of Witchcraft by Michael Harrison
Fascinating book with enough "oomph" to make me want to check out more books on the subject. The author comes across as brilliant, but scatter-brained and after a while, some of the tangents he goes off on become tedious and confusing, causing a re-read of what the original subject was for clarity.... >>Download<<
Satanism And Witchcraft The Occult And The West Part II by John Ankerberg
Most people are simply not ready to believe these kinds of things are really happening, which, of course, works to the Satanist's advantage. Frankly, we were not quite ready for it either. We have knowledge of confidential police reports of murders committed by Satanists that are so vile we cannot... >>Download<<
Satanism And Witchcraft The Occult And The West Part II
Path of Initiation The Fivefold Pattern of the Witching Way by Robin Artisson
Most people have the understanding that to claim to belong to a traditional witch "group", one must go through a period of learning, join a group, be vouched for, and be initiated. This is how many modern groups do work. I think this is a very problematic formula, however, because most people fail... >>Download<<
Path of Initiation The Fivefold Pattern of the Witching Way
The Asuri Kalpa A Witchcraft Practice of the Atharva Veda
The Asuri Kalpa A Witchcraft Practice of the Atharva Veda by Herbert William Magoun
The ritual literature of the Atharva-Veda, like that of the other Vedas, has attached to itself certain parifistas, or supplements. Of these, the thirty-fifth, according to the best accessible MS, is the Asurl-Kalpa, an abhicara, or witchcraft practice, containing rites to be used in connection... >>Download<<
Hypnotism Mesmerism And The New Witchcraft
Hypnotism Mesmerism And The New Witchcraft by Ernest Abraham Hart
The papers here brought together have recently appeared in the 'Nineteenth Century' and the 'British Medical Journal' and are reprinted by permission. They are published to meet the wishes of some who have suggested to me that it might prove useful and acceptable that they should be collected into... >>Download<<
King Of The Witches The World Of Alex Sanders by June Johns
This Book is a cornerstone of Wiccan Literature. It is easy to read in biography form and explains a number of complex phenomena that were then taking place within wicca during the early generation of this past century. As it tells the story of his life, the book explores intricate balances of life... >>Download<<
King Of The Witches The World Of Alex Sanders
Eight Sabbats Of Witchcraft by Mike Nichols
This file contains 9 seasonal articles by Mike Nichols. They may be freely distributed provided that the following conditions are met: No fee is charged for their use and distribution and no commercial use is made of them These files are not changed or edited in any way without the author's... >>Download<<
Eight Sabbats Of Witchcraft
Witch Brew
Witch Brew by Mary Mazzer
The focus of my work is an investigation of the ritual of ornamentation. In both the fabrication and presentation of my work, I regard my assemblages as fetish objects, as autonomous art objects and an iconography of my subjective memory. By accepting the assemblages as fetish objects, I am... >>Download<<
History of Witchcraft vol 1 of 7
History of Witchcraft vol 1 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... >>Download<<
A Detection of Damnable Driftes Practized by Three Witches Arraigned at Chelmisforde in Essex by Arthur Edward Waite
A Detection of damnable driftes, practized by three Witches arraigned at Chelmisforde in Essex, at the laste Assises there holden, whiche were executed in Aprill. 1579. Set forthe to discouer the Ambushementes of Sathan, whereby he would surprise vs lulled in securitie, and hardened with contempte... >>Download<<
A Detection of Damnable Driftes Practized by Three Witches Arraigned at Chelmisforde in Essex
History of Witchcraft vol 7 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... >>Download<<
History of Witchcraft vol 7 of 7
The Secret History Of Modern Witchcraft
The Secret History Of Modern Witchcraft by Allen Greenfield
This monograph has a long history. The earliest published draft appeared in a small, independent radical journal during my sojourn in Florida in the middle 1980s. I was at that time closely associated with the OTO, but was not then an initiate member. I had been in close contact with Wiccan and... >>Download<<
Fallacy of Ghosts Dreams and Omens With Stories of Witchcraft Life in death and Monomania
Fallacy of Ghosts Dreams and Omens With Stories of Witchcraft Life in death and Monomania by Charles Ollier
Publisher: C. Ollier Publication date: 1848 Subjects: Occultism Supernatural Ghosts Dreams Hallucinations and illusions History / General Juvenile Fiction / Horror >>Download<<
Witchcraft A History Of The Black Art by Walter Gibson
Walter Brown Gibson (September 12, 1897 - December 6, 1985) was an American author and professional magician, best known for his work on the pulp fiction character The Shadow. Gibson, under the pen-name Maxwell Grant, wrote "more than 300 novel-length" Shadow stories, writing up to "10,000 words a... >>Download<<
Witchcraft A History Of The Black Art
A True History of Witchcraft by Allen Greenfield
To arrive at some perspective on what the modern mythos called, variously, "Wicca", the "Old Religion", "Witchcraft" and "Neopaganism" is, we must firstly make a firm distinction "witchcraft" in the popular informally defined sense may have little to do with the modern religion that goes by the... >>Download<<
A True History of Witchcraft
Witch Hunt Mysteries of the Salem Witch Trials Study Guide
Witch Hunt Mysteries of the Salem Witch Trials Study Guide by Marc Aronson
This study guide is designed to enhance students' mastery of key content and skills in social studies, language arts, and other disciplines through examination of the Salem Witch Trials. It is intended to be used in conjunction with Witch-Hunt: Mysteries of the Salem Witch Trials by Sibert... >>Download<<
The Laws For Witches
The Laws For Witches by Anonymous
I don't know who the author of this piece is. Please note that NeoPaganism is a decidedly pluralistic group of religions. Many witches/NeoPagans do not agree with these rules. I see it mostly as a deterring example. >>Download<<
Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart Essex by Alan Macfarlane
This paper will assume a knowledge of the historical background to witchcraft prosecutions in sixteenth- and seventeenth - century England. (The best general studies of English witchcraft are Ewen, 1929, and Notestein, 1911.) It will also assume a general knowledge of current anthropological... >>Download<<
Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart Essex
A collection Of Rare And Curious Tracts On Witchcraft And The Second Sight by David Webster
This volume according to John Ferguson in his "Bibliographical Notes on the Witchcraft Literature of Scotland" (Edinburgh, 1896-97) "is one of the best of the reprints of rare witchcraft tracts." (See Lea, note p.1331).Contains: - An Original essay on witchcraft - News from Scotland declaring the... >>Download<<
A collection Of Rare And Curious Tracts On Witchcraft And The Second Sight
Highland Superstitions Connected With the Druids Fairies Witchcraft OCR Version
Highland Superstitions Connected With the Druids Fairies Witchcraft OCR Version by Alexander Macgregor
The following pages on "Highland Superstitions" by the late Rev. Alexander Macpregor,' M.A., Inverness, first appeared as a series of articles in Volume II. of the Celtic Magazine, and subsequently as an appendix to the second, third, and fourth editions of " The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer."... >>Download<<
History of Witchcraft vol 3 of 7
History of Witchcraft vol 3 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... >>Download<<
Healing Virtue Saludadores Versus Witches In Early Modern Spain by Maria Tausiet
The absence of any clear dividing line between the fields of medicine and religion3 in early modern Spain becomes particularly evident when looking at the figure of the so-called saludador (literally, a healer, or health-giver, from the verb saludar, to heal). As the term implies, these individuals... >>Download<<
Healing Virtue Saludadores Versus Witches In Early Modern Spain
Correlian Wicca by Anonymous
WHAT WILL YOU GET FROM THESE LESSONSWhat is all this witchcraft stuff, anyway? Does being a witch mean you can point your finger and make things happen? Does it mean you can learn to fly on a broom and turn people into toads? Well, not quite. Witchcraft, or WICCA, is a religion. Wicca is not... >>Download<<
Correlian Wicca
Issue 23 July 2008 vol 2 Power Animals and Totems
Issue 23 July 2008 vol 2 Power Animals and Totems by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
History of Witchcraft vol 2 of 7
History of Witchcraft vol 2 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... >>Download<<
Unicorn Tradition Of Wicca by Bylaws
The Unicorn Tradition is an eclectic one, rooted in a family tradition through which our founders, Lady Galadriel and Lord Athanor, received their training and Initiations.Goddess and God are honored as essential to the sacred dance we call life, and as emanations of the One Source from which the... >>Download<<
Unicorn Tradition Of Wicca
The Witch in History Early Modern and Twentieth Century Representations by Diane Purkiss
A symbol of everything that is dark about the past and woman, the witch continues to fascinate us in the late twentieth century. The Witch in History explores thatfascination and its manifold forms through court records, early modern dramas and the modern histories and fictions that draw upon... >>Download<<
The Witch in History Early Modern and Twentieth Century Representations
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology OCR Version
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology OCR Version by John Drelincourt Seymour
This is a survey of the Witch persecution in Ireland, as well as a wide array of other paranormal events such as poltergeists, ghosts, apparations and even an early UFO account. Very readable, yet well documented, this book has extensive and fascinating quotes from historical source... >>Download<<
Demonomania And Witchcraft
Demonomania And Witchcraft by Joseph Workman
JOSEPH Workman, hardware merchant, newspaper writer, medical teacher, and the most influential psychiatrist of his day in Canada was so highly regarded by his medical contemporaries that he was elected President of The Canadian Medical Association in 1877, first President of the Ontario Medical... >>Download<<
The Salem Witchcraft The Planchette Mystery and Modern Spiritualism by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe has contributed to The Salem Witchcraft The Planchette Mystery And Modern Spiritualism as an author. Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) published her first book, The Mayflower, in 1843. In 1852 she published her bestselling classic, Uncle Toma (TM)s Cabin, the first... >>Download<<
The Salem Witchcraft The Planchette Mystery and Modern Spiritualism
Mesmerism Spiritualism Witchcraft And Miracle by Allen Putnam
Mesmerism is a bit of medical quackery developed in the 1806 Sibly18th century by the German physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815). In 1766, he published his doctoral dissertation on how the planets affect health: De planetarum influxu in corpus humanum (On the Influence of the Planets on the... >>Download<<
Mesmerism Spiritualism Witchcraft And Miracle
Theoretical Foundations of Witchcraft and Demonological Development
Theoretical Foundations of Witchcraft and Demonological Development by Bjarke Folner
This essay deals with a discussion of the historical background for the common belief in witchcraft among intellectuals and ecclesiastics in the last part of the 16th century. It aims at shedding light on the following question:What provided the basis for the consensus among most ecclesiastics and... >>Download<<
Allusions To Witchcraft And Other Primitve Beliefs in the Zoroastrian Literature
Allusions To Witchcraft And Other Primitve Beliefs in the Zoroastrian Literature by Leo Joachim Frachtenberg
The purpose of this article is to gather all the more important allusions to Sorcery and Witchcraft and other practices included in the general term magic, contained in the Zoroastrian literature", and to-present also a concise exposition of certain other primitive laeliefs prevalent among the... >>Download<<
History of Witchcraft vol 6 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... >>Download<<
History of Witchcraft vol 6 of 7
The Salem Witchcraft Papers Vol 1 by Paul Boyer
Verbatim Transcriptions of the Court Records In three volumes Edited by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum. This is the most important and accessable resourse for anyone intersested in the Salem Witch Trials. It seems a real shame that a person can buy Journey albumn released ten years ago but books... >>Download<<
The Salem Witchcraft Papers Vol 1
History of Witchcraft vol 5 of 7
History of Witchcraft vol 5 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... >>Download<<
Witchcraft a Study in Bias Prejudice and Discrimination in South Africa
Witchcraft a Study in Bias Prejudice and Discrimination in South Africa by Damon Leff
When discussing Witchcraft in polite company, one discovers that although not everyone permits their personal bias to evolve into open discrimination, those with bias against Witches carry their prejudice like a moral compass. In less than civil society, bias against Witchcraft is often overtly... >>Download<<
A Pagan Witches TouchStone Witchcraft and Witch Hunts in South Africa by Damon Leff
A Pagan Witches TouchStone is an important publication for a number of reasons. Certainly one of the most important is that for the first time, self-defining Pagan Witches bring into open debate their own perspectives and experiences that result from the negative consequences brought about by the... >>Download<<
A Pagan Witches TouchStone Witchcraft and Witch Hunts in South Africa
Pricticing The Craft Why Young People Are Attracted To Wicca by Anonymous
This article first appeared in the Effective Evangelism column of the Christian Research Journal, volume 30, number 5 (2007). For further information or to subscribe to the Christian Research Journal go to: http://www.equip.org In April of this year, the Department of Veterans Affairs approved the... >>Download<<
Pricticing The Craft Why Young People Are Attracted To Wicca
Witch Warlock And Magician Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft OCR Version
Witch Warlock And Magician Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft OCR Version by William Henry Davenport Adams
The following pages may be regarded as a contribution towards that 'History of Human Error' which was undertaken by Mr. Augustine Caxton. I fear that many minds will have to devote all their energies to the work, if it is ever to be brought to completion and, indeed, it may plausibly be argued that... >>Download<<
History of Witchcraft vol 4 of 7
History of Witchcraft vol 4 of 7 by Anonymous
As I am trying to put this all together, I hope to bring about an understanding that Witchcraft, like any religion, has undergone it's changes throughout the centuries. It is my personal feeling, however, that the religion of Witchcraft has undergone far fewer changes than any other in history.An... >>Download<<
Walking The Wiccan Path After The Cristian Path by Maureen Delaney
I am Wiccan. One may view Wicca as one of the newest or one of the oldest religions in the world. The foundation of Wicca is the Celtic society (circa 800 BCE) and their reverence of nature, seasonal days, beliefs and the Deities they worshiped. That foundation can also be traced back to the Pagan1... >>Download<<
Walking The Wiccan Path After The Cristian Path
The Witch by Alfred Elton van Vogt
This is one of a handful of fantasy stories by van Vogt by his own admission, he found fantasy particularly difficult to write, and always found the genre "weird." Indeed, he even attributes the demise of Unknown Worlds to his inability to write enough fantasy tales to satisfy John W. Campbell... >>Download<<
The Witch
The Witch Cult In Western Europe
The Witch Cult In Western Europe by Margaret Alice Murray
THE mass of existing material on this subject is so great that I have not attempted to make a survey of the whole of European 'Witchcraft', but have confined myself to an intensive study of the cult in Great Britain. In order, however, to obtain a clearer understanding of the ritual and beliefs I... >>Download<<
Witchcraft in Salem Village in 1692 Together With a Review of The Opinions of Modern Writers
Witchcraft in Salem Village in 1692 Together With a Review of The Opinions of Modern Writers by Winfield Nevins
Since the publication of Witchcraft in Salem Village many writers have been speculating as to the causes which led to what they are pleased to call the "delusion/' or the "craze" or the "murder", of 1602. Hypnotism, spiritualism and various isms and ologies are suggested as causes for the outbreak... >>Download<<
Witch Warlock And Magician Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft by William Henry Davenport Adams
The following pages may be regarded as a contribution towards that 'History of Human Error' which was undertaken by Mr. Augustine Caxton. I fear that many minds will have to devote all their energies to the work, if it is ever to be brought to completion and, indeed, it may plausibly be argued that... >>Download<<
Witch Warlock And Magician Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft
Firefly Wiccan Advancement by Iris Firemoon
This book is for those who are just beginning, or interested in studying Wicca. It contains an introductory look at Wicca and magick, as well as how to do spell work, construct rituals, and the basic practices. Seventeen sample rituals are included, as well as instructions on how to make several of... >>Download<<
Firefly Wiccan Advancement
6 Questions On Wicca And Paganism
6 Questions On Wicca And Paganism by Al Selden Leif
Contemporary Paganism is the restoration of indigenous religion, especially that of ancient Europe. Paganism has grown in popularity greatly during the last hundred years. The growth coincides with a decline in Christianity in Europe, and the increase in knowledge of past and distant cultures.WICCA... >>Download<<
Witchcraft And The Law In Zimbabwe
Witchcraft And The Law In Zimbabwe by Gordon Chavunduka
WITCHCRAFT is an emotive subject and has been very difficult to deal with legally. This difficulty has allowed a number of people, who have had others commit crimes, escape punishment.The problem, legally, arises from the fact that there is no scientific or legal proof that performing an act of... >>Download<<
Witchcraft in North Carolina by Tom Peete Cross
The study of popular delusions has far more than an antiquarian or academic interest. Its results constitute one of the most fascinating and instructive chapters in the story of human progress. Written history is not so much the record of battles, conquests, and legislative acts as of social and... >>Download<<
Witchcraft in North Carolina
Dreams in the Witch House by Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Walter Gilman, a student of mathematics and folklore at Miskatonic University, takes a room in the Witch House, a house in Arkham thought to be accursed. The first part of the story is an account of the history of the house, which has once harboured Keziah Mason, an accused witch who disappeared... >>Download<<
Dreams in the Witch House
Representation Of Paganism Wicca And Witchcraft In Modern Fictional Mass Media
Representation Of Paganism Wicca And Witchcraft In Modern Fictional Mass Media by Lisa Dinsmore
The aim of this dissertation was to examine representations of Paganism by comparing recent fictional representations of Pagans and Wiccans against a "real life" model of Pagan and Wiccan practices and beliefs. A literature review focused on forming a model of Paganism, and looked at previous works... >>Download<<
Witchcraft and Wicca FAQ
Witchcraft and Wicca FAQ by Anonymous
Frequently asked questions, or FAQs are listed questions and answers, all supposed to be frequently asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular topic. Since the acronym FAQ originated in textual media, its pronunciation varies "fack," "fax," "facts," and "F.A.Q." are commonly heard.... >>Download<<
Revelation Witchcraft and the Danger of Knowing God Secrets by Elizabeth Reis
This essay explores the practical or lived dimensions of Puritanism in New England. Building on the work of David D. Hall and other scholars, I examine the ways in which actual religious belief and practice often departed from the theological ideal. I am particularly attuned to the ways that gender... >>Download<<
Revelation Witchcraft and the Danger of Knowing God Secrets
Obeah Witchcraft in the West Indies by Hesketh Bell
Obeah (sometimes spelled Obi, Obea or Obia) is a term used in the West Indies to refer to folk magic, sorcery, and religious practices derived from West African, and specifically Igbo origin. Obeah is similar to other African derived religions including Palo, Voodoo, Santeria, rootwork, and most of... >>Download<<
Obeah Witchcraft in the West Indies
Records of Salem Witchcraft Copied From The Original Documents Vol 2
Records of Salem Witchcraft Copied From The Original Documents Vol 2 by William Eliot Woodward
This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our... >>Download<<
Women At Stake Interpretations of Women Role in Witchcraft and Witch Hunts
Women At Stake Interpretations of Women Role in Witchcraft and Witch Hunts by Raisa Maria Toivo
Soon after the witch trials died out in the western world, the wise men of the enlightenment invented a figure of 9 million witches that burned on the stakes. The 9 million witches were supposed to have been old, sick and poor women, suspect because of their deviant age and looks but essentially... >>Download<<
Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database Documentation and Description by Anonymous
The following document is a description and guide to the layout and design of the 'Survey of Scottish Witchcraft' database. It is divided into two sections. In the first section appropriate terms and concepts are defined in order to afford accuracy and precision in the discussion of complicated... >>Download<<
Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database Documentation and Description
Witches Wives and Mothers by Louise Jackson
Witches, Wives and Mothers: witchcraft persecution and women's confessions in seventeenth-century England by LOUISE JACKSON.The confessions made by the Suffolk women charged with witchcraft in 1645 indicate that, in many cases, accused women were contextualising their own experiences within a wider... >>Download<<
Witches Wives and Mothers
The Salem Witchcraft Papers Vol 3
The Salem Witchcraft Papers Vol 3 by Paul Boyer
Verbatim Transcriptions of the Court Records In three volumes Edited by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum. This is the most important and accessable resourse for anyone intersested in the Salem Witch Trials. It seems a real shame that a person can buy Journey albumn released ten years ago but books... >>Download<<
Is Wicca the Right Spiritual Path for Me
Is Wicca the Right Spiritual Path for Me by Frances Billinghurst
Australian High Priestess Frances Billinghurst is a regular contributor to The Magickal Light ezine.She has been exploring the occult since early adulthood and came to the realisation that the more she discovers, the less she knows and that this will be a life long learning journey. She describes... >>Download<<
Annals of Witchcraft in New England And Elsewhere in the United States by Samuel Gardner Drake
THIS is the firft Attempt, fo far as is known to the Writer, to collect together the Annals of Witchcraft in this Country. Like all firft Attempts in an untrodden Path of Hiftory, this may fall ftiort of Expectation in feveral refpedts. Thofe who look for a Succeflion of Tales of Horrour of the... >>Download<<
Annals of Witchcraft in New England And Elsewhere in the United States
The Salem Witchcraft Papers Vol 2 by Paul Boyer
Verbatim Transcriptions of the Court Records In three volumes Edited by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum. This is the most important and accessable resourse for anyone intersested in the Salem Witch Trials. It seems a real shame that a person can buy Journey albumn released ten years ago but books... >>Download<<
The Salem Witchcraft Papers Vol 2
The Apprehension and Confession of Three Notorious Witches
The Apprehension and Confession of Three Notorious Witches by Anonymous
If we would call to remembrance the manifolde mercies and innumerable benefites which the almightie hath and daily bestoweth upon us, in consideration thereof, we are bound to with-draw our filthy affections and naughty dispostions, from the use of such detestable dealinges, as both are detested of... >>Download<<
Salem Witchcraft With an Account of Salem Village
Salem Witchcraft With an Account of Salem Village by Charles Wentworth Upham
This work was originally constructed, and in previous editions appeared, in the form of Lectures. The only vestiges of that form, in its present shape, are certain modes of expression. The language retains the character of an address by a speaker to his hearers being more familiar, direct, and... >>Download<<
The Philosophy of Witchcraft by John Mitchell
The Philosophy'of Deroonology, or Witchcraft, involves in it, in a greater or lesser degree, the history of a considerable portion of the inhabitants of every age and nation, and embraces," within the wide range of its illustrations, the consideration of some of the most important faculties of the... >>Download<<
The Philosophy of Witchcraft
The Devil Mark And Witch Prickers Of Scotland by John McDonald
Search for the Devil's or witch's marks formed an important part of the examination of suspected witches in the 17th century. These skin marks were insensitive to piercing by a needle and did not bleed. Ideas about them varied between countries. In England and America, the mark was regarded as an... >>Download<<
The Devil Mark And Witch Prickers Of Scotland
Gendered Alter Wiccan Concepts of Gender and Ritual Objects
Gendered Alter Wiccan Concepts of Gender and Ritual Objects by Jesse Daniel Sloan
Many ethnographic accounts within the annals of anthropological literature describe the religious beliefs and magical rituals of peoples throughout the world. Fewer scholars have focused on the relatively young Neo-Pagan religious movement. "Neo-Pagan," explains Helen Berger in Voices from the... >>Download<<
A Treatise Of Witchcraft
A Treatise Of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
I find the idea of rating an historical publication like Alexandr Roberts' A Treatise of Witchcraft difficult, so I have opted not to do so. However, the content itself is very interesting. In his 1620 writing Roberts moves through a series of topics related to witchcraft: he begins by insisting... >>Download<<
FAQ On Wicca And Witchcraft And More by Gordon Ireland
This list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is designed as an introduction to Wicca and to this newsgroup as well as a reference for those investigating the religion of Wicca for the first time.This FAQ was first composed in March 1995 as a composite of three drafts by different authors: Lleu,... >>Download<<
FAQ On Wicca And Witchcraft And More
Weaving Magic Webs Internet Identities and Teen Wiccan Subcultures by Julia Davies
Weaving Magic Webs: Internet Identities and Teen Wiccan subcultures. A consideration of one particular on line community and their web based interactions Dr. Julia Davies.This paper outlines ongoing research looking at the use made of the Internet by many teenaged girls, who form networks and... >>Download<<
Weaving Magic Webs Internet Identities and Teen Wiccan Subcultures
A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to1718
A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to1718 by Wallace Notestein
In its original form this essay was the dissertation submitted for a doctorate in philosophy conferred by Yale University in 1908. When first projected it was the writer's purpose to take up the subject of English witchcraft under certain general political and social aspects. It was not long,... >>Download<<
What Is Wicca Article 1
What Is Wicca Article 1 by Anonymous
"Wicca" is the name of a contemporary Neo-Pagan religion, largely promulgated and popularized by the efforts of a retired British civil servant named Gerald Gardner [late 1940's]. In the last few decades, Wicca has spread in part due to its popularity among feminists and others seeking a more... >>Download<<
Doctors And Witchdoctors Witch Doctors Are Witch by Larry Briskman
A witch doctor originally referred to a type of cunning man who treated ailments believed to be caused by witchcraft. It is currently used to refer to healers in some third world regions, who use traditional healing rather than contemporary medicine. In the first world it usually refers to... >>Download<<
Doctors And Witchdoctors Witch Doctors Are Witch
Impossibility Of Witchcraft by Anonymous
Jane Wenham was the last person prosecuted for witchcraft in England. She quarreled with her neighbors and then unwisely brought suit against the one who had called her "a witch and a bitch." Things went from bad to worse and she found herself charged, tried, and convicted of witchcraft. The judge... >>Download<<
Impossibility Of Witchcraft
13 Questions On Paganism And Wicca
13 Questions On Paganism And Wicca by Richard Roy
My conception of any sincerely religious person is that he tries to express his convictions into his life. To me, it seems that the most potent form of prayer is in work. Or like Gurdjieff said, "Work as if everything depends on work. Pray as if everything depends on prayer." It seems to me the... >>Download<<
The Psychology of the Salem Witchcraft Excitement of 1692
The Psychology of the Salem Witchcraft Excitement of 1692 by George Miller Beard
The psychology underlying the Salem witch trials in New England during the late 1600s stems from various Puritan and religious beliefs. Men like Cotton Mather and other clergy of New England believed that the spiritual and earthly realms intermingled. As such, many believed that Satan sent his... >>Download<<
A True Relation Of The Araignment Of Thirty Witches by Anonymous
At Chensford in Essex, before Iudge Coniers, fourteene whereof were hanged on Friday last, Iuly 25. 1645. there being at this time a hundred more in severall prisons in Suffolke and Essex. Setting forth the Confessions of the principall of them. Also shewing how the Divell had carnall copulation... >>Download<<
A True Relation Of The Araignment Of Thirty Witches
The Superstitions of Witchcraft by Howard Williams
People all over the world have grown up cowering under the false representation of the witch. Belinda Smith, High Priestess to the Silver Serpent Coven, and known as Becca to her coven kin, presents a description of what most people think of when they hear the word "witch": "Parents were telling...... >>Download<<
The Superstitions of Witchcraft
Witch Milk And Witches Marks
Witch Milk And Witches Marks by Thomas Forbes
The term witch's milk, referring usually to the mammary secretion of newborn infants,t is an example of that small group of medical and biological words and phrases which had its origin in the popular vocabulary of past centuries. (Freemartin2' is a similar term.) Such expressions lack the... >>Download<<
The Lawes Against Witches
The Lawes Against Witches by Anonymous
The LAWES against WITCHES, AND CONJURATION AND Some brief Notes and Observations for the Discovery of WITCHES. Being very usefull for these Times, wherein the DEVIL reignes and prevailes over the soules of poor Creatures, in drawing them to that crying Sin of WITCH-CRAFT.Be it enacted by the King... >>Download<<
The Legal Basis For Wicca by Anonymous
The following are four court rulings regarding the legal legitimacy of the Wiccan religion and other cases that support religious freedom. The text from this page was graciously reprinted with permission by ShadowStorm at Pagans Unlimited. For original versions of this page, please visit Pagan's... >>Download<<
The Legal Basis For Wicca
Salem Witchcraft Comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World by Cotton Mather
we are told in Wonders of the Inviftble Worlds "that the devils were walking about our ftreets with lengthened chains, making a dreadful noife in our ears and brimftone (even without a metaphor) was making a horrid and helliih flench in our noftrils " and, " that the devil, exhibiting... >>Download<<
Salem Witchcraft Comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World
Witchcraft and Devil Lore in the Channel Islands
Witchcraft and Devil Lore in the Channel Islands by John Linwood Pitts
TRANSCRIPTS FROM THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE GUERNSEY ROYAL COURT, WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION.In presenting to the public another little volume of the "Guille-Alles Library Series," it affords me much pleasure to acknowledge various kindnesses experienced during its... >>Download<<
Spiritualism as Modern Witchcraft in New England from 1848 to 1866
Spiritualism as Modern Witchcraft in New England from 1848 to 1866 by Nathan Beier
This paper was written for History 396: Transformation of the Witch in American Culture. The course was taught by Professor Carol Karlsen in Winter 2009.1848 found New York to be a hothouse of religious and social innovation. In Seneca Falls, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other female reformers... >>Download<<
The Witch And The Demoniac In Tudor And Stuart England by Stephanie du Barry
This analysis will argue that that very few of the accused witches in Tudor and Stuart England were in fact insane but that the accusers, whether possessed or otherwise "bewitched" were far more likely to be suffering from some form of mental disorder. Witchcraft beliefs in Tudor and Stuart England... >>Download<<
The Witch And The Demoniac In Tudor And Stuart England
History Of Wicca In England by Julia Phillips
This talk was given by Julia Phillips at the Wiccan Conference in Canberra, 1991. It is mainly about the early days of the Wicca in England specifically what we now call Gardnerian and Alexandrian traditions. The text remains "as given", so please remember when you read it that it was never... >>Download<<
History Of Wicca In England
A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft
A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft by John Stearne
John Stearne was an associate of Matthew Hopkins the Witchfinder General. He was known at various times as the witch-hunter,and "witch pricker", John Stearne, a family man and land owner from Lawshall near Bury St Edmunds, was 10 years older than Hopkins. He maintained a house in Manningtree which... >>Download<<
So My Kid Is A Witch
So My Kid Is A Witch by Anonymous
How to deal with your teen's new faith. Book's Topics:

- Introduction

- Brief Witchcraft Overview

- Strongly Opposed?

- References

- Closing >>Download<<
Witchcraft of New England Explained By Modern Spiritualism by Allen Putnam
MOST history of New England witchcraft written since 1760 has dishonored the dead by lavish imputations of imposture, fraud, malice, credulity, and infatuation has been sacrificing past acts, motives, and character to skepticism regarding the sagacity and manliness of the fathers, the... >>Download<<
Witchcraft of New England Explained By Modern Spiritualism
Witchcraft in History of the English Speaking Peoples by Alan Macfarlane
Witchcraft, in various historical, anthropological, religious and mythological contexts, is the alleged use of supernatural or magical powers, usually to inflict harm or damage upon members of a community or their property. Other uses of the term distinguish between bad witchcraft and good... >>Download<<
Witchcraft in History of the English Speaking Peoples
Mysterious Delusions Witchcraft in Salem
Mysterious Delusions Witchcraft in Salem by Walter Rowe
The Salem witchcraft trials are events that most Americans have heard of, but about which they actually know very little. For example, some people believe that witches were burnt in Salem. Actually, the prescribed punishment for witchcraft under English law was hanging. Another commonly held belief... >>Download<<
Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts
Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts by Abner Cheney Goodell
Reaching Out to Wiccans by Anonymous
Begin your time together by asking your students to name as many TV shows, books, movies and video games as they can that deal with witches, the supernatural world and the occult. As they name them, list each one on a chalkboard, whiteboard or large sheet of paper. Say something like this:... >>Download<<
Reaching Out to Wiccans
The Witch And Other Stories by Andrew Lang
Andrew Lang's Fairy Books or Andrew Lang's "Coloured" Fairy Books constitute a twelve-book series of fairy tale collections. Although Andrew Lang did not collect the stories himself from the oral tradition, the extent of his sources, who had collected them originally (with the notable exception of... >>Download<<
The Witch And Other Stories
Woman Witchcraft or The Curse of Coquetry A Dramatic Romance
Woman Witchcraft or The Curse of Coquetry A Dramatic Romance by Corine Lestrange
WOMAN'S witchcraft: THE CUESE OF COQUETRY a Dramatic Romance by CORINNE LESTRANGE.Although historical accuracy is not pretended to in this if in anysimilar composition, it may be mentioned that, according to the chronicles of Spain, King Philip V. lost his queen, Maria Louisa, by death, in 1714 ... >>Download<<
What Is Wicca Article 2
What Is Wicca Article 2 by Anonymous
"Wicca" is the name of a contemporary Neo-Pagan religion, largely promulgated and popularized by the efforts of a retired British civil servant named Gerald Gardner [late 1940's]. In the last few decades, Wicca has spread in part due to its popularity among feminists and others seeking a more... >>Download<<
Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft by William Frederick Poole
Nearly two centuries have passed away since the saddest tragedy of early New England history was enacted at Salem and Salem Village. Instead of fading out from the memory of men, the incidents of Salem Witchcraft are receiving more attention to-day than at any former period. Tlie fact of its being... >>Download<<
Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft
Something Wicked This Way Comes Constructing The Witch by Catherine Armetta Shufelt
What is a Witch? Traditional mainstream media images of Witches tell us they are evil "devil worshipping baby killers," green-skinned hags who fly on brooms, or flaky tree huggers who dance naked in the woods. A variety of mainstream media has worked to support these notions as well as develop new... >>Download<<
Something Wicked This Way Comes Constructing The Witch
Lectures on Witchcraft Comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem in 1692
Lectures on Witchcraft Comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem in 1692 by Charles Wentworth Upham
The following Lectures were originally prepared for delivery in the Salem Lyceum. They have been repeated before similar associations in Marblehead, in Beverly, in South Danvers, in North Danvers, in Waltham, in Gloucester, in Haverhill, in Lynn, and in Topsfield. A large part of what appears in... >>Download<<
The Witch of Salem
The Witch of Salem by John Musick
Charles Stevens of Salem, with Cora Waters, the daughter of an indented slave, whose father was captured at the time of the overthrow of the Duke of Monmouth, are the principal characters. Samuel Parris, the chief actor in the Salem tragedy, is a serious study, and has been painted, after a careful... >>Download<<
Nocturne City Book 4 Witch Craft by Caitlin Kittredge
Someone, or something, is setting fire to the homes of the city's most infamous non-humans, racking up a body count that's growing by the day. And strange, otherworldly creatures no one has seen before--selkies trolls and harpies--are causing chaos throughout the city. Racing to stop the carnage,... >>Download<<
Nocturne City Book 4 Witch Craft
A Modern Witch Hunt Among The Lango Of Uganda by Ray Abrahams
The material presented in this paper was collected in 1967 while I was carrying out research in Labwor, Northern Uganda, It concerns events which took place at that time in the neighbouring area of Lango District, the home region of President Obote. For a variety of reasons, I did not investigate... >>Download<<
A Modern Witch Hunt Among The Lango Of Uganda
REP Insight The Witches Resource Pack
REP Insight The Witches Resource Pack by Anonymous
Welcome to 'The Witches' resource pack. The activities included in this pack are intended for use within Key Stage 2, although they can be adapted for use with any age.The pack has been divided into curriculum areas Literacy, Drama and Art and Design. Each section has suggested teaching... >>Download<<
Notes on Witchcraft
Notes on Witchcraft by George Lyman Kittredge
George Lyman Kittredge (February 28, 1860-July 23, 1941) was a scholar of English literature and a professor at Harvard University. Between his position at Harvard and his editions of major literary figures, notably William Shakespeare, he was one of the most influential American literary critics... >>Download<<
Exegesis On The Wiccan Rede by Judy Harrow
All religions began with somebody's sudden flashing insight, enlightenment, a shining vision. Some mystic found the way and the words to share the vision, and, sharing it, attracted followers. The followers may repeat those precise and poetic words about the visionuntil they congeal into set... >>Download<<
Exegesis On The Wiccan Rede
Witches An Extraordinary Expression of Misogyny in the 16th and 17th Centuries by Stephanie du Barry
Woman hating during the 16th and 17th centuries was far from being a new phenomenon - it was rooted deep in the male psyche where it had been since primitive man. Woman hating, according to anthropological studies, stems from an innate fear which is still now evident among most pre-literate... >>Download<<
Witches An Extraordinary Expression of Misogyny in the 16th and 17th Centuries
History of Salem Witchcraft A Review of Charles Upham Great Work
History of Salem Witchcraft A Review of Charles Upham Great Work by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Charles Wentworth Upham (May 4, 1802 - June 15, 1875) was a U.S. Representative from Massachusetts. Upham was also a member, and President of the Massachusetts State Senate, the 7th Mayor of Salem, Massachusetts, and twice a member of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives. Upham was the... >>Download<<
Robin Hood And The Witches
Robin Hood And The Witches by Michael Magee
Robin Hood is the King Arthur of the people. The "bitter cry" of the oppressed was echoed in the Old English Chronicle of the days of Stephen and, ignored by court historians and writers of romance, centuries had to elapse before it could find adequate expression in the alliterative lines of Piers... >>Download<<
Salem Witchcraft in Outline The Story Without the Tedious Detail by Caroline Upham
The author of the present volume claims to be neither a brilliant essayist nor an historian, but having been urged to prepare a sketch of the History, now offers it to the public as one would the photograph of a notable scene, not a great original painting. And if, as it must be, the rich coloring... >>Download<<
Salem Witchcraft in Outline The Story Without the Tedious Detail
Obeah Witchcraft in the West Indies OCR Version by Hesketh Bell
Obeah (sometimes spelled Obi, Obea or Obia) is a term used in the West Indies to refer to folk magic, sorcery, and religious practices derived from West African, and specifically Igbo origin. Obeah is similar to other African derived religions including Palo, Voodoo, Santeria, rootwork, and most of... >>Download<<
Obeah Witchcraft in the West Indies OCR Version
Witchcraft and Superstitious Record In The South Western District of Scotland
Witchcraft and Superstitious Record In The South Western District of Scotland by John Maxwell Wood
Witchcraft persecutions really began in England in 1563 with the statute of Elizabeth I, much later than elsewhere in Europe, but did not really become fully developed until the reign of James I. Various estimates have been given of the number of persons hanged as witches in England during the... >>Download<<
Magician Or Witch Christopher Marlowe Doctor Faustus
Magician Or Witch Christopher Marlowe Doctor Faustus by Michelle Matthews
In this project, I look closely at the play Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and its relationship to the witchcraft and magic debates that occurred in Early Modern Europe. Europe was alive with witch crazes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries witches were considered a manifestation... >>Download<<
The Physician And Witchcraft In Restoration England by Garfield Tourney
Witchcraft persecutions really began in England in 1563 with the statute of Elizabeth I, much later than elsewhere in Europe, but did not really become fully developed until the reign of James I. Various estimates have been given of the number of persons hanged as witches in England during the... >>Download<<
The Physician And Witchcraft In Restoration England
A Short History of the Salem Village Witchcraft Trials by Martin Van Buren Perley
This short history meets that earnest desire it gives the origin, growth, and death of the hideous monster it gives dates, courts, and names of places, jurors, witnesses, and those hanged it names and explains certain "men and things" that are concomitant to the trials, with which the... >>Download<<
A Short History of the Salem Village Witchcraft Trials
Trial of Manningtree Witches in Chelmsford 1645
Trial of Manningtree Witches in Chelmsford 1645 by Anonymous
Of the severall Informations, Examinations, and Confessions of the late Witches, arraigned and executed in the County of Essex. Who were arraigned and condemned at the late Sessions, holden at Chelmesford before the Right Honorable ROBERT,Earle of Warwicke, and severall of his Majesties Justices of... >>Download<<
Witchcraft Weather and Economic Growth in Renaissance Europe
Witchcraft Weather and Economic Growth in Renaissance Europe by Emily Oster
This paper explores the possibility that the witchcraft trials are a large-scale example of violence and scapegoating prompted by a deterioration in economic conditions. In this case, the downturn was brought on by a decrease in temperature and resulting food shortages. The most active period of... >>Download<<
Issue 03 November 2006 vol 3 Crystal Fire Faery by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 03 November 2006 vol 3 Crystal Fire Faery
Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts ORC Version by Abner Cheney Goodell
Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts ORC Version
The Witch In Scotland And The Witch In East Anglia A Comparative Study
The Witch In Scotland And The Witch In East Anglia A Comparative Study by Stephanie du Barry
What characteristics predisposed individuals to accusations of witchcraft? In looking at both the accused themselves and at the accusations, one is struck with many notable similarities between witches in Scotland and witches in East Anglia. This paper will examine those similarities as well as... >>Download<<
A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft OCR Version
A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft OCR Version by John Stearne
John Stearne was an associate of Matthew Hopkins the Witchfinder General. He was known at various times as the witch-hunter,and "witch pricker", John Stearne, a family man and land owner from Lawshall near Bury St Edmunds, was 10 years older than Hopkins. He maintained a house in Manningtree which... >>Download<<
Witchcraft in Salem Village in 1692 Together With Some Account Of Other Witchcraft Prosecutions by Winfield Nevins
MY design in writing this book has been to tell the story of the witchcraft delusion of 1692 in such a way as to convey a faithful picture to the reader. In order to do this it seemed advisable to give some account of the settlement of Salem and the neighboring villages, and their growth from 1626... >>Download<<
Witchcraft in Salem Village in 1692 Together With Some Account Of Other Witchcraft Prosecutions
Bewitched And Bothered by Edward Hare
Unclean Spirits: Possession and Exorcism in France and England in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries. D P Walker. (Pp 116.) Scolar Press. 1981. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 282. >>Download<<
Bewitched And Bothered
Discovery of Witches
Discovery of Witches by Thomas Potts
Were not every chapter of the history of the human mind too precious an inheritance to be willingly relinquished -for appalling as its contents may be the value of the materials it may furnish may be inestimable -we might otherwise be tempted to wish that the miserable record in which the excesses... >>Download<<
Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply
Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply by Charles Wentworth Upham
Charles Wentworth Upham (1802-1875) was a member of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives in the 19th century. He was the cousin of George Baxter Upham and Jabez Upham. A classmate and former friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Upham was an opponent of the burgeoning Transcendentalism... >>Download<<
A Dialogue Concerning Witches and Witchcraftes by George Gifford
To the Right Worshipfull Maister Robert Clarke, one of her Majesties Barons of her Highnes Court of Eschequer.Certaine yeares now past, right Worshipfull, I published a small Treatise concerning Witches, to lay open some of Sathans sleightes, and subtill practices, least the ignoranter sort should... >>Download<<
A Dialogue Concerning Witches and Witchcraftes
The Survival of Witchcraft Prosecutions and Witch Belief in South West Scotland by Lizanne Henderson
During the era of the Scottish witch-hunts, Dumfries and Galloway was one of the last regions to initiate witch prosecutions, but it was also one of the most reluctant to completely surrender all belief in witches until a comparatively late date. In the late seventeeth and early eighteenth... >>Download<<
The Survival of Witchcraft Prosecutions and Witch Belief in South West Scotland
Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases
Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases by George Lincoln Burr
1914. A volume in the Original Narratives of Early American History series. These narratives of witchcraft are no fairy tales. Weird as they seem to us, they were the most intense of realities to thousands of men and women in 17th century America. They were the bulletins of a war more actual, more... >>Download<<
Teen Witches Wiccans and Wanna Blessed Be
Teen Witches Wiccans and Wanna Blessed Be by Lawton Winslade
J. Lawton Winslade Teen Witches, Wiccans, and "Wanna-Blessed-Be's": Pop-Culture Magic in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.In a series about vampires and magic, where words have visible magical effects and vampirism itself is based on a quite literal contagion, Buffy seems a perfect text to explore such... >>Download<<
Witchcraft And The Suspicion Of Witchery by Hippolyte Taine
If one restricts one's horizon to the Danvers village near present-day Salem town, one can be led to the belief that what went wrong in the "Salem witchcraft" frenzy of 1692 had to do with traumatized little girls, acting out their traumas, or had to do with an ergot poisoning of the stomachs, and... >>Download<<
Witchcraft And The Suspicion Of Witchery
Salem Witchcraft in Outline The Story Without the Tedious Detail OCR Version by Caroline Upham
The author of the present volume claims to be neither a brilliant essayist nor an historian, but having been urged to prepare a sketch of the History, now offers it to the public as one would the photograph of a notable scene, not a great original painting. And if, as it must be, the rich coloring... >>Download<<
Salem Witchcraft in Outline The Story Without the Tedious Detail OCR Version
Bibliographical Notes On The Witchcraft Literature of Scotland
Bibliographical Notes On The Witchcraft Literature of Scotland by John Ferguson
John Ferguson (1837-1916), Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow from 1874-1915, is best remembered for his Bibliotheca chemica, Glasgow, 1906, which is a standard tool for every investigation in the history and bibliography of chemistry. Ferguson was a keen book collector and... >>Download<<
New England Other Witchhunt The Hartford Witchhunt Of The 1660
New England Other Witchhunt The Hartford Witchhunt Of The 1660 by Walter Woodward
Although many teachers focus on the Salem witch-hunt of 1692, the history of witchcraft in New England provides other important perspectives from which to examine this perennially interesting topic. Salem, as the most expansive and punitive single episode of witch-hunting in colonial New En gland,... >>Download<<
Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The US Military by Robert Maginnis
It is quite possible to maintain an army that is totally male, totally white, totally heterosexual and totally monotheistic. However, in its wisdom, the U.S. army became integrated a few decades ago they have allowed women into an increasing range of assignments. They do not reject those gays... >>Download<<
Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The US Military
Ye Lyttle Salem Maide A Story of Witchcraft by Pauline Bradford Mackie Hopkins
Ye lyttle Salem maide, a story of witchcraft (1898), a novel by Pauline Bradford Mackie (1873-?), Lamson, Wolffe and Co., Boston, 1898.PAULINE BRADFORD MACKIE has distinguished herself as a writer of historical fiction, and for this her work is worthy of close consideration. The work of Pauline... >>Download<<
Ye Lyttle Salem Maide A Story of Witchcraft
Witches Wicca And Revitalization Reconsiderations
Witches Wicca And Revitalization Reconsiderations by Amber Lynne Ault
This paper considers the anthropological conception of witch, presents an ethnographic description of some modern witches practicing their religion in the American Midwest, and considers this witchcraft or Wicca as we shall come to call it, in light of the cultural revitalization movement model... >>Download<<
The Ethics of a Dual Relationship Psychotherapist and Wiccan Clergy
The Ethics of a Dual Relationship Psychotherapist and Wiccan Clergy by Ellen Friedman
Wiccan clergy psychotherapists encounter complex ethical dilemmas due to dual roles. In an attempt to understand the extreme complexity of the multiple roles, this discourse begins with examination of current ethical codes of the professional societies. Recent literature related to dual... >>Download<<
Witchcraft Farther Displayd by Fransis Bragge
The 18th century was a wealth of knowledge, exploration and rapidly growing technology and expanding record-keeping made possible by advances in the printing press. In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions... >>Download<<
Witchcraft Farther Displayd
A Short History of the Salem Village Witchcraft Trials OCR Version by Martin Van Buren Perley
This short history meets that earnest desire it gives the origin, growth, and death of the hideous monster it gives dates, courts, and names of places, jurors, witnesses, and those hanged it names and explains certain "men and things" that are concomitant to the trials, with which the... >>Download<<
A Short History of the Salem Village Witchcraft Trials OCR Version
The Discovery of Witches In Answer to Severall Queries Lately Ver 1
The Discovery of Witches In Answer to Severall Queries Lately Ver 1 by Matthew Hopkins
IN Answer to severall QUERIES, LATELY Delivered to the Judges of Assize for the County of NORFOLK. Certaine Queries answered, which have been and are likely to be objected against MATTHEW HOPKINS, in his way of finding out Witches. >>Download<<
The Crucible And The Reasons for The Salem Witch Hunt
The Crucible And The Reasons for The Salem Witch Hunt by Tobias Johansson
The purpose of this essay is to examine and discuss what the reasons behind the witch hunts in Salem were and attempt to explain why and how they could occur. In order to do so, the following questions have been chosen in order to narrow down the field of interest, as the topic in itself is very... >>Download<<
The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut 1647 to 1697 by John Taylor
1908. The true story of witchcraft in Connecticut has never been told. It has been hidden in the ancient records and in manuscripts in private collection, and those most conversant with the facts have not made them known for one reason or another. It is written here, from authoritative sources,... >>Download<<
The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut 1647 to 1697
Issue 14 October 2007 vol 1 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 14 October 2007 vol 1
Chelmsford Witches
Chelmsford Witches by Frank Luttmer
The Examination and Confession of Certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex, before the Queen Majesty's Judges, the 26th day of July Anno 1566 (London, 1566)The examination of them with their confession before Doctor Cole and Master Foscue at the same Assize verbatum as near as could be... >>Download<<
Ye Lyttle Salem Maide A Story of Witchcraft OCR Version
Ye Lyttle Salem Maide A Story of Witchcraft OCR Version by Pauline Bradford Mackie Hopkins
Ye lyttle Salem maide, a story of witchcraft (1898), a novel by Pauline Bradford Mackie (1873-?), Lamson, Wolffe and Co., Boston, 1898.PAULINE BRADFORD MACKIE has distinguished herself as a writer of historical fiction, and for this her work is worthy of close consideration. The work of Pauline... >>Download<<
Confess Or Deny What A Witch To Do by Elizabeth Reis
Elizabeth Reis is Associate Professor of Women's and Gender History at the University of Oregon. I teach classes in Women's History, History of Sexuality, and Sex and Medical Ethics. >>Download<<
Confess Or Deny What A Witch To Do
A Rebel And Witch The Historical Context by MaryLynn Saul
Morgan le Fay, alternatively known as Morgane, Morgaine, Morgana and other variants, is a powerful sorceress in the Arthurian legend. Early works featuring Morgan do not elaborate her character beyond her role as a fay or magician. She became much more prominent in the later cyclical prose works... >>Download<<
A Rebel And Witch The Historical Context
Issue 43 MARCH 2010 Merry Spring Equinox
Issue 43 MARCH 2010 Merry Spring Equinox by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Some Observations On Witchcraft The Case Of The Aivilik Eskimos
Some Observations On Witchcraft The Case Of The Aivilik Eskimos by Arthur Hippler
Cultural and psychological theories of witchcraft are related in order to develop a more comprehensive theory. The proposed integrative schema is applied to witchcraft among the Aivilik Eskimos. Using a theoretical approach, continuities in pre-with post-contact witchcraft are related to Eskimo... >>Download<<
Overview And Guide for Wiccans In the Military by Sacred Well Congregation
This work developed out of an identified need for clear and concise information regarding the practice of Wicca, particularly as it pertains to US military members and their families, friends, commanders, and chaplains. Many people were significantly involved this effort. The authors would... >>Download<<
Overview And Guide for Wiccans In the Military
The Witchcraft Trial in Moscow by Friedrich Adler
I predict that Behind the Moscow Trial will stand not only as a brilliant attempt to clarify the conftirm status of this particular trial, but also as a land in intelligent political pamphleteering in the American labor and revolutionary movement. I know of no other such w^ork w^ritten by an... >>Download<<
The Witchcraft Trial in Moscow
Witchcraft in Kenmore from 1730 to 1757
Witchcraft in Kenmore from 1730 to 1757 by John Christie
This is an EXACT reproduction of a book published before 1923. This IS NOT an OCR'd book with strange characters, introduced typographical errors, and jumbled words. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part... >>Download<<
Feminist Redemption of the Witch Grimm and Michelet as 19 Century Models
Feminist Redemption of the Witch Grimm and Michelet as 19 Century Models by Qinna Shen
This article will focus on the reconfigurations of the image of the witch in Jacob Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie (1835) as well as Jules Michelet's La Sorciere (1862). It begins with the discussion of the prevalent negative perception of the witch during Jacob Grimm's lifetime in two iconic texts:... >>Download<<
Issue 39 NOVEMBER 2009 Thanksgiving Blessings To You And Yours by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 39 NOVEMBER 2009 Thanksgiving Blessings To You And Yours
Issue 02 November 2006 vol 2 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 02 November 2006 vol 2
Issue 13 September 2007 The Autumn Equinox
Issue 13 September 2007 The Autumn Equinox by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
The Discovery of Witches In Answer to Severall Queries Lately Ver 2
The Discovery of Witches In Answer to Severall Queries Lately Ver 2 by Matthew Hopkins
IN Answer to severall QUERIES, LATELY Delivered to the Judges of Assize for the County of NORFOLK. Certaine Queries answered, which have been and are likely to be objected against MATTHEW HOPKINS, in his way of finding out Witches. >>Download<<
The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut 1647 to 1697 OCR Version by John Taylor
1908. The true story of witchcraft in Connecticut has never been told. It has been hidden in the ancient records and in manuscripts in private collection, and those most conversant with the facts have not made them known for one reason or another. It is written here, from authoritative sources,... >>Download<<
The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut 1647 to 1697 OCR Version
Issue 06 February 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 06 February 2007
Notes on Witchcraft OCR Version
Notes on Witchcraft OCR Version by George Lyman Kittredge
George Lyman Kittredge (February 28, 1860-July 23, 1941) was a scholar of English literature and a professor at Harvard University. Between his position at Harvard and his editions of major literary figures, notably William Shakespeare, he was one of the most influential American literary critics... >>Download<<
The Literature of Witchcraft in New England
The Literature of Witchcraft in New England by Justin Winsor
The detailed consideration of the literary remains of witchcraft is clearly of the greatest value in helping us to understand it, and it is curious that no-one has attempted this approach before. Dr. Anglo's and his contributors' scholarly essays are therefore most welcome, and they stand out in... >>Download<<
Issue 01 November 2006 vol 1 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 01 November 2006 vol 1
New England Place in the History of Witchcraft by George Lincoln Burr
George Lincoln Burr (January 30, 1857 - 1938) was a U.S. historian, diplomat, author, and educator, best known as a Professor of History and Librarian at Cornell University, and as the closest collaborator of Andrew Dickson White, the first President of Cornell.Burr was born in Albany, New York and... >>Download<<
New England Place in the History of Witchcraft
Issue 49 SEPTEMBER 2010 In Memory ofIsaac Bonewits
Issue 49 SEPTEMBER 2010 In Memory ofIsaac Bonewits by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 44 APRIL 2010 What A Beautiful World
Issue 44 APRIL 2010 What A Beautiful World by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
The Witch of Prague by Marion Crawford
The witch Unorna pursues true love. While she is being pursued by Israel Kafka who is madly in love with her, Unorna falls madly in love with ""The Wanderer,"" who goes about the world in search of his long lost love, Beatrice. Unorna is not able to make the Wandered fall in love with her without... >>Download<<
The Witch of Prague
Issue 14 October 2007 vol 2 SAMHAIN CORRESPONDENCES by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 14 October 2007 vol 2 SAMHAIN CORRESPONDENCES
Issue 21 May 2008 Blessed Beltane
Issue 21 May 2008 Blessed Beltane by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 33 MAY 2009 Happy Beltane Samhain
Issue 33 MAY 2009 Happy Beltane Samhain by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 11 August 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 11 August 2007
Issue 40 DECEMBER 2009 Blessed Yule Blessed Litha by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 40 DECEMBER 2009 Blessed Yule Blessed Litha
Issue 45 MAY 2010 Samhain Blessings
Issue 45 MAY 2010 Samhain Blessings by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 09 May 2007
Issue 09 May 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 19 March 2008 Blessed Ostara by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 19 March 2008 Blessed Ostara
Issue 25 September 2008 Happy Mabon Autumn Equinox by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 25 September 2008 Happy Mabon Autumn Equinox
Issue 47 JULY 2010
Issue 47 JULY 2010 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 30 February 2009 Blessed Imbolc Lughnassadh
Issue 30 February 2009 Blessed Imbolc Lughnassadh by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 38 OCTOBER 2009 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 38 OCTOBER 2009
Issue 42 FEBRUARY 2010 Blessed Imbolc by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 42 FEBRUARY 2010 Blessed Imbolc
Issue 12 July 2007
Issue 12 July 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 07 March 2007
Issue 07 March 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 05 November 2006 vol 5 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 05 November 2006 vol 5
Issue 04 November 2006 vol 4 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 04 November 2006 vol 4
Issue 48 AUGUST 2010 Blessed Oimelc
Issue 48 AUGUST 2010 Blessed Oimelc by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 41 JANUARY 2010 Happy New Year
Issue 41 JANUARY 2010 Happy New Year by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 10 June 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 10 June 2007
Issue 08 April 2007 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 08 April 2007
Issue 28 December 2008 Blessed Yule
Issue 28 December 2008 Blessed Yule by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 37 SEPTEMBER 2009 Happy Mabon Ostara
Issue 37 SEPTEMBER 2009 Happy Mabon Ostara by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 24 August 2008 Blessed Lughnasadh by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 24 August 2008 Blessed Lughnasadh
Issue 16 December 2007 Happy Yule by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 16 December 2007 Happy Yule
Issue 34 JUNE 2009 Happy Litha Yule
Issue 34 JUNE 2009 Happy Litha Yule by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 26 October 2008 vol 1 Blessed Samhain
Issue 26 October 2008 vol 1 Blessed Samhain by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 22 June 2008 Blessed Midsummer Solstice by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 22 June 2008 Blessed Midsummer Solstice
Issue 35 JULY 2009 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 35 JULY 2009
Issue 27 November 2008 Happy Thanksgiving
Issue 27 November 2008 Happy Thanksgiving by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 20 April 2008 Blessed Spring
Issue 20 April 2008 Blessed Spring by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 29 January 2009 Happy 2009 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 29 January 2009 Happy 2009
Issue 32 APRIL 2009 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 32 APRIL 2009
Issue 36 AUGUST 2009 Blessed Lugnasadh Imbolc
Issue 36 AUGUST 2009 Blessed Lugnasadh Imbolc by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 46 June 2010 Happy Summer
Issue 46 June 2010 Happy Summer by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 23 July 2008 vol 1 Happy Independence Day by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 23 July 2008 vol 1 Happy Independence Day
Issue 26 October 2008 vol 2 by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 26 October 2008 vol 2
Issue 31 MARCH 2009 Blessed Ostara Mabon
Issue 31 MARCH 2009 Blessed Ostara Mabon by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 15 November 2007 Happy Thanksgiving
Issue 15 November 2007 Happy Thanksgiving by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 18 February 2008 Blessed Imbolc by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 18 February 2008 Blessed Imbolc
Issue 17 January 2008 Happy New Year by Correllian Times Emagazine
The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to WitchSchool.com. The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link... >>Download<<
Issue 17 January 2008 Happy New Year
A Wiccan Bible
A Wiccan Bible by AJ Drew
A Wiccan Bible: Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland, by A. J. Drew New Page Books, 1564146669, 312 pp., 2003This is the third book I have read by Mr. Drew (Wicca Spellcraft for Men and Wicca for Couples being the two previous ones). Even before I opened the covers I was... >>Review Only<<
Wicca Spellcraft For Men
Wicca Spellcraft For Men by AJ Drew
Wicca Spellcraft for Men, by A. J. Drew New Page, 2001The subtitle of this book gave me some trouble as soon as I saw it (A Spellbook for Male Pagans), and I feel it would be better without it. It is NOT a spellbook, it is a book about spells, and those are very different types of books.Every once... >>Review Only<<
Wicca for Couples Making Magick Together by AJ Drew
This book shows us the potential for a modern Wicca based on the lives of the pre-Christian Pagans, a Wicca where the structure is founded on the natural bonding of a couple, rather than the seclusion of the solitary practitioner or the confines of a coven. Wicca for Couples not only includes... >>Review Only<<
Wicca for Couples Making Magick Together
Weird Ways Of Witchcraft by Dr Leo Martello
I had no intention of writing a book on witchcraft. That was the farthest thing from my mind. I did have a couple of other book ideas. I dropped a note to my graphological colleague, Dorothy Sara, asking her if she knew of any publisher who might be interested. She got my letter on Monday, March... >>Review Only<<
Weird Ways Of Witchcraft
All One Wicca Book 2 A Grimoire
All One Wicca Book 2 A Grimoire by Kaatryn MacMorgan Douglas
"All One Wicca" - the most important book on Wicca you've never heard of. Created to serve the rapidly growing Universal Eclectic Wiccan audience, All One Wicca was first released for free onto the 'net in 1997. Since then, thousands of adulterated illegal downloads of the document have been... >>Review Only<<
The Winter Sabbat
The Winter Sabbat by Leo Ruickbie
What is the real meaning of Christmas? Have you ever wondered what Yule Logs, Fir Trees, Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe have to do with the supposed birth of a boy in the sun-baked Near East? Underneath the Christian layers there is a Pagan secret. Whatismore, it is a secret that Christianity has... >>Review Only<<
A Witch Alone by Marian Green
As the number of people interested in Paganism, Wicca, and Witchcraft continues to grow, so has the number of books aimed at the new Pagan or Wiccan. In many cases, these so-called "Wicca 101" books are a waste of valuable trees. Some are poorly written. Others contain the author's opinion and... >>Review Only<<
A Witch Alone
Witches Workshop Handbook A Short Guide To Participation In The Workshop Part I by Tim Hartridge
This Handbook contains an introduction to Witchcraft as well as a number of rituals. By familiarising yourself with the material in the Handbook you are taking your first steps toward the work we will undertake at the Witch Camp.These notes are intended to familiarise you with the introductory... >>Review Only<<
Witches Workshop Handbook A Short Guide To Participation In The Workshop Part I
The Social Benefits of Accepting Witchcraft in the Philippines
The Social Benefits of Accepting Witchcraft in the Philippines by Anonymous
Even in this modern age, the Philippines remains a country rich with superstitions about almost everything under the sun. Such superstitions have been passed orally by our ancient forefathers and are integral parts of the Filipino culture. In our society, the older generation is accustomed to... >>Review Only<<
Complete Idiots Guide To Wicca And Witchcraft
Complete Idiots Guide To Wicca And Witchcraft by Denise Zimmermann
This guide offers a beginner's look at the history of paganism, Wicca, and witchcraft, from the Druids and Celts to the witches of today who practice an earth-based religion, cast spells, and perform natural magic. The book, written by a practicing witch, reveals details ofthe witches' Sabbaths,... >>Review Only<<
The Witchs Master Grimoire An Encyclopedia of Charms Spells Formulas And Magical Rites by Lady Sabrina
The Witch's Master Grimoire contains numerous spells and magical rites in an A-Z format that are simple and easy to follow. Many of them make use of the power of fire through the flame of a candle. Others rely on the subtle vibrations of herbs, plants, and minerals. Those that require special oils... >>Review Only<<
The Witchs Master Grimoire An Encyclopedia of Charms Spells Formulas And Magical Rites
Wicca Revealed A First Year Within The Craft by Pino Longchild
Authored by Pino Longchild, webmaster of www.magickaschool.com, Wicca Revealed takes students on a spiritual and magical journey, which builds skill upon skill and provides in-depth knowledge of the Craft. Supported by a strong emphasis on guided research projects and exercises, prospective Witches... >>Review Only<<
Wicca Revealed A First Year Within The Craft
Wicca Revealed An Introductory Course In Wicca
Wicca Revealed An Introductory Course In Wicca by Pino Longchild
Wicca Revealed is a complete course in the fundamentals of Wicca. While there are a lot of books that claim to do this, Wicca Revealed does it in a different way. Most of the books that are out there are designed to be worked through in a few weeks. Some offer bits and pieces of Wicca and allow the... >>Review Only<<
Cunningham Encyclopedia Of Wicca In The Kitchen
Cunningham Encyclopedia Of Wicca In The Kitchen by Scott Cunningham
There's a reason caviar has a reputation as a love food, but a little vanilla or peppermint can work wonders too! You'll savor mushrooms like never before after experiencing their intuitive-raising effects, and a munch of celery will resonate with new meaning as it boosts your sexual desire and... >>Review Only<<
Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
Cunningham's classic introduction to Wicca is about how to live life magically, spiritually, and wholly attuned with nature. It is a book of sense and common sense, not only about magick, but about religion and one of the most critical issues of today: how to achieve the much needed and wholesome... >>Review Only<<
Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner
The Witchs Spellcraft Revised by Tarostar
This is a wonderfull little book to have in your library. Its written much like her other book The Witchs Formulary and SpellBook.......its full of rhymes and spells by her and lady charmaine dey. I highly reccomend this one even if its just to have it for your collection. Its based on Hoodoo and... >>Review Only<<
The Witchs Spellcraft Revised
Green Witchcraft
Green Witchcraft by Ann Moura
Positive, practical, and easy to use, Green Witchcraft brings together the best of both modern Wicca and the author`s family heritage of herb craft and folk magic. Green Witchcraft explores the fundamentals of the Wiccan religion, providing magical training for the independent thinker. Step-by-step... >>Review Only<<
The Well Read Witch
The Well Read Witch by Carl McColman
Here's help for anyone with a sincere interest in Wiccan ways find the best books to read. With reviews of over four hundred books, this will be an essential handbook for anyone interested in reading about the magical world of Witchcraft-as well as related topics of interest to any Wiccan... >>Review Only<<
The Hammer Of Witches A Complete Translation Of The Malleus Maleficarum by Christopher Mackay
The Malleus Maleficarum (Latin for "The Hammer of Witches", or "Der Hexenhammer" in German) is a famous treatise on witches, written in 1486 by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, two Inquisitors of the Catholic Church, and was first published in Germany in 1487. The main purpose of the Malleus was... >>Review Only<<
The Hammer Of Witches A Complete Translation Of The Malleus Maleficarum
Spiritual Philosophy And Practice Of Wicca In The US Military by David Oringderff
Copyright: Sacred Well Congregation holds the copyright to this book.Author: Dr. David L. Oringderff, Executive Director of the Sacred Well Congregation. Download: You can download this book from Sacred Well Congregation site: http://www.sacredwell.org/documents/sppwm101701F.pdfThis work developed... >>Review Only<<
Spiritual Philosophy And Practice Of Wicca In The US Military
Practising The Witchs Craft Real Magic Under A Southern Sky
Practising The Witchs Craft Real Magic Under A Southern Sky by Douglas Ezzy
This book contains the stories of individual Witches, but it is much more than personal stories. It contains some spells, but it is much more than a spell book. It describes some of the theory and history of Witchcraft, but it is much more than a theory book.Telling the stories of ordinary people... >>Review Only<<
Witchcraft Today
Witchcraft Today by Gerald Gardner
In this book Dr. Gardner states that he has found in various parts of England groups of people who still practise the same rites as the so-called 'witches' of the Middle Ages, and that the rites are a true survival and not a mere revival copied out of books. In his easy pleasant style he gives a... >>Review Only<<
A Witchs Guide to Ghost and the Supernatural by Gerina Dunwich
Ghosts and the supernatural have been a part of my existence for as long as I can remember. My attraction to ghosts developed early in life and a psychic once told me that I was born with something unusual in my aura that attracted ghosts to me. Undoubtedly, some people--especially those of the... >>Review Only<<
A Witchs Guide to Ghost and the Supernatural
Herbal Magick A Witchs Guide to Herbal Enchantments Folklore and Divinations by Gerina Dunwich
Herbs can be used to cure or to curse, as well as to conjure or to banish supernatural entities. They can enchant our gardens and our homes, and guide us on the path to transformation and self-improvement. But, most importantly, herbal magick can open the door to spiritual realms and other worlds,... >>Review Only<<
Herbal Magick A Witchs Guide to Herbal Enchantments Folklore and Divinations
Witchcraft A Concise Guide
Witchcraft A Concise Guide by Isaac Bonewits
This book is the product of many years of reading scholarly works, some of them well respected by their colleagues, some heretical (then or now), and a few genuinely ground-breaking ones here and there. Just as important in many ways, however, have been the words and actions of those brave women... >>Review Only<<
A Witches Bible The Complete Witches Handbook
A Witches Bible The Complete Witches Handbook by Janet Farrar
The Complete Witches' Handbook.Everything you need to know is here! The Sabbats Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle The Complete Book of Shadows The Great Rite Initiation Rites Consecration Rites Spells Witches' Tools Witchcraft & Sex Running a Coven ... >>Review Only<<
Wicca And The Christian Heritage Ritual Sex And Magic by Joanne Pearson
What is Wicca? Is it witchcraft, Paganism, occultism, esotericism, magic, spirituality, mysticism, nature religion, secrecy, gnosis, the exotic or 'other'? Wicca has been defined by and explored within all these contexts over the past thirty years by anthropologists, sociologists and historians,... >>Review Only<<
Wicca And The Christian Heritage Ritual Sex And Magic
Enchanted Feminism The Reclaiming Witches Of San Francisco by Jone Salomonsen
Gender research has now become more gender-inclusive rather than just women-centred, a change of great theoretical significance. The Religion and Gender Series is dedicated to publishing books which reflect that change. It will feature innovative, original research which moves away from... >>Review Only<<
Enchanted Feminism The Reclaiming Witches Of San Francisco
All One Wicca Book 1 Introduction
All One Wicca Book 1 Introduction by Kaatryn MacMorgan Douglas
"All One Wicca" - the most important book on Wicca you've never heard of. Created to serve the rapidly growing Universal Eclectic Wiccan audience, All One Wicca was first released for free onto the 'net in 1997. Since then, thousands of adulterated illegal downloads of the document have been... >>Review Only<<
Female Power Witchcraft and Gender in Elizabethan England
Female Power Witchcraft and Gender in Elizabethan England by Kate Dumycz
The subject of witchcraft within England has raised many different questions and theories: from the "refused charity" hypothesis with "social tensions thrown up by the transition from personal to institutional charity" as argued by MacFarlane/Thomas to the extreme feminist argument of a "complex... >>Review Only<<
Love Spells Reconsidered A Guide for Magicians Witches Clergy And Friends by Kenaz Filan
Some say that "no real Witch would ever cast a love spell to control another's will." This must come as a surprise to the many practitioners, past and present, who do a brisk business in love charms, philtres, and spells. An internet search on "love spells" returns over 28,000 hits among the... >>Review Only<<
Love Spells Reconsidered A Guide for Magicians Witches Clergy And Friends
Historical Dictionary Of Witchcraft by Michael Bailey
This book was written by an academic, and not a practicing witch, as is increasingly the custom. So he views the subject of witchcraft from without and not within, which is a better vantage point for most of us and helps us grasp the many twists and turns of an endlessly intriguing subject. Michael... >>Review Only<<
Historical Dictionary Of Witchcraft
Mastering Witchcraft
Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson
This is the closest you will ever come to read about true genuine authentic Witchcraft if you can omitt the Lords Prayer backward section. The recipes, spells, initiation, witches pyramid (very important), tools and coven chapters are a must for true witches. Mr Huson's recipes are not only genuine... >>Review Only<<
Bucklands Complete Book Of Witchcraft
Bucklands Complete Book Of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
This 1986 classic is not only an excellent introduction to the Wiccan religion and earth-based religions in general, it's also a workbook that can take the serious student to the equivalent level of third-degree Gardnerian. Though Raymond Buckland was a student of the late great Gerald Gardner,... >>Review Only<<
The Encyclopedia of Witches Witchcraft and Wicca by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
This edition retains the balanced tone and thorough research of the previous two (The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft, 1989 and 1999). In more than 480 entries, paranormal expert Guiley covers both historical witchcraft, such as the Salem witches,Santa Fe witches, and Stamford witches of the... >>Review Only<<
The Encyclopedia of Witches Witchcraft and Wicca
Living Wicca A Further Guide For The Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
Selling more than 200,000 copies, Living Wicca has helped countless solitary practitioners blaze their own spiritual paths. Let the wise words of Scott Cunningham guide you toward a new level of practice.Living Wicca takes a philosophical look at the questions, practices, and differences within... >>Review Only<<
Living Wicca A Further Guide For The Solitary Practitioner
Self Initiation For The Solitary Witch
Self Initiation For The Solitary Witch by Shanddaramon
In Hellenistic Greece and, most likely, far earlier in history, there existed several mystery schools. These spiritual schools existed, in theory at least, to teach people about the Great Mysteries of the gods. This learning took place in stages or degrees. Students began by dedicating themselves... >>Review Only<<
A Witch Like Me The Spiritual Journeys Of Today Pagan Practitioners
A Witch Like Me The Spiritual Journeys Of Today Pagan Practitioners by Sirona Knight
Right off the top let me say that I hope this book inspires another one or two in the same line, although perhaps not limited to book authors. I love the idea of learning more about some of the background of some of the "big names" in Paganism. Of course, some of the people I would most like to... >>Review Only<<
Witchcraft Mythologies And Persecutions by Gabor Klaniczay
Witchcraft Mythologies and Persecutions (Volume III Of Series "Demons, Spirits, Witches")This third, concluding volume of the series publishes 14 studies and the transcription of a round-table discussion on Carlo Ginzburg's Ecstasies. The themes of the previous two volumes, Communicating with the... >>Review Only<<
Witchcraft Mythologies And Persecutions
Exploring Wicca The Beliefs Rites And Rituals Of The Wiccan Religion by Lady Sabrina
Tens of thousands of people throughout the world practice or wish to practice Wicca on their own. This book serves as both a beginner's guide for those exploring Wicca for the first time, as well as a "refresher" to bring seasoned Witches up to speed.Exploring Wiccaprovides an overview of... >>Review Only<<
Exploring Wicca The Beliefs Rites And Rituals Of The Wiccan Religion
A Witchs Beverages and Brews Magick Potions Made Easy
A Witchs Beverages and Brews Magick Potions Made Easy by Patricia Telesco
This book is dedicated to good friends, without whom there would be little worthy of toasting. Specifically, to Walker, I promise never to serve you anything other than Coors Light and Sam Adams again. Rowan, Kit, and Danya, you canshow this to him when he gets uppity. To Maggie, AJ, Wade, Diane,... >>Review Only<<
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