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Grimoires And Manuscripts Books (54) 

The Book Of Secrets
The Book Of Secrets by Solomonic Grimoires
According to Lewis Spence in An Encyclopaedia of Occultism, the Oupnekhat or Oupnekhata (Book of the Secret) is a work written in Persian providing the following instructions for the production of visions: "To produce the wise Maschqgui (vision), we must sit on a four-cornered base, namely the... >>Download<<
The Book Of Raziel The Angel Or Sefer Raziel HaMalakh
The Book Of Raziel The Angel Or Sefer Raziel HaMalakh by Medieval Grimoires
There are many versions and translations of the legendary The Book Of Raziel the Angel Or Sefer Raziel Hamalakh. The original version of the book is written in Latin in Hebrew and Aramic. Now we are pleased to present you the long-awaited version of the book, translated into English. This is a... >>Download<<
The Grand Grimorie With The Great Clavicle Of Solomon by Solomonic Grimoires
The Grand Grimoire is a black magic grimoire that claims to date back to 1522. It is possibly written some point after the eighteenth century but also possibly it represented the translation of The Sworn Book of Honorius, a 13th century text. It was ostensibly published in Cairo by a person known... >>Download<<
The Grand Grimorie With The Great Clavicle Of Solomon
The 6th And 7th Book Of Moses by Ancient Grimoires
Besides the biblical five books of Moses (Pentateuch), there are other writings ascribed to Moses (pseudepigraphically no doubt). The so-called Sixth and Seventh books of Moses in particular consists of a collection of texts which purport to explain the magic whereby Moses won the biblical magic... >>Download<<
The 6th And 7th Book Of Moses
Grimoirum Verum Or The True Grimoire The Most Approved Keys Of Solomon
Grimoirum Verum Or The True Grimoire The Most Approved Keys Of Solomon by Solomonic Grimoires
The 'Grimorium Verum' (Latin for True Grimoire or The Grimoire of Truth), is a book on magic, or grimoire, allegedly written by "Alibeck the Egyptian" in Memphis in 1517. Scholars agree that such claim is untrue, as Memphis had long been in ruin by 1517, and that book really stems from 18th... >>Download<<
Grimoire Of Chaos Magick
Grimoire Of Chaos Magick by Julian Wilde
The purpose of this book/manual is solely to aid the reader in his/her unfolding/developing/inner growth/individuation. This magickal process must inevitably be accompanied by some pain, doubt and disillusionment. We have endured(but so far SURVIVED!) years of conditioning and repression and to... >>Download<<
Grimoirium Imperium Or The Book Of The Old Spirits by John Dee
This is the book of powerful conjurations and subjugations of demons and Gods which dwell in far away places, places which are past north and south, east and west, up and down, places which are even beyond the Earth and the farthest planets, places which are far from the creation of God. The... >>Download<<
Grimoirium Imperium Or The Book Of The Old Spirits
Al Azif The Cipher Manuscript Known As Necronomicon by Abdul Alhazred
This etext version of the book, Al Azif has been entered into Hypertext by Ken Ottinger over the course of some few months. This project was completely funded by the Universal Life Trust.The reason for the project was the realization that so many people were fascinated by H.P. Lovecraft and the... >>Download<<
Al Azif The Cipher Manuscript Known As Necronomicon
Grimoire of Baphomet
Grimoire of Baphomet by Order of Nine Angles
According to Dark Tradition, Baphomet is a sinister acausal entity, depicted as a mature, human women, naked from the waist up, who holds in Her hand the bloodied severed head of a young human man.She is the dark, violent, Goddess - the real Mistress of Earth - to whom human sacrifices were, and... >>Download<<
The Greater Key Of Solomon Part 1
The Greater Key Of Solomon Part 1 by Solomonic Grimoires
The Greater Key of Solomon, Books 1,2 & 3 - The Key of Solomon, divided in two books, contains the conjurations and invocations to summon spirits of the dead (preferably in battle) and spirits from Hell (not specified whether demons or punished souls, but it is understandable from the purpose of... >>Download<<
The 8th Book Of Moses by Ancient Grimoires
The Eighth Book of Moses, a magical treatise that otherwise has nothing to do with Moses and which is found in Greek Magical Papyrus (PGM) xiii in two versions. The end of this papyrus also mentions the "Hidden Book of Moses Concerning the Great Name," which may be another lost Moses work. >>Download<<
The 8th Book Of Moses
Ars Notoria The Notary Art Of Solomon by Solomonic Grimoires
Tiitle of a work of magical invocations and prayers attributed to Solomon and therefore related to the celebrated Key of Solomon the King, one of the most famous grimoires, or book of ceremonial magic.Ars Notoria is known in the English translation of Robert Turner (Sloane Manuscript 3648, British... >>Download<<
Ars Notoria The Notary Art Of Solomon
The Black Pullet Or The Hen With The Golden Eggs
The Black Pullet Or The Hen With The Golden Eggs by Medieval Grimoires
The Black Pullet - The Black Pullet is a grimoire that proposes to teach the "science of magical talismans and rings", including the art of necromancy and Kabbalah. It is believed to have been written in the late 18th century, and according to the text, written by an anonymous French officer who... >>Download<<
Arbatel Of Magic Or The Spiritual Wisdom Of The Ancients
Arbatel Of Magic Or The Spiritual Wisdom Of The Ancients by Medieval Grimoires
A magical ritual published at Basle in 1575. The text is in Latin and appears to have been influenced by Paracelsus. It is of Christian, not Jewish, origin, and although the authorship is unknown, it is probably the work of an Italian. Only one of its nine volumes still exists: dealing with the... >>Download<<
The Greater Key Of Solomon Part 3 The Order Of The Pentacles by Solomonic Grimoires
The Greater Key of Solomon, Books 1,2 & 3 - The Key of Solomon, divided in two books, contains the conjurations and invocations to summon spirits of the dead (preferably in battle) and spirits from Hell (not specified whether demons or punished souls, but it is understandable from the purpose of... >>Download<<
The Greater Key Of Solomon Part 3 The Order Of The Pentacles
The Secret Grimoire Of Turiel by Medieval Grimoires
Turiel in the Book of EnochTuriel in later translations was the 18th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 fallen angels that are mentioned in an ancient work called the Book of Enoch. The name is believed to originate from tuwr, el (God) meaning "rock of God". The translation taken from Michael... >>Download<<
The Secret Grimoire Of Turiel
The Most Holy Grimoire Or Grimorium Sanctissimum
The Most Holy Grimoire Or Grimorium Sanctissimum by Medieval Grimoires
This material may be interpreted as a method for securing the fluids of the sex-act for magical application. It is unwise to attempt this work without instruction and an effective body of light under control.

Lemegeton I The Lesser Key Of Solomon Goetia
Lemegeton I The Lesser Key Of Solomon Goetia by Solomonic Grimoires
Goetia (of Solomon): The Goetia is concerned with the Spirits of Evil the evocation of 72 demons associated with the Shemhamphorash, those which Solomon bound to his service. It is worth considering that if it were true that the original Grimoire was in fact five books it has also been suggested... >>Download<<
The Greater Key Of Solomon Part 2 by Solomonic Grimoires
The Greater Key of Solomon, Books 1,2 & 3 - The Key of Solomon, divided in two books, contains the conjurations and invocations to summon spirits of the dead (preferably in battle) and spirits from Hell (not specified whether demons or punished souls, but it is understandable from the purpose of... >>Download<<
The Greater Key Of Solomon Part 2
The Emerald Tablets Of Hermes by Solomonic Grimoires
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes first appeared in the Alchemical Libraries of Europe during the 12th Century. Traveling home with the Crusaders, this seminal work is alleged to be written by Hermes Trismegistus-Thoth. The work deeply influenced Western Magick, and the tenets presented influence modern... >>Download<<
The Emerald Tablets Of Hermes
The Grimoire Of Honorius
The Grimoire Of Honorius by Medieval Grimoires
The Grimoire of Honorius, attributed to an eighth-century bishop of Rome. It seems, however, to be a seventeenth-century product first published in 1629. It purportedly gave the sanction of the papal office to the practice of ritual magic.The Grimoire of Honorius was credited to Pope Honorius III,... >>Download<<
The Craft Grimoire of Eclectic Magic
The Craft Grimoire of Eclectic Magic by Parker Torrence
Greetings, and welcome to the "Grimoire of Eclectic Magick," and yes this is a book about real magick! What is Magick, & why read this book? "Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." - Aleister Crowley. What should you learn/know first? This is just my... >>Download<<
The Magic Of Armadel by Solomonic Grimoires
The Grimoire of Armadel translated from the original French and Latin of a manuscript in the Biblotheque l'Arsenal in Paris. This is classed as a Christian Grimoire and contains many important seals and sigils of the various demons and planetary spirits. First translated by S.L. McGregor Mathers in... >>Download<<
The Magic Of Armadel
The Testament Of Solomon by Solomonic Grimoires
The Testament of Solomon is a Grimoire classed as a Pseudepigrapha, or text or a collection of texts, written between 200 BCE and 200 CE that has falsely been attributed to King Solomon.It is the earliest known compendium of demons and describes Solomon as a Magician. Translated by F.C Conybeare in... >>Download<<
The Testament Of Solomon
Shades Of Algol (A Luciferian and Sabbatic Grimoire)
Shades Of Algol (A Luciferian and Sabbatic Grimoire) by Michael Ford
ALGOL - A word which derives from the Arabic Al Ra's al Ghul, Al-Ghul, or Ri'B al Ohill, which is translated "The Demon's Head". Algol was in Hebrew known as Rosh ha Shaitan, or "Satan's Head", as some traditions have referred to Algol as the Head of Lilith. The Chinese called Algol Tseih She,... >>Download<<
Lemegeton IV Ars Almadel
Lemegeton IV Ars Almadel by Solomonic Grimoires
Almadel of Solomon: The fourth book deals with the evocation of the angels of the four "Altitudes" which has been interpreted as the angels of the four cardinal points. These angels also rule the equinoctial and solstice points, the seasons, and the signs of the Zodiac.The fourth book also... >>Download<<
Lemegeton II The Lesser Key Of Solomon Theurgia Goetia by Solomonic Grimoires
Theurgia-Goetia: Theurgy literally means High Magic, the tradition which deals with the methods of working with good spirits, especially the conjuration of 32 Ariel Spirits and their servants, who govern the points of the compass.Theurgia-Goetia is part of Lesser Key of Solomon, (1916) and lists a... >>Download<<
Lemegeton II The Lesser Key Of Solomon Theurgia Goetia
Picatrix In Arabic by Hellmut Ritter
Picatrix is the name used today, and historically in Christian Europe, for a grimoire originally written in Arabic entitled yat al- ak m, which most scholars assume was written in the middle of the 11th century, 1 though a supported argument for composition in the first half of the 10th century has... >>Download<<
Picatrix In Arabic
Collection of Various Manuscripts
Collection of Various Manuscripts by Order of Nine Angles
The following work re-presents the Order of Nine Angles 'Various Manuscripts' databaseLayout and compilation by Caput MortuumStand: May 2004 * 166 MSS * 381 pagesPlease note: This summary is not authorized by the O.N.A.1.Satanism - A Basic Introduction For Prospective Adherents2. The Dark Forces.... >>Download<<
The Shadowed Ones (A Grimoire of the Angelick Watchers)
The Shadowed Ones (A Grimoire of the Angelick Watchers) by Michael Ford
A Grimoire of the Angelick Watchers- By Michael Ford, Akhtya Seker Arimanius.By a path unseen yet known instinctively within by some, the Shadowed Ones gave ever silently through the dreams of others. It is the way they communicate their lost dreams, visitations and journeys through the world from... >>Download<<
The Red Book Of Appin by Medieval Grimoires
Translated by Scarabaeus, but the date of the original manuscript is unknown. The Grimoire, primarily a dark Grimoire, is in two parts. The first part concerns the requirements to become an adept who follows a wizard (evil spirit) who initiates the adept into the secrets of the book. The second... >>Download<<
The Red Book Of Appin
Lemegeton III The Pauline Art by Solomonic Grimoires
Pauline Art (Ars Paulina): The third book is called Ars Paulina, or The Art Pauline (The Pauline Art), and deals with the Zodiac, the planets and the related angels and spirits and is divided into two parts:The first part deals with twenty-four Angels who rule the hours of the day and night and the... >>Download<<
Lemegeton III The Pauline Art
Picatrix Krakau Manuscript In Latin
Picatrix Krakau Manuscript In Latin by Medieval Grimoires
Picatrix is the name used today, and historically in Christian Europe, for a grimoire originally written in Arabic entitled Gayat al-Hakim, which most scholars assume was written in the middle of the 11th century, though a supported argument for composition in the first half of the 10th century has... >>Download<<
Lemegeton V Ars Nova
Lemegeton V Ars Nova by Solomonic Grimoires
Ars Nova (The New Art): The fifth book is concerned with prayer and orations revealed to him (Solomon) by the Archangel Michael. >>Download<<
Song Of Solomon by Solomonic Grimoires
Solomon also called Jedidiah was, according to the Bible (Book of Kings: 1 Kings 1-11 Book of Chronicles: 1 Chronicles 28-29, 2 Chronicles 1-9), Qur'an, and Hidden Words a king of Israel and the son of David.The conventional dates of Solomon's reign are circa 970 to 931 BC. He is described as... >>Download<<
Song Of Solomon
Libellus Magicus Or The True Magical Work Of The Jesuits by Medieval Grimoires
The Verus Jesuitarum Libellus ( Libellus Magicus). Translated by Major Herbert Irwin in 1875, with its first publication by Scheible in 1847. The manuscript is now held in the John G. White Collection, with the latest edition being transcribed and edited by. Stephen J. Zietz.. Purported to have... >>Download<<
Libellus Magicus Or The True Magical Work Of The Jesuits
Grimoire of Eclectic Magick Part 1 of 3
Grimoire of Eclectic Magick Part 1 of 3 by Parker Torrence
This Grimoire of Eclectic Magick is loosly based around the movie The CRAFT, as an introduction to what real magick is, and is not. It was designed in Adobe PDF format, you can view it online, or download it and print one copy for personal use (see copyright notice in file). >>Download<<
Grimoire of Eclectic Magick Part 2 of 3
Grimoire of Eclectic Magick Part 2 of 3 by Parker Torrence
This Grimoire of Eclectic Magick is loosly based around the movie The CRAFT, as an introduction to what real magick is, and is not. It was designed in Adobe PDF format, you can view it online, or download it and print one copy for personal use (see copyright notice in file). >>Download<<
Grimoire of Eclectic Magick Part 3 of 3 by Parker Torrence
This Grimoire of Eclectic Magick is loosly based around the movie The CRAFT, as an introduction to what real magick is, and is not. It was designed in Adobe PDF format, you can view it online, or download it and print one copy for personal use (see copyright notice in file). >>Download<<
Grimoire of Eclectic Magick Part 3 of 3
Picatrix In German by Hellmut Ritter
"Picatrix" Das Ziel des Weisen von Pseudo-Magriti, Translated into German from the Arabic by Hellmut Ritter and Martin Plessner, London, The Warburg Institute, University of London, 1962.The author of the Picatrix begins his preface with an elaborate praise to God and the prophet of Islam, thus... >>Download<<
Picatrix In German
Picatrix The GHAYATAL Jjakim Edition In Latin
Picatrix The GHAYATAL Jjakim Edition In Latin by David Pingree
David Pingree defines magical practices as those that are dependant on the premise that some natural products, such as stones, plants, and animals, have a direct sympathy with and can utilize the powers of spiritual or demonic forces. These spirits permeate the elements and exist on other worldly... >>Download<<
Picatrix In Spanish
Picatrix In Spanish by Maslama al Majriti
This is spanish translation of The Picatrix "The Goal of the Sage" is a Grimoire of uncertain origins, probably written circa 1256 CE. No author has been identified. The originally text was written in Arabic, with a Latin translation appearing approximately 1256 during the court of Alphonso X of... >>Download<<
Picatrix First Chapter In Hungarian by Maroth Miklos
Maroth Miklos (Budapest, 1943. Feb. 5) Hungarian classical philologist, Orientalist, professor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President since 2008. Between 1992 and 1999 the Catholic University, Dean of Faculty of Arts. In 1961, graduated from Benedictine High School, then in 1962 was... >>Download<<
Picatrix First Chapter In Hungarian
All One Wicca Book 2 A Grimoire by Kaatryn MacMorgan Douglas
"All One Wicca" - the most important book on Wicca you've never heard of. Created to serve the rapidly growing Universal Eclectic Wiccan audience, All One Wicca was first released for free onto the 'net in 1997. Since then, thousands of adulterated illegal downloads of the document have been... >>Review Only<<
All One Wicca Book 2 A Grimoire
Grimoire For The Apprentice Wizard.pdf
Grimoire For The Apprentice Wizard.pdf by Oberon Zell Ravenheart
Magick, through all its varied forms and traditions, always has at least one component that it shares. Freedom. Freedom from old ideas. Freedom from old religions. A pathway leading the practioner to new depths of themselves, and through that, the world.It is not, and should not, be used as a tool... >>Review Only<<
The Zoetic Grimoire Of Zos
The Zoetic Grimoire Of Zos by Austin Osman Spare
Actually there is neither a Black nor a White Sabbath: the ethical criterion of all acts is whether they are anti-social or so motivated. Where two or more of a kind of equal maturity and inclination enact for consummation, then, if harm they do it is only to themselves--which I doubt--and far less... >>Review Only<<
The Picatrix Selected Translations Edited with Commentary by Christopher Warnock
This book contains selected translations from Picatrix edited with a commentary by Christopher Warnock, the leading traditional astrological magician. These translations and commentary are also available in hard copy along with the Latin Picatrix. Here is the table of contents for the translation... >>Review Only<<
The Picatrix Selected Translations Edited with Commentary
The Master Grimoire of Magickal Rites And Ceremonies by Nathan Elkana
I use the above title because the rituals described in this book DO WORK!! i repeat, the rituals in this book DO WORK!!!!this is not another new age book full of filler!this is a practical grimoire of ceremonial magick!it teaches you to use SERIOUS powers!! this book uses egyptian & caballistic... >>Review Only<<
The Master Grimoire of Magickal Rites And Ceremonies
The Picatrix The Goal of the Wise Planetary Talismanic Magic
The Picatrix The Goal of the Wise Planetary Talismanic Magic by Steven Ashe
The Planetary Magic of the Picatrix. Very rare teaching volume of the Fraternity of the Sanctum Regnum. A complete grimoire of Planetary Magic from The Picatrix. The elements of the practical planetary magic of The Picatrix are presented here from a new translation. The Nature and theory of the... >>Review Only<<
A Picatrix Miscellany
A Picatrix Miscellany by Anonymous
The Ghayat al-Hakim fi'l-sihr, or Picatrix, as it is known in the West, is an important Arabic magical text. It is perhaps the largest and most comprehensive of the grimoires, or handbooks of magic. The attribution to the Andalusian mathematician al-Majriti (or al-Madjriti) (d. ca. 1004-7) is... >>Review Only<<
The Latin Picatrix Book I And II by Christopher Warnock
English translation from Pingree's Latin critical edition by John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock.Picatrix, known in Arabic as the Ghayat al-Hikam, the Goal of the Wise, is the most important grimoire of astrological magic. Written in Arabic circa AD 1000 and translated into Latin in 1256, the... >>Review Only<<
The Latin Picatrix Book I And II
The Galdrabok An Icelandic Grimoire by Stephen Flowers
The so-called Galdrabok,' or "Book of Magic," is the single most important document for understanding the practice of magic in late medieval Iceland. It is especially important in that it give, a unique insight into the various religio-magical elements that went into a synthetic national magical... >>Review Only<<
The Galdrabok An Icelandic Grimoire
Picatrix Ghayat Al Hakim The Goal Of The Wise Vol II
Picatrix Ghayat Al Hakim The Goal Of The Wise Vol II by William Kiesel
Picatrix Volume Two contains the 3rd and 4th books of Ghayat Al-Hakim and will complete the English translation. It is a larger book than volume one and contains much in the way of the practical working of astral and talismanic magic. Planetary and Zodiacal magic and full instructions for invoking... >>Review Only<<
Picatrix Ghayat Al Hakim The Goal Of The Wise Vol I
Picatrix Ghayat Al Hakim The Goal Of The Wise Vol I by William Kiesel
Book I, On "the nature of the heavens and the effects caused by the images [talismans] in them.":The first book of the Picatrix starts with theoretical and philosophical chapters. These contain a fascinating discussion on the nature of magic, and its connection to astrology, which is seen as a kind... >>Review Only<<
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