Albert Pietersma - Greek Jeremiah and the Land of Azazel (229.0 Kb)
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Studies in the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, and the Septuagint, Presented to Eugene Ulrich (edd. Peter W. Flint, Emanuel Tov and James C. VanderKam.) VTSup 101, Brill 2006 403-413.My focus in this paper will be on this "notable discontinuity," which at times, I believe, points up a dimension of the translation that would seem to stand in direct contradiction to its frequent indulgence in senseless transcription of its source text and its slavish insistence on isomorphic representation of the Hebrew. I have in mind here Greek Jeremi... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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Studies in the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, and the Septuagint, Presented to Eugene Ulrich (edd. Peter W. Flint, Emanuel Tov and James C. VanderKam.) VTSup 101, Brill 2006 403-413.
My focus in this paper will be on this "notable discontinuity," which at times, I believe, points up a dimension of the translation that would seem to stand in direct contradiction to its frequent indulgence in senseless transcription of its source text and its slavish insistence on isomorphic representation of the Hebrew. I have in mind here Greek Jeremiah's exegetical dimension.1 I shall deal in depth with only one item. I have decided to restrict myself the more since, in my view, identifying meaningful exegesis and exposition in a formal correspondence type of translation is a delicate and hazardous undertaking.2 Given the noted complexity of Greek Jeremiah, every item of significance tends to have ramifications for the entire book. What I have chosen is no exception. (Albert Pietersma)
About Author:
Biography and Education
Born September 28, 1935, The Netherlands, of Frisian parents Emigrated to Canada, 1951
Married Margaret J. Stadig, 1960. Children: Bryan L., Kevin S., Larisa R.
B.A. Classics and Philosophy, Calvin College, Grand Rapids Michigan, 1962
B.D. Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids Michigan, 1965
Ph.D. Hebrew Language and Literature (Septuagint), University of Toronto, 1970. Dissertation: "A Textual-Critical Analysis of Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri IV and V." (J. W. Wevers, supervisor)
Research and Teaching
Courses currently taught
- NMC 225F - Graded Readings - Units 1-4
- NMC 225F - Hand-outs (1 to 28...Appendices 1 to 3)
Academic History:
- Present appointment: Professor emeritus, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto
- Tenure award: 1971
Other teaching experience:
- Teaching Fellow, Dept. of Classics, Calvin College, 1961-62
- Teaching Fellow, Dept. of German, Calvin College, 1962-65
- Teaching Fellow, Combined Dept. of Near Eastern Studies, University of Toronto, 1966-69
- Sessional Lecturer, Dept. of Near Eastern Studies, Victoria University, 1969-70
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Near Eastern Studies, Victoria University, 1970-76
- Associate Professor, 1976-81
- Professor, 1981-2001
- Professor emeritus 2001
- Festschrift: 2001 The Old Greek Psalter: Studies in Honour of Albert Pietersma. Edited by Robert J.V. Hiebert, Claude E. Cox and Peter J. Gentry
Professional Affiliations and Activities.
- Secretary and Archivist of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 1972-80
- President of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 1980-87
- Immediate Past President of the IOSCS, 1987-1993
- Honorary President of the IOSCS, 1993-
- Society of Biblical Literature
- International Association of Papyrologists
- American Society of Papyrologists
- International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies
- Translation Committee, A New English Translation of the Septuagint
Joint Editor
- A New English Translation of the Septuagint (NETS)
- IOSCS Commentary on the Septuagint, 1998-2006