'Martinism' is the Christian Mystical philosophy based upon the books and letters of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin. The definition of 'Christian Mystical' is itself worthy of a lengthy book such as Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill, a classic in the literature of religious studies. Evelyn Underhill was at one time a member of an authentic Golden Dawn Temple under the author A. E. Waite, in England and supposedly not unfamiliar with the practical application of her subject. The Golden Dawn was, and still is, an organization dedicated to the study of Magic and other Occult practice. In general, a Christian mystic is someone who is deliberately performing the virtues expressed by the life of Jesus Christ to the best of his or her ability. This is a pretty expansive definition.
There are many pious Christians who are mystics and don't know it. Generally however, the Christian mystic, indeed the mystic of whatever religion, engages in a spiritual discipline over and above the everyday religious observances. These spiritual disciplines are similar to what monks and nuns would perform, that is, deep prayerful communion with God, in other words, meditation. This gives rise to another suitable definition of a mystic: A mystic is one who seeks to raise his or her consciousness for the purposes of greater attunement with God. Doing this within a Christian environment makes one a Christian mystic. Definitions more specific than these are beyond that suggested by Saint-Martin in his published writings.
Martinists study the natural relationships that exist between the Divine, the Universe, and Humanity. The universe and humanity form a whole, two progressions linked one to the other and evolving together. If we wish to understand our true nature we must look toward the Divine, says Saint-Martin, for 'we can only read ourselves in the Divine, only understand ourselves in the Divine splendor.'Martinist study includes: Mystical symbols; Free will and Destiny; Dreams and Initiation; Science of numbers; Prayer; Cycles of humanity; Art, Music, and Language; and the Kabbalah.
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Les Secrets (1867,in French) by Petit Albert
Man His True Nature And Ministry by Louis Claude De Saint MartinSome account of Saint-Martin (Le Philosophe inconnu) and his writings has been given in the preface to his 'Correspondence with Baron Liebestorf', recently published and it is necessary hero only to say that the book of which a translation is now presented to the reader, 'Le Ministere de l'Homme-Esprit', was probably the...
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Die Alchemie in Alterer und Neuerer Zeit (1886,in German) by Kopp Hermann
Tableau Naturel (Preface de Papus) (1900,in French) by Louis Claude De Saint Martin
Les Miroirs Magiques (1907,in French) by Paul Sedir
L'Archeometre (1909,in French) by Saint Yves D'Alveydre
Lettres Magiques (1903,in French) by Paul Sedir
La Muse Noire (1883,in French) by Stanislas de Guaita
Les Plantes Magiques (1902,in French) by Paul Sedir
Comment on Devient (Preface de Papus,1897,in French) by Acoth
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Vierzig Fragen von der Seelen Urstand (1682,in German) by Balthasar Walther
Plus de Mysteres (1878,in French) by Louis Michel de Figanieres
Les Vers Dores de Pythagore (1813,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
La Respiration (1893,in French) by Louis Claude De Saint Martin
Ecce Homo (1792,in French) by Louis Claude De Saint Martin
Cle de la Vie (1858,in French) by Louis Michel de Figanieres
Geschichte der Metaphysik (1899,in German) by Eduard von Hartmann
Histoire et Doctrine des Rose Croix (1932,in French) by Paul Sedir
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more Le Crocodile ou la Guerre du Bien et du Mal (1798,in French) by Louis Claude De Saint Martin
Saint Yves D'Alveydre ou Une Synarchie Sans Enigme (1981,in French) by Jean Saunier
Le Messager Celeste de la Paix Universelle (1894,in French) by Paul Sedir
Mission de L'Indie en Europe, Mission de l'Europe en Asie (1886,in French) by Saint Yves D'Alveydre
Histoire Philosophique du Genre Humain (1910,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
Le Ministere de l'Homme Esprit (1802,in French) by Louis Claude De Saint Martin
Lettre a un Ami ou Considerations Politiques, Philosophiques (1795,in French) by Louis Claude De Saint Martin
Le Cimetiere D'Amboise (Preface de Papus,1913,in French) by Louis Claude De Saint Martin
La Guerre Actuelle (1916,in French) by Paul Sedir
Reflexions d'un Observateur Sur la Question (1805,in French) by Louis Claude De Saint Martin
Langue Hebraique (1815,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
Eclair sur l'Association Humaine (1797,in French) by Louis Claude De Saint Martin
La Musique (1896,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
De L'etat Social de l'Homme, Tome I (1822,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
Nos Maitres (1910,in French) by Saint Yves D'Alveydre
Notions sur le Sens de L'Ouie (1811,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
Mission des Souverains (1884,in French) by Saint Yves D'Alveydre
Laure de Salmon, Tome I (1845,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
De L'etat Social de l'Homme, Tome II (1822,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
Laure de Salmon, Tome II (1845,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
Le Sage de L'Indostan (1796,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
Le Chien de Jean de Nivelle I (1839,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
Mission des Ouvriers (1884,in French) by Saint Yves D'Alveydre
Les Montagnards des Alpes II (1837,in French) by Fabre d'Olivet
L'Education (1820,in French) by Madame Fabre d'Olivet
Les Etats Generaux du Suffrage Universel (1888,in French) by Saint Yves D'Alveydre
Please NOTE: This is not a commercial distribution. The disc sold without any benefits to me. The price includes only the cost of USPS first class mail shipping, the cost of operations for burn information to a CD, the cost of blank CD media, VAT, and the cost of servicing of payment processor. The final price of the disc is $56.90 (sorry but due to higher prices of CD\DVD printing companiy, I also had to raise the price of a CD).
Also please NOTE: On my site you can download and order on CD only PUBLIC DOMAIN versions of books, although in my home collection is copyrighted books. But for a site I found for each copyrighted book it PUBLIC DOMAIN version, if it were possible. If I did not find PUBLIC DOMAIN version, then, unfortunately, the site contains only a description of the book. I would be very grateful to all those who help me to find PUBLIC DOMAIN versions of books for those books that I could not find, or for any good books on magic, which I do not have.