On this page you can get all Astrology books (24) on CD.
Astrology comprises several systems of divination which are based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. Astrology has been dated to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, with roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications.
Many cultures have attached importance to astronomical events, and the Indians, Chinese, and Mayans developed elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial observations. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes purporting to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time of their birth. The majority of professional astrologers rely on such systems.
Advocates have defined astrology as a symbolic language, an art form, a science, and a method of divination. Though most cultural astrology systems share common roots in ancient philosophies that influenced each other, many use methods that differ from those in the West. These include Hindu astrology (also known as 'Indian astrology' and in modern times referred to as 'Vedic astrology') and Chinese astrology, both of which have influenced the world's cultural history.
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Please NOTE: This is not a commercial distribution. The disc sold without any benefits to me. The price includes only the cost of USPS first class mail shipping, the cost of operations for burn information to a CD, the cost of blank CD media, VAT, and the cost of servicing of payment processor. The final price of the disc is $56.90 (sorry but due to higher prices of CD\DVD printing companiy, I also had to raise the price of a CD).
CD contains these books
The Numbers Book by SepharialNumerology is a science which has survived the test of thousands of years. The learned Ancients discovered the co-relationship of numbers, the planetary influences over life on this earth and the ordered planning of the universe. In modern times, no one has made a greater study of this science than Sepharial. His earlier works...
more The Kabala Of Numbers by SepharialThe science of numbers is of remotest antiquity. Among the Aryans and Greeks, the Assyrians and Egyptians, we find indications of a development which gave to numbers their real significance and employed them in a system of symbolism which had respect to something more than mere enumeration.While it is true that a figure is a...
more Hebrew Astrology Key to the Study of Prophecy by SepharialIn these days of advanced thinking it is a matter of common observation that we have left many of the old landmarks behind and that we are now pressing forward to greater heights and to a wider horizon than that which represented the mind-content of our progenitors. It has been suggested that human progress moves in cycles, and...
more The Science of Foreknowledge by SepharialThe following pages are intended to bring some of the more recondite and controversial aspects of the Science of Foreknowledge into discussion and, further, to supply a great deal of abstruse information not otherwise accessible to the student. That there are problems yet before the student of Astrology and matters which...
more Manual of Occultism Scanned Version by SepharialThis author is known world wide for his books on astrology and occultism. This unique volume covers many facets of the wonderful world of the occult. Contents: Astrology - Section I: The Alphabet, Aspects, Signs & Houses, Personal Appearance, Constitution, Health, Character, Accidents, Fortunes, Position, Occupation, Marriage,...
more The Silver Key by SepharialDr Walter Gorn Old (born 20 March 1864, at 2:06 a.m. LMT in Handsworth, England died 23 December 1929 in Hove, England) was a notable 19th century astrologer, better known as Sepharial.An eminent English Theosophist, Sepharial was a well-known and respected astrologer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and wrote...
more New Dictionary of Astrology by SepharialThis reference work intimately explains and illustrated all technical and abstruse terms used in the textbooks of the science. The pages will appeal immediately to those who are in the preliminary stages of astrological study, and in some part also to such as, having made progress in the technical part of astrology, are in need...
more Manual of Astrology Book 2 by SepharialDr Walter Gorn Old (born 20 March 1864, at 2:06 a.m. LMT in Handsworth, England died 23 December 1929 in Hove, England) was a notable 19th century astrologer, better known as Sepharial.Sepharial was in fact one of the founder members of the Theosophical movement in England. Madame Blavatsky (whom he lived with until her...
more Law of Values by SepharialAn Exposition of the Primary Causes of Stock and Share Fluctuations. In the following pages I have given some valuable hints to those who are able to invest their money and take their dividends. They will be able, with the assistance of my book, to buy cheaply and to clear out before prices recede from the highest. It is not to...
more The Arcana or Stock and Share Key by SepharialSepharial was a very influential author in the fields of the occult, astrology and numerology, and his writings had a considerable impact on E. H. Bailey and Alan Leo, who he introduced to Theosophy. He can be credited as the first astrologer to use Earth's "dark moon" Lilith in his calculations. Genuinely erudite, Sepharial...
more Manual of Occultism Text Version by SepharialThis author is known world wide for his books on astrology and occultism. This unique volume covers many facets of the wonderful world of the occult. Contents: Astrology - Section I: The Alphabet, Aspects, Signs & Houses, Personal Appearance, Constitution, Health, Character, Accidents, Fortunes, Position, Occupation, Marriage,...
more Cosmic Symbolism by SepharialAs a young man Sepharial initially studied medicine and followed this up with studies in psychology, oriental languages, astrology and numerology. In 1886 he started to write an astrology problem page in the Society Times, where he answered the public's questions, and in 1887 at the age of just 23 was admitted to the "inner...
more The Astrological Ready Reckoner by SepharialAn eminent English Theosophist, Sepharial was a well-known and respected astrologer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and wrote numerous books, some of which are still highly regarded today. He was editor of "Old Moore's Almanac", which is still published in the 21st century.As a young man Sepharial initially studied...
more Arcana or Stock And Share Key by SepharialThe RADIX of any company is the noon of the date and place of registration of that Company, whereby, under the laws of the country the promotors are given powers to form the company and proceed with business.The RADIX of a Stock Exchange IS THE NOON OF THE DATE OF FOUNDING. The charts for New York and London are attached hereto...
more Collection of Keys by SepharialThe Map for the event is simply set by adding to time of the event the SIDEREAL TIME at noon. Correct the result by adding or subtracting Local Time. Subtract for West, add for East, of Greenwich. Find the sign and degree from the Table of Houses for the Midheaven or House of your map. The other Cusps will have the same degree...
more On the Markets by SepharialA collection of writings by the most-cited author on the W. D. Gann List of Books for Sale Comprised of the following works in transcription: - THE LAW OF VALUES - THE ARCANA OR STOCK & SHARE KEY - KEY TO SUGAR VALUES - THE MASTER KEY - THE GOLDEN KEY - THE ECLIPSE KEY - THE SOLAR LUNAR VALUES - THE SOLAR APEX METHODIn the...
more The Basis of Scripture Prophecy by SepharialWHEN it is said that "wise men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit", we are, I think, rightly disposed to believe that in such case the Spirit would not dictate otherwise than in terms of the laws of Being which in their creative effects were seen by God to be good and pronounce to be so. This view entails the...
more The Key to Sugar Values by Sepharial Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old, though he almost never used his birth name), 1864 - 1929. As C.E.O. Carter says, he is brilliant at almost everything he touches. Sepharial's writing on numerology remains unsurpassed. Sepharial was more than a mere astrologer. Reading his work it is obvious to me that he had the gift of...
more Eclipses Astronomically and Astologically Considered Scanned Version by SepharialThis little work is designed to instruct the mind as yet unacquainted with the phenomena of eclipses, and to counteract the prejudice which affirms without examination that these phenomena are in no way connected with mundane events. In dealing with my subject I shall have occasion to speak of eclipses of the Sun and Moon not...
more Geodetic Equivalents by SepharialAn eminent English Theosophist, Sepharial was a well-known and respected astrologer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and wrote numerous books, some of which are still highly regarded today. He was editor of "Old Moore's Almanac", which is still published in the 21st century.He became a very influential author in the...
more Solar Epoch by SepharialThis document contains the full text of The Solar Epoch by Sepharial, originally published in 1925. The book has been scanned and converted to plain text with OCR-software. This document has been given the same layout as the original book. It has been made sure the pagenumbering in the printed version did not change in any...
more Eclipses Astronomically and Astologically Considered Text Version by SepharialThis little work is designed to instruct the mind as yet unacquainted with the phenomena of eclipses, and to counteract the prejudice which affirms without examination that these phenomena are in no way connected with mundane events. In dealing with my subject I shall have occasion to speak of eclipses of the Sun and Moon not...
more Why the War Will End in 1917 by SepharialDr Walter Gorn Old (born 20 March 1864, at 2:06 a.m. LMT in Handsworth, England died 23 December 1929 in Hove, England) was a notable 19th century astrologer, better known as Sepharial.An eminent English Theosophist, Sepharial was a well-known and respected astrologer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and wrote...
more Please NOTE: This is not a commercial distribution. The disc sold without any benefits to me. The price includes only the cost of USPS first class mail shipping, the cost of operations for burn information to a CD, the cost of blank CD media, VAT, and the cost of servicing of payment processor. The final price of the disc is $56.90 (sorry but due to higher prices of CD\DVD printing companiy, I also had to raise the price of a CD).
Also please NOTE: On my site you can download and order on CD only PUBLIC DOMAIN versions of books, although in my home collection is copyrighted books. But for a site I found for each copyrighted book it PUBLIC DOMAIN version, if it were possible. If I did not find PUBLIC DOMAIN version, then, unfortunately, the site contains only a description of the book. I would be very grateful to all those who help me to find PUBLIC DOMAIN versions of books for those books that I could not find, or for any good books on magic, which I do not have.