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Robert Maginnis - Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The US Military (1.2 MB)

Cover of Robert Maginnis's Book Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The US MilitaryBook downloads: 176
It is quite possible to maintain an army that is totally male, totally white, totally heterosexual and totally monotheistic. However, in its wisdom, the U.S. army became integrated a few decades ago they have allowed women into an increasing range of assignments. They do not reject those gays and lesbians who stay in the closet. Finally, they are now formally recognizing small minority religions. At each step of the way, doomsayers raised the specter of damaged military preparedness. History has shown their concerns to b... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Wicca and Witchcraft
Category 2: 
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Author:      Robert Maginnis
Format:      eBook
It is quite possible to maintain an army that is totally male, totally white, totally heterosexual and totally monotheistic. However, in its wisdom, the U.S. army became integrated a few decades ago they have allowed women into an increasing range of assignments. They do not reject those gays and lesbians who stay in the closet. Finally, they are now formally recognizing small minority religions. At each step of the way, doomsayers raised the specter of damaged military preparedness. History has shown their concerns to be without merit. As armies are increasingly directed at peace keeping, an force that is racially, sexually and religiously diverse sends a powerful message to the people being helped. Kosovo and Bosnia are two potent examples of the power of religious diversity in the military.

Robert Maginnis is concerned that if the Army allows Wiccans to hold their services on-base, then non-Wiccan soldiers' "readiness factors such as military values, adherence to norms, willingness to kill, and recruitment and retention..." will be undermined. This is because he believes that most soldiers regard "witchcraft as an abomination."