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Caroline Upham - Salem Witchcraft in Outline The Story Without the Tedious Detail (2.3 MB)

Cover of Caroline Upham's Book Salem Witchcraft in Outline The Story Without the Tedious DetailBook downloads: 201
Caroline Upham was the daughter-in-law of author Charles W. Upham. Charles Wentworth Upham (May 4, 1802 - June 15, 1875) was a U.S. Representative from Massachusetts. Upham was also a member, and President of the Massachusetts State Senate, the 7th Mayor of Salem, Massachusetts, and twice a member of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives. Upham was the cousin of George Baxter Upham and Jabez Upham.Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Witch Hunts
Category 2:  Wicca and Witchcraft
Category 3: 
Author:      Caroline Upham
Format:      eBook
The author of the present volume claims to be neither a brilliant essayist nor an historian, but having been urged to prepare a sketch of the History, now offers it to the public as one would the photograph of a notable scene, not a great original painting. And if, as it must be, the rich coloring and delicate effects are missing in the reproduction, it is hoped the drawing may be found true, and no important lines set in awry. Having been desired by the heirs of the late Charles W. Upham to draw freely from the History, paragraphs from it have been woven into the sketch giving strength to the little story, and serving the reader better than a feminine pen I could do. As " Salem Witchcraft in Outline " has come into being in the same room where the History was born, the writer hopes there may be one

point of resemblance between them, a staying quality. That, whereas, her father-in-law earned for his creation a strong foothold in standard literature, the result of her work may be to have fixed certain facts firmly in the minds of those who read them.

Caroline Upham was the daughter-in-law of author Charles W. Upham. Charles Wentworth Upham (May 4, 1802 - June 15, 1875) was a U.S. Representative from Massachusetts. Upham was also a member, and President of the Massachusetts State Senate, the 7th Mayor of Salem, Massachusetts, and twice a member of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives. Upham was the cousin of George Baxter Upham and Jabez Upham.