Pagans And Paganism Books (67)
Pagan Herbs by Use by Al Selden LeifHerbs are used extensively in doing magick. In this book you'll learn about Using Herbs in Your Magick Making, Herbs properties and Their Magickal Uses.Herbs are used in many religions - such as in Christianity (myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), ague root (Aletris farinosa) and frankincense (Boswellia...
>>Download<< Pagan Spells Blessings Spells by Al Selden LeifSpells are not about turning people into frogs or granting wishes. A spell is a set of actions and prayers that you do and say in order to ask for divine help with some particular aspect of your life. Spells are one of many ritual activities that many Wiccans engage in. Not all Wiccans cast spells ...
>>Download<< Pagan Potions Brew Magic Formula by Al Selden LeifPotions are used in Pagan and Wiccan spells and rituals for health and inner magic. Potions act as liquid carriers for magical power. Sometimes you will drink them, but more often they are applied to the skin. Purifying Sage Spray is one example of this type of potion.Potions can charm, heal or...
>>Download<< Pagan Spells Mix of Spells 1 by Al Selden LeifSpells are simply rituals used to perform magic. As discussed in Using Magic, the particular ritual is only part of what makes magic work. It can, however, be a very important part. Rituals help to focus your mind on your goals. Certain items can help to focus the mind in particular directions. By...
>>Download<< Pagan Spells Bath Spells by Al Selden LeifBath spells are the most relaxing way to practice witchcraft, and one of the most popular (after candle spells). They appeal to our senses, and capture the power of the water element. On this page, I've collected the best bath spells from around the site. Hopefully there will be one that suits your...
>>Download<< Pagan Oils Essential Oil Magic by Al Selden LeifLearn how to mix essential oils for a magick formula designed to do a host of things such as enhance spirituality and meditation. Find information to learn to use oils for procection formulas, love formulas, and also money and healing formulas spells.Essential oils have been variously described as...
>>Download<< Pagan Spells Mix of Spells 2 by Al Selden LeifSpells are simply rituals used to perform magic. As discussed in Using Magic, the particular ritual is only part of what makes magic work. It can, however, be a very important part. Rituals help to focus your mind on your goals. Certain items can help to focus the mind in particular directions. By...
>>Download<< Pagan Spells Life Spells by Al Selden LeifMany of these spells involve concepts commonly known and publicly discussed. Therefore they have become integrated into magical and spiritual culture. If I am unaware of the author or creator of a specific work, I have attributed it herein as "Anonymous". If you are aware that a certain work or...
>>Download<< Satanic Pagan Calendars by AnonymousSatanic Pagan calendar New Years Eve the 30th April Walpurgis Nacht, the high feast of satanism into May Day May 1st, then onto the next quarter of Old Beltane on May 15th, then to the Summer Solstice, on to the next quarter Lammas on August 1st through to the Autumn Equinox then to the next...
>>Download<< Pagan Samhain Recipes by Al Selden LeifI have mentioned previously several things that you can make for this time of year and now I am going into more depth on a few things. Hope you enjoy them and have fun making some wonderful things for your samhain rituals and celebrations.Halloween is said to be derived from Samhain, pronouced "SOW...
>>Download<< Seidr Seid Sol Iss Burs and Nordic Shamanism by Yves KodratoffThe first part is personal, and it exposes my practice of seidr, by comparing it several times to the one coming from Diana Paxson's group and in Jordsvin's papers. I thus recommend to read at first these papers before mine. The second part explains and supports my own practice of seidr, but the...
>>Download<< Pagan Stones And Gems by AnonymousYou find yourself in a store staring at a container filled with one particular stone. Which one do you purchase? The biggest one? The one with the shape you like the best? How do you know?When I go to a store to buy gems, I take some things into consideration. Many stones have a variety of...
>>Download<< Pagan Incense Information Pages by Al Selden LeifIncense calms the nerves, brings a mystical feel to any room, and is often used in Pagan ritual. Our high quality incense come in sticks, cone, and granular form. All are quite effective and suit a wide range of purposes. Incense often used in Neopagan rituals to represent the element of air,...
>>Download<< Survival of The Pagan Gods by Jean SeznecThe gods of Olympus died with the advent of Christianity--or so we have been taught to believe. But how are we to account for their tremendous popularity during the Renaissance? This illustrated book, now reprinted in a new, larger paperback format, offers the general reader first a discussion of...
>>Download<< The Pagan Mysticism Of The O9A by Order of Nine AnglesThis essay provides details in respect of the assertion, made in my 2014 essay O9A Esotericism, An Initiated Apprehension, that:"The initiated apprehension of O9A [Order of Nine Angles] esotericism is of a particular, modern, and occult, weltanschauung that melds aspects of ancient hermetic...
>>Download<< Against The Neopagans by Julius EvolaExtracted from "Grundisse" by Julius Evola The Misunderstandings of the New "Paganism". It is perhaps appropriate to point out the misunderstandings that are current at the moment in some radical circles, who believe that a solution lies in the direction of a new paganism. This misunderstanding is...
>>Download<< Shaman Saiva and Sufi by RO WinstedtTHis book is the outcome of a close study of the language and beliefs of the Malays during a period of residence in the Malay Peninsula that has now reached twenty?two years. Its object is to unravel a complex system of magic in the light of historical and comparative data. By itself this system is...
>>Download<< Pagan Holidays by AnonymousChristian Holidays are ancient pagan feasts that were ushered in by the Roman Catholic Church during the rule of Emperor Constantine. Constantine was a pagan sun-worshipper who desperately sought to unite his fallen empire through the merge of Christian and pagan practices. He achieved this by...
>>Download<< Beltane Pagan Ritual of Interest to Neo Pagans by AnonymousThis a Pagan Ritual file, of interest to Neo-Pagans, specifically Wiccan based religions.The Beltane ritual, performed on or around May 1st, has one element that almost everyone used to be familiar with: the Maypole. Years ago, good girls at Vassar, the local woman's college (now coed), used to...
>>Download<< Pagan Holidays or Gods Holy Days Which by Herbert ArmstrongDoes it make any difference which days we observe--or whether we keep them? Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given to ancient Israel only? Are they binding today only on the Jewish people, while Christians are commanded to keep holidays such...
>>Download<< The Trinity Is It Christian Or Pagan by AnonymousAlmost ten years ago I overheard two men talking to eachother about 'the nonsense of 'believing in a God'. According to this men the trinity-doctrine already existed long before the Roman-catholics started to write about the Holy Trinity. And of course 'the Mother-Son-Gods' already existed...
>>Download<< Pagan Germany by AnonymousIt is a well-known fact that Heathens and Pagans face considerable difficulties in Germany. Everything even remotely connected with Paganism in general and any reference to Teutonic culture or history in particular is instantly identified with an ultra-right-wing political attitude or even...
>>Download<< Drugs Alcohol and The Pagan Community by Anna MoonowlMaking Choices, Taking Chances: Drug and Alcohol Use in Ritual. The issue of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the Pagan Community has not been addressed often and is probably controversial. Despite all the current media coverage of these subjects, I've only seen them addressed once by Pagans - at...
>>Download<< Pagan Scriptures by Charles BaizeWe would like to take this opportunity to make available to all who wish a copy of Pagan Scriptures. Nolan and I have spent three years writing and researching this book, we have copyrighted it and are making it available free of charge to anyone who requests a copy. You may read it onscreen or...
>>Download<< After Life in Roman Paganism by Franz Cumont1922. Lectures delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation. The author was invited to lecture at New Haven during the month of March 1921 on a subject relating to religious history. He chose the ideas current in Roman paganism concerning the lot of the soul after death. Lectures...
>>Download<< 6 Questions On Wicca And Paganism by Al Selden LeifContemporary Paganism is the restoration of indigenous religion, especially that of ancient Europe. Paganism has grown in popularity greatly during the last hundred years. The growth coincides with a decline in Christianity in Europe, and the increase in knowledge of past and distant cultures.WICCA...
>>Download<< 13 Questions On Paganism And Wicca by Richard RoyMy conception of any sincerely religious person is that he tries to express his convictions into his life. To me, it seems that the most potent form of prayer is in work. Or like Gurdjieff said, "Work as if everything depends on work. Pray as if everything depends on prayer." It seems to me the...
>>Download<< Atheism in Pagan Antiquity by Anders Bjorn DrachmannAnders Bjorn Drachmann (1860-1935) was a Danish classical philologist, son of the physician Andreas Georg Drachmann and half brother of the poet Holger Drachmann. In 1887 A. B. Drachmann studied classical philology and won a competition for a professorship at the University of Kristiania. In 1892...
>>Download<< Sunday Sacredness In Roman Paganism by Robert Leo OdomWith most of the Christian world honoring Sunday as their day of worship, the question of its origin becomes important.Over the past hundred years much has been written about the use of the week among ancient pagan peoples. However, little has been done to compile such historical material into an...
>>Download<< Rome Pagan and Papal by Mourant BrockReligion in ancient Rome encompassed the religious beliefs and cult practices regarded by the Romans as indigenous and central to their identity as a people, as well as the various and many cults imported from other peoples brought under Roman rule. Romans thus offered cult to innumerable deities...
>>Download<< Miracle Deliverance New World Pagan Idolatry by Pat HollidayIdolatry and Witchcraft works in your mind but it will capture and imprison your spirit. The New Age Movement is to the highest degree of duplicitous and scathing philosophy at work in religion today. It is interlaced not only in witchcraft, idolatry and Satanism but it is attacking all Christian...
>>Download<< The Pagans by Arlo BatesTo those who would be Pagans, did any such organization exist, I take pleasure in offering this attempt to picture a phase of life which they know.
Arlo Bates (December 16, 1850 - August 25, 1918) was an American author, educator and newspaperman.
>>Download<< Lakes Area Pagan Fall 2008 Vol 2 No 2 by AnarchistbanjoThe Lakes Area Pagan is published as a service to the local pagan and Wiccan community. Contributors have been asked to use pen names or Craft names for security reasons. No profit is made on the publication of this magazine other than the small profit the bookstore makes for distributing it. There...
>>Download<< Pagan and Christian Rome by Rodolfo Amadeo LancianiChristian Church and the word church are used to denote both a Christian association of people and a place of worship. The word church is usually, but not exclusively, associated with Christianity. The term means something quite different for each religious institution that sees itself as belonging...
>>Download<< The Pagan Madonna by Harold MacGrathHarold MacGrath (1871-1932) was a bestselling American novelist, short story writer, and screenwriter. As a young man, he worked as a reporter and columnist on the Syracuse Herald newspaper until the late 1890s when he published his first novel, a romance titled Arms and the Woman (1899). According...
>>Download<< Shamanic Journeying A Beginner Guide by Sandra IngermanOver time, the practice of shamanism has adapted in response to different cultural needs and the changing needs of the times. Currently, there is a dramatic revival of shamanism in the West, with a wide range of people integrating shamanic practices into their lives, including students, housewives,...
>>Review Only<< The Emerging Indo Pagans by Devi SpringIndoPagan. You may have never heard the term before, but among a growing number of people, this name describes their spiritual path. It is a path that blends the Western tradition of NeoPaganism with Eastern traditions of South Asian origin, most commonly with Hinduism. Up until fairly recently the...
>>Review Only<< Notes On Pagan India by Shri Gurudev MahendranathShri Gurudev Mahendranath (April 29, 1911&ndash August 30, 1991) was a British occultist, mystic, writer, poet, sannyasi, tantric guru, Avadhut and founder of the spiritual organization known as the International Nath Order.Shri Gurudev Mahendranath wrote numerous articles and essays on tantra...
>>Review Only<< Pagan History The Origins of Halloween by Rowan MoonstoneIn recent years, there have been a number of pamphlets put out by various Christian organizations dealing with the origins of modern day Halloween customs. Being a Witch myself, and a student of the ancient Celts, from whom we get this holiday, I have found these pamphlets woefully inaccurate and...
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