John Gadbury - The Doctrine Of Horary Questions (595.0 Kb)
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This Publication has been reproduced in the interest of preserving and disseminating old Astrological texts and is supplied on the basis that it may not be reproduced or transmitted by any means electronic or mechanical or recorded in any form including photocopying or by any storage or retrieval system except for personal, educational use and may not be used for reselling or any other commercial purposes. To do so is in violation of copyright law. Note: The publishers and editor have taken all measures to ensure this public... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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This Publication has been reproduced in the interest of preserving and disseminating old Astrological texts and is supplied on the basis that it may not be reproduced or transmitted by any means electronic or mechanical or recorded in any form including photocopying or by any storage or retrieval system except for personal, educational use and may not be used for reselling or any other commercial purposes. To do so is in violation of copyright law. Note: The publishers and editor have taken all measures to ensure this publication is an accurate reproduction of the original but cannot guarantee it to be free of typographical errors. Certain editorial changes have been made to modernise fonts but none of the original text has been changed This text is supplied to students of Canopus Academy of Astrology free of charge on the understanding that it is top be used to support their studies and should not be used for any other purpose.