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Tarostar - The Witchs Spellcraft Revised (copyrighted book, review only)

Cover of Tarostar's Book The Witchs Spellcraft Revised
This is a wonderfull little book to have in your library. Its written much like her other book The Witchs Formulary and SpellBook.......its full of rhymes and spells by her and lady charmaine dey. I highly reccomend this one even if its just to have it for your collection. Its based on Hoodoo and Voodoo in the new orleans style and is full of easy to find usefull spells and ingredients.Tarostar is a great author who doesnt mince words. His books are pretty straightforward and to the point. If your looking for lots of ethical... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Spellbooks and Recipes
Category 2:  Wicca and Witchcraft
Category 3: 
Author:      Tarostar
Format:      eBook
This is a wonderfull little book to have in your library. Its written much like her other book The Witchs Formulary and SpellBook.......its full of rhymes and spells by her and lady charmaine dey. I highly reccomend this one even if its just to have it for your collection. Its based on Hoodoo and Voodoo in the new orleans style and is full of easy to find usefull spells and ingredients.

Tarostar is a great author who doesnt mince words. His books are pretty straightforward and to the point. If your looking for lots of ethical stuff, forget it. You wont find it here. He offers you very practical spells and rites to use.

Finally a book written which is not in any way geared toward wicca or fulffy bunny scott cunninghamites. This book is packed with a wonderfull array of spells for every purpose which pays no heed to the eastern concept of karma or 3 fold law. I reccomend this book with highest reguards.

This book is cool. . .no fluffy bunny stuff here. This book is filled with delightful rhymes to help you do some serious spellwork. Pay attention to how the spells are written, and you will learn a lot about magickal will and intention. This bool gives you the idea your not alone. When you first open it you can just feel the magic flowing into your body and lifting you into the air. hope you like it too, keep reading.

About Author:

Tarostar is a great author who doesnt mince words. His books are pretty straightforward and to the point. If your looking for lots of ethical stuff, forget it. You wont find it here. He offers you very practical spells and rites to use. Tarostar also is proprietor of The Occult Shop in Toronto, Ontario.

Being the last surviving Elder of the Sacred Pentagraph Tradition, Tarostar is bringing forth the Five Books, which organize Wicca as an Occult Lodge System active in Las Vegas, Nv. during the 1970's. These books are being offered to the Craft for those who may find them helpful in organizing a working Coven System.

The original Elders in the Sacred Pentagraph Tradition were the late June Dey-Zabowsky, aka Lady Charmaine, her husband the late Steve Zabowsky, both original proprietors of the Bell, Book and Candle Shop in Las Vegas, the late Laura Letages of Las Vegas and Tarostar, who is still active in the Craft.

The tradition was also given input by the late Sybil Leek, who visited the Bell, Book And Candle Shop in the late 1970's to early 1980's, discussing the Craft topics incorporated into the system with Lady Charmaine and Tarostar.( No "initiations" by Sybil Leek are hereby implied, since she only acted as advisor and interested party to the way the Tradition was being implemented.) Charmaine and Sybil had known each other from their days in Houston, Texas, when Charmaine was with the Theosophical Society.

Charmaine and Steve followed Sybil to Las Vegas in the early 1970's and opened the BB&C. Sybil established an Astrology School and attracted numerous students.

Training methods and lessons in both Pagan History and development in the traditional Occult Arts and Psychic Sciences are offered in the books for those wanting to implement the system.

Tarostar's other manuscripts on occult topics, such as Tarot and Tarot Readings, Spellcraft and related occult shop sorcery are also being included on this site.

The object of his published works was to offer and suggest ingredients such as candles, herbs, oils, powders, oil formulae and methods to employ them in spells were to promote sales in the field of Occult Supplies. His heretofore unpublished manuscripts are offered for those in the Occult Supplies Trade, who may find them helpful. They would/could enhance any witch's bag of magical tricks.

The five volumes of The Sacred Pentagraph are offered at reasonable prices for the work entailed and the Craft information they contain.

To contact Tarostar you may email: [email protected]

Tarostar Partial Bibliography:

- Witch's Spellcraft Revised
- Witch's Formulary and Spellbook
- A Book of Shadows
- Old Love Charms & Spells
- Spiritual Workers Handbook

The published works by Tarostar are:


Credit: www.witchworld109.com