Greg Wotton - Basic Theories on Sex Magic (28.0 Kb)
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In general I see sex as serving three major purposes or roles in occult work. I label these as Power, Devotion and Personal Development. These major headings fit with the major rays or principles of Fire, Water and Air, or Power, Love and Wisdom. Any given ritual may use one, two or all three of these methods as part of its structure and still be effective if used correctly. All three have multiple examples within the text of A Priestess Path.I will put forth a warning though. This short paper is intended for those who have ... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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In general I see sex as serving three major purposes or roles in occult work. I label these as Power, Devotion and Personal Development. These major headings fit with the major rays or principles of Fire, Water and Air, or Power, Love and Wisdom. Any given ritual may use one, two or all three of these methods as part of its structure and still be effective if used correctly. All three have multiple examples within the text of A Priestess Path.
I will put forth a warning though. This short paper is intended for those who have been trained in solid ritual theory and practice. The use of sex magic can result in very powerful psychological and magical effects and the untrained may damage themselves in a number of unforeseen ways if they have not done the ground work necessary within their specific tradition.(Greg Wotton)