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Robert Peterson - Out Of Body Experiences How To Have Them And What To Expect (copyrighted book, review only)

Cover of Robert Peterson's Book Out Of Body Experiences How To Have Them And What To Expect
This book is about Out-of-Body Experiences, or "OBEs" for short. The OBE is also called Astral Projection in much of the literature. I'll use these terms interchangeably in this book. Simply put, an OBE is an experience in which you seem to be consciously apart from your physical body. This book is not a complete detailed discourse on the OBE there are dozens of books on out-of-body experiences, with stories, theories, and good information. Rather, this book offers a new perspective on the OBE, based on the author's expe... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Mystic and Occultism
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Author:      Robert Peterson
Format:      eBook
This book is about Out-of-Body Experiences, or "OBEs" for short. The OBE is also called Astral Projection in much of the literature. I'll use these terms interchangeably in this book. Simply put, an OBE is an experience in which you seem to be consciously apart from your physical body. This book is not a complete detailed discourse on the OBE there are dozens of books on out-of-body experiences, with stories, theories, and good information. Rather, this book offers a new perspective on the OBE, based on the author's experience and point of view. My goal is not to reiterate the old theories, but to present new information based on what I've learned and provide tools to induce OBEs. A good word to describe an OBE is "Escapade," which has the same root as the word "Escape." According to the American Heritage Dictionary, an escapade is: An adventurous action that usually violates conventional standards of behavior. It's an escape from our bodies. It is adventurous. And it certainly violates conventional standards of behavior!

Most OBEs have common features. For instance, the subjects often see their own physical body during the experience, like any other object in the room. They usually report having "ghostly" bodies that can pass through solid objects during the experience. Sometimes their ghostly bodies are even seen by others! They also report floating or flying, and often report seeing places or events that were out of eyesight. There are many books about Out-of-Body Experiences with many different approaches, from scientific to the occult (see the bibliography for more information). Many of these books give the readers stern warnings against trying it themselves, for fear of: death, disease, possession, insanity, heart attack and even the fear of being mistaken for dead and buried alive! I'm writing this book to try to dispel some of these myths.

About Author:

Robert (Bob) Peterson was born on April 14, 1961. He has been studying and inducing out-of-body experiences and psychic experiences since he graduated from high school in 1979. He graduated from the University of Minnesota Institute of Technology, with a B.S. degree in computer science in 1984. While attending the University, he became more proficient at out-of-body exploration, while keeping detailed journals of his experiences. At the same time, he did volunteer work for a student-based organization called the Minnesota Society for Parapsychological Research (MSPR), which gave him experience as a "Ghost Buster" before the movie made the subject popular.

Since college, he has had a very successful career in systems level computer programming. He lived in Phoenix, Arizona in 1985 and 1986, where he started editing and occasionally contributing articles for a local spiritually themed newsletter called The Spontaneous Self. In 1987, he moved to Rochester, Minnesota and worked as a contract programmer at the IBM plant until 1996. During that time, he compiled his experiences and journals into his first book, Out of Body Experiences: How to have them and what to expect (Hampton Roads Publishing, 1997) which has been available online for free since 1996. His second book, Lessons Out of the Body, was published in 2001. His third book is a novel titled The Gospel According to Mike.

Today, Bob works for Linux software leader Red Hat. He lives near Brainerd, Minnesota with his wife and soulmate, Kathy. They have no children. His hobbies include writing, traveling, biking, woodworking, stained glass, fishing, kayaking, and strategy games.

Robert (Bob) Peterson's web site is: http://www.robertpeterson.org/