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Jakob Bohme Books Collection

Jakob Bohme Books Collection
On this page you can see content of all Jakob Bohme (Jacob Boehme) books (14 total) in one zip archive.

Jakob Bohme (1575 - November 17, 1624) was a German Christian mystic and theologian. He is considered an original thinker within the Lutheran tradition, and his first book, commonly known as Aurora, caused a great scandal. In contemporary English, his name may be spelled Jacob Boehme; in seventeenth-century England it was also spelled Behmen, approximating the contemporary English pronunciation of the German Bohme

Boehme had a number of mystical experiences throughout his youth, culminating in a vision in 1600 as one day he focused his attention onto the exquisite beauty of a beam of sunlight reflected in a pewter dish. He believed this vision revealed to him the spiritual structure of the world, as well as the relationship between God and man, and good and evil. At the time he chose not to speak of this experience openly, preferring instead to continue his work and raise a family. In 1610 Boehme experienced another inner vision in which he further understood the unity of the cosmos and that he had received a special vocation from God.

Boehme produced an enormous amount of writing, including his major works De Signatura Rerum (The Signature of All Things) and Mysterium Magnum. He also developed a following throughout Europe, where his followers were known as Behmenists. The son of Boehme's chief antagonist, the pastor primarius of Gorlitz Gregorius Richter, edited a collection of extracts from his writings, which were afterwards published complete at Amsterdam with the help of Coenraad van Beuningen in the year 1682. Boehme's full works were first printed in 1730.
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    Catalog Books List (14 books):

    XL Questions Concerning the Soule (answered by Jacob Behmen,1647,in English) by Balthasar Walther
    Bedencken Uber Esaiae Stiefels Buchlein (1682,in German) by Jakob Bohme
    De Signatura Rerum, Das Ist Von Der Gebuhrt und Bezeichnung Aller Wesen (1682,in German) by Jakob Bohme
    Von der Menschwerdung Jesu Christi (1682,in German) by Jakob Bohme
    Der Weeg zu Christo Verfasset in Neun Buchlein (1682,in German) by Jakob Bohme
    De Vita et Scriptis Jacobi Bohmii Oder Ausfuhrlich Erlauterter Historischer Bericht (1730,in French) by Jakob Bohme
    Quaestiones Theosophicae Oder Betrachtung Gottlicher Offenbarung (1730,in German) by Jakob Bohme
    Des Trois Principes de l'essence Divine (1802,in French) by Jakob Bohme
    De Signatura Rerum (De la Signature des Choses,1908,in French) by Jakob Bohme
    Epistolae Theosophicae Oder Theosophische Send Briefe (1730,in German) by Jakob Bohme
    Morgen Rote im Aufgangk das ist die Wurtzel oder Mutter der Philosophiae (1656,in German) by Jakob Bohme
    Register Uber Alle Theosophischen Schriften (1730,in German) by Jakob Bohme
    De la Vie Supersensuelle (1903,in French) by Jakob Bohme
    Le Philosophe Allemand Jacob Boehme (1888,in French) by Emile Boutroux