Pagan Pride Project - What Is Asatru (77.0 Kb)
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Asatru is a Norse term meaning literally a faith or belief in Gods, specifically the Old Norse and Germanic Gods known collectively as the AEsir. Asatru has its roots in ancient customs and beliefs, although it is best known from the Viking age when the old world view and the emerging Christian faith clashed and which was the period that the stories and customs were written down. As with many other ethnic or folk religions there was no specific name for the religion, although Asatru, Vor tru, "our faith," or Forn Sed, "ancie... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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Asatru is a Norse term meaning literally a faith or belief in Gods, specifically the Old Norse and Germanic Gods known collectively as the AEsir. Asatru has its roots in ancient customs and beliefs, although it is best known from the Viking age when the old world view and the emerging Christian faith clashed and which was the period that the stories and customs were written down. As with many other ethnic or folk religions there was no specific name for the religion, although Asatru, Vor tru, "our faith," or Forn Sed, "ancient customs/ways" are phrases/words that are used in the modern world to describe this faith. The religion was part of the culture, and the beliefs revealed not only in the mythology, but also in the customs, ethics, and laws, much of which has survived as a cultural ethos.
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Pagan Pride is a movement among the American Pagans to build a positive public image of Paganism. Local Pagan Pride groups sponsor "Pagan Pride Day" festivals, usually in public locations such as city parks or university campuses. The first recorded reference to "Pagan Pride" can be traced to 1992.
The Pagan Pride Project
The Pagan Pride Project is a non-profit organization whose aims are to promote understanding of Paganism, support various charities and bring Pagan communities closer together. The project's logo shows various Pagan symbols encircling the Earth--the yin/yang symbol, Celtic cross, Mjollnir, a Triple Goddess symbol, an Eye of Horus, Venus of Willendorf, ankh, pentagram, triskelion, Stone Megalith, Green Man, Enneagram, and the Kabbalistic Tree of life.
Pagan Pride Day
Pagan Pride Day is an annual event held in a variety of locations across the world. The festivities are as varied as the communities which organize them. Some events are as simple as an open picnic or cook-out held in a local park. Some events are full-fledged festivals which rent venues with performance stages and food facilities. There are, however, several common elements.
First and foremost is the goal of educating the public about the beliefs and practices of various Neopagan traditions. The general public is invited and there are usually tables of reading materials, staffed by members of a range of Neopagan denominations. Speakers may focus on dispelling common misconceptions about Neopaganism, or they may seek to educate outsiders about the details of their particular beliefs and practices.
The second most common aspect is charitable work. Many Pagan Pride coordinating committees choose a local charity to support with fundraising and/or donations raised by the event. These charities might be organizations related to environmental conservation, animal rescues, food pantries, shelters for victims of domestic violence or other causes.
Pagan Pride Day events are usually welcoming to families and children. There are rules regarding what can and cannot occur at such events to this end.
Many Pagan Pride festivals showcase local Neopagan performers, artisans and merchants. Some events offer open mike sessions where attendees can take a turn chanting, telling jokes, spinning tales, drumming, or reading poetry.