Asatru And Odinism Books (80)
The Ancient Fires of Midgard by Andrea HaugenI have always felt different from the crowd. I thought much more about life than others my age did. I had deep emotions, intense dreams, visions and magical experiences, I felt very connected to animals, had a great interest in ancient cultures, and I loved gloomy and gothic images. I was intensely...
>>Download<< Asatru The Northern Way by Anthony ArndtAsatro as a reconstructionist movement was founded almost simultaneously in Iceland (Islenska Asatruarfelagid) and America (Asatru Free Assembly). This occurred in the early 1970s.The historical basis for Asatro is Norse mythos, which may be up to 40,000 years old and originated in northern...
>>Download<< Asatru and the Paranormal by AnonymousWe live in an age which, for various reasons, ignores and even ridicules the very idea of the paranormal: of that which cannot be explained by the norms of everyday experience. Religious belief itself has been replaced by the foggy political slogan of "shared values," a mask for spiritual...
>>Download<< Seidr Seid Sol Iss Burs and Nordic Shamanism by Yves KodratoffThe first part is personal, and it exposes my practice of seidr, by comparing it several times to the one coming from Diana Paxson's group and in Jordsvin's papers. I thus recommend to read at first these papers before mine. The second part explains and supports my own practice of seidr, but the...
>>Download<< Blotar A Brief Guide to Asatru Ritual by Anthony ArndtBlotar (the plural form of blot) strengthen the bonds between humans and the gods, our holy kin. With blotar we honor the gods in a social atmosphere and invite them to share in our celebrations and give them gifts in return for divine favor.The blot bowl and plates laid out for the gods and...
>>Download<< History of Nordic Runes p1 by AnonymousRunes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets...
>>Download<< Norse Mythology A to Z by Kathleen Daly"Norse Mythology A to Z, Third Edition" examines the characters, objects, and places whose stories make up the folklore of the Norse people, who lived in the region known today as Scandinavia. Passed down through the generations by word of mouth and finally written down in the 13th century and...
>>Download<< Magical Medicine In Viking Scandinavia by David RobertsonWe have very little information at all about Viking medical practices. It is thought that women were probably the primary medical practicioners (Foote and Wilson, The Viking Achievement, p. 93). Since women in general are so much in the background in most sagas, you don't see them operating in this...
>>Download<< The Religion Of Odin by Irv SlausonThis is a book about a religion, A religion that was hundreds of' years old at the time of Christ and has had an unbroken, khough often times clandestine, existence from then to our own times. Followers of the swirling and often conflicting groups of the Odinists still number in the hundreds of...
>>Download<< What is Asatru by Stephen Mcnallenby Stephen A. McNallen. Published by ASATRU FOLK ASSEMBLY. The Asatru Folk Assembly is a religious corporation in the State of California and has Federal 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. Our purpose is the practice, promotion, and further development of our ancestral faith. We welcome inquiries and...
>>Download<< Learning Magic in the Sagas by Stephen MitchellThe image of magic spells being taught by more seasoned practitioners to others eager to learn them comports well with what can be deduced about the actual practice of witchcraft and magic in medieval Scandinavia. For example, at the conclusion of that most remarkable document on love magic,...
>>Download<< Nordic Soul Lore and Teutonic Psychology by AnonymousThere are many parts of the soul in Nordic Mythology. The lyke [lik ON, lic(h) OE] is the physical body itself. The hyde [hamron] is the quasi-physical part of the soul which gives shape and form tothe lyke. It can be formed and mutated by human will and what happens to the hyde happens to the...
>>Download<< History of Nordic Runes p2 by AnonymousRunes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets...
>>Download<< English Old Norse Dictionary by Ross ArthurYou could, of course, print it and then consult it just as you would consult any other dictionary It might be more useful to you, however, to keep it as an electronic reference tool For one thing, you'll find that it serves also as an Old Norse to English dictionary.If you are now viewing this...
>>Download<< Alfta Dictionary of Northern Lore by Alfta OdinnsenNorthern Lore was basically an oral tradition and never written down during pagan times. It was only later written down by Christian scholars in an attempt to preserve something of their native culture. But by then, much of the oral lore was lost. Even today, we recognize that what we work with is...
>>Download<< Tree Cults in Northern Magic by Tommie ErikssonFrom the earliest times, trees have been the focus of religious life for many peoples around the world. As the largest plant on earth, the tree has been a major source of stimulation to the mythic imagination. Trees have been invested in all cultures with a dignity unique to their own nature, and...
>>Download<< Bandrunir in Icelandic Sagas by Mindy MacleodThe Sagas of Icelanders (Icelandic: Islendingasogur)--many of which are also known as family sagas--are prose histories mostly describing events that took place in Iceland in the 10th and early 11th centuries, during the so-called Saga Age. They are the best-known specimens of Icelandic literature....
>>Download<< History of Nordic Runes p6 by AnonymousRunes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets...
>>Download<< History of Nordic Runes p9 by AnonymousRunes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets...
>>Download<< History of Nordic Runes p3 by AnonymousRunes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets...
>>Download<< History of Nordic Runes p4 by AnonymousRunes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets...
>>Download<< History of Nordic Runes p8 by AnonymousRunes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets...
>>Download<< The Book of The Sagas by Alice HoffmanLook at the map of Europe. In the north-west you will see the island of Iceland. The great oceans are wide around it on every side its northern coast is just touching the Arctic circle. How far off and apart from all the world it seems! How out of touch with the enterprise, the commerce, the...
>>Download<< History of Nordic Runes p5 by AnonymousRunes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets...
>>Download<< Rodin In Rime by Aleister CrowleyContains seven lithographs executed by Auguste Clot after the original sketches with water-colors of Auguste Rodin which were presented to Crowley during a visit in 1903.It's said that many of these books were destroyed or damaged due to a flood that occurred in a warehouse where they were being...
>>Download<< History of Nordic Runes p7 by AnonymousRunes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets...
>>Download<< Odin Ravens Song by Hrafnagaldr OdiThis very obscure poem has been regarded as a fragment only of a poem, of which the beginning and end are wanting. With regard to the beginning, the want may possibly be more apparent than real the strophes 2-5 being in fact a sort of introduction, although they do not at first strike us as...
>>Download<< Odinism And Asatru by AnonymousThe Asatru movement began in the 1970's, as a revival of Germanic paganism. Begun in Iceland on the Summer Solstice of 1972, the Islenska Asatruarfelagid was founded recognized as an official religion the following year. Shortly afterwards, the Asatru Free Assembly was formed in the United States,...
>>Download<< Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by William Alexander CraigieThe native religion of the ancient Scandinavians was in its main features only a special form of that common to all the Germanic peoples, and this again was only a particular development of primitive beliefs and practices characteristic of the whole Aryan race. It is impossible to say how far back...
>>Download<< The Odin Brotherhood by Mark MirabelloThe Odin Brotherhood's was first exposed to the general public in 1992 with the publication of the book The Odin Brotherhood by Dr. Mark Mirabello, who is a professor of European history at Shawnee State University.First contact was made when Mirabello encountered a silver-haired man in a bookshop...
>>Download<< The Anglo Saxon Sagas by Daniel HaighDaniel Henry Haigh (7 August 1819 -- 10 May 1879) was a noted Victorian scholar of Anglo-Saxon history and literature, as well as a runologist and numismatist.Although Haigh did not have any formal academic training, he dedicated himself to the study of Anglo-Saxon history and literature, and...
>>Download<< Stories From Northern Myths by Emilie Kip Baker"Stories from Northern Myth" written in 1914 by Emilie Kip Baker. Most of the existing records on Norse mythology date from the 11th to 18th century, having gone through more than two centuries of oral preservation in what was at least officially a Christian society. At this point scholars started...
>>Download<< Asatru And Odinism by MiacRecenl decades have seen a proiiieration oi different religions and sects. Pad oi this movemenl has been a reslrgence of in lerest in ancienl religious beliels and polythelsm. While not recerving as much atlention as other pre-hjstoric religions, such as Wicca, Asatra and Odinism stem irom simiiar...
>>Download<< Odinism What Is It The Odinic Rite by Troth AorOdinism is the indigenous religious faith of the Scandinavian, British and other peoples of Northern Europe it is an amalgam of attitudes, ideas and behavior, both a personal faith and a communal way of life. In its beginnings Odinism is probably as old as our race. Historically it may be...
>>Download<< Ways of the Asatru by Michael SmithThere are two issues which I would like to bring to the reader's attention concerning this book. The first would be that this book should not, by any means, be considered an absolute authority on Asatru. The reader is encouraged to read other books, do research, and explore their own hearts to find...
>>Download<< Prophecy of the Seeress Poetic Edda by Irmin VinsonVoluspa, which opens the Old Norse Poetic Edda, was likely composed in Iceland shortly before AD 1000 during a period of transition when Christianity was replacing the traditional beliefs of the North. The poem's anonymous author seems to have conceived Voluspa as a literary response to the decline...
>>Download<< Asatru In Brief by Reeves HallAlthough there are many variations in beliefs and practices within this faith, Asatruers all share a defining personal loyalty to, or "Troth" with, the gods and goddesses of the North, such as Odin, Thor, Frigga, the land wights (spirits), and many others a deep respect for their Germanic...
>>Download<< Icelandic Poetry Or The Edda Of Saemund by LoptssonThe Poetic Edda is a collection of Old Norse poems primarily preserved in the Icelandic mediaeval manuscript Codex Regius. Along with Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, the Poetic Edda is the most important extant source on Norse mythology and Germanic heroic legends.Codex Regius was written in the...
>>Download<< What Is Asatru by Pagan Pride ProjectAsatru is a Norse term meaning literally a faith or belief in Gods, specifically the Old Norse and Germanic Gods known collectively as the AEsir. Asatru has its roots in ancient customs and beliefs, although it is best known from the Viking age when the old world view and the emerging Christian...
>>Download<< Introduction to The Elder Edda by John Ronald TolkienThe Elder Edda is not a single continuous narrative, but a collection of poems, most of which are preserved in the Konungsbok, or Codex Regius (King's Book), copied in Iceland about A.D. 1270. The poems are the work of many poets. Their language suggests that they were composed between 800 and...
>>Download<< The Prose Edda Ver 1 by Snorri SturlsonTranslated by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur [1916]The Prose Edda is a text on Old Norse Poetics, written about 1200 by the Norwegian poet and politican Snorri Sturlson, who also wrote the Heimskringla. The Prose Edda contains a wide variety of lore which a Skald (poet) of the time would need to know....
>>Download<< The Religion of the Teutons by Chantepie de la SaussayeTHE present volume may be allowed to plead its own cause its plan and scope are explained in the Introduction. It is for critics to decide how far the author has succeeded in his task, and wherein he has failed. It is the hope of the author that his book may at all events prove useful in conveying...
>>Download<< Witchcraft in North Carolina by Tom Peete CrossThe study of popular delusions has far more than an antiquarian or academic interest. Its results constitute one of the most fascinating and instructive chapters in the story of human progress. Written history is not so much the record of battles, conquests, and legislative acts as of social and...
>>Download<< Poetic Edda Edda Saeundar Hinns Froda by Benjamin ThorpeSaemund, son of Sigfus, the reputed collector of the poems bearing his name, which is sometimes also called the Elder, and the Poetic, Edda, was of a highly distinguished family, being descended in a direct line from King Harald Hildetonn. He was born at Oddi, his paternal dwelling in the south of...
>>Download<< Groa Top Nine Heathen Books by Ann Groa SheffieldBecause my "List of Recommended Heathen Reading" keeps getting longer, I've put together a shorter list to in an effort to help someone who is brand-new to all of this and doesn't know where to start. Let's begin with the Top Three Books for the Neophyte Heathen (Ann Groa Sheffield)
>>Download<< The Prose Edda Ver 2 by Snorri SturlsonTRANLSATED FROM THE ICELANDIC WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ARTHUR GILCHRIST BRODEUR, Ph. D.Instructor in English Philology in the University of California This Series of Scandinavian Classics is published by The American Scandinavian Foundation in the belief that great familiarity with the chief...
>>Download<< Myths of Northern Lands by Helene Adeline GuerberThe aim of this handbook of Northern mythology is to familiarize the English student of letters with the religion of his heathen ancestors, and to set forth, as clearly as possible, the various myths which have exercised an influence over our customs, arts, and literature. As Norwegians, Danes,...
>>Download<< The Northmen in Britain by Eleanor HullBlue eyed blonde Teutonic peoples played a strong role in bringing about the end of the Roman Empire. Not so those who lived in the northern parts of Europe, Scandinavia and Denmark. They had almost no contact with the Roman world or the rest of Europe until the eighth century. These were known by...
>>Download<< Ingeborg Unofficial Asatru FAQ by Ingeborg NordenFeel free to pass this on to other pagan friends, as long as you acknowledge me as the original author.Long before Christianity came to northern Europe, the people there - our ancestors - had their own religions. One of these was Asatru. It was practiced in the lands that are today Scandinavia,...
>>Download<< La Hermandad de Odin In Spanish by Mark MirabelloEste trabajo - escrito durante lo que Herman Hesse llamo "el final de los tiempos modernos, apenas antes del regreso del medioevo" - esta disenado para los estudiantes de las religiones ocultas. El paganismo es una fuerza creciente, y creo que un observador neutro debe registrar y publicar algo del...
>>Download<< A Irmandade de Odin In Portuguese by Mark MirabelloO Odinismo tambem conhecido como "Asatru" (termo islandes para "Lealdade aos Deuses") e, em sua encarnacao moderna, a tentativa de reconstruir o mais fielmente possivel a antiga religiao Nordica. Devido a falta de textos, artefatos ou templos sobreviventes alguns detalhes estao para sempre...
>>Download<< Anglo Saxon Heathendom and Icelandic Asatru by Eric WodeningThe ancient Germanic peoples essentially followed the same religion. Nearly all of them appear to have worshipped the major gods known to us from Norse mythology - Odinn, PorR, FreyR, and so on. They also believed in many of the same "spirits" or wights--elves dwarves, thurses, and so on. They held...
>>Review Only<< Heathen Bookhoard A Reading List by The TrothAt this writing, this is the only mass-market book in print by a heathen author that deals directly with today's heathen religion. Features many beautifully written prayers to the gods and goddesses. The author reviews the lore on the deities, giving a number of her own personal understandings,...
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