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Paschal Beverly Randolph - Seership Guide To Soul Sight (259.0 Kb)

Cover of Paschal Beverly Randolph's Book Seership Guide To Soul SightBook downloads: 575
Seership is the work of an Orientalist, which term is commonly understood to mean, either one who has been born in the mystic east or one who, due to the possession of a mind easily capable of comprehending the thoughts and feelings of these people, and deeply in sympathy with them, can express their thoughts and emotions as effectively as if they were native to itself.Dr Randolph first conceived the idea of writing such a book as Seership about the year 1850, about the time of his first visit to Paris this much he tells... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Mystic and Occultism
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Author:      Paschal Beverly Randolph
Format:      eBook
Seership is the work of an Orientalist, which term is commonly understood to mean, either one who has been born in the mystic east or one who, due to the possession of a mind easily capable of comprehending the thoughts and feelings of these people, and deeply in sympathy with them, can express their thoughts and emotions as effectively as if they were native to itself.

Dr Randolph first conceived the idea of writing such a book as Seership about the year 1850, about the time of his first visit to Paris this much he tells us himself. It is easily possible, though we have no proof of this fact, that while in France he became familiar with some of the teachings then current on the subject, for though nothing like the present book had ever been published by any writer of any nation, nevertheless the practice of occultism was well known to no few occult students as witness the many stories current connecting Dr. Dee, Cagliostro and others with mirror gazing and seership, all of whom lived and were active in occult practices before Dr. Randolph's time. One thing is certain, if we may believe but a fraction of what is written on the subject, the very air of Paris was permeated with every from of occult thought during the several periods when Dr. Randolph visited there, even the men closely associated with the affairs of the government of France, being members of the Fraternity, deeply versed and keenly interested in this subject. It is therefore small wonder that Dr. Randolph became fired with the thought of writing a text on the subject and clarifying the varius teachings relative to the practice so that all truly interested might readily understand the method of procedure and its results. R. SWINBURNE CLYMER

About Author:

Paschal Beverly Randolph (October 8, 1825 - July 29, 1875) was an American medical doctor, occultist and writer. Randolph is notable as perhaps the first person to introduce the principles of sex magic to North America, and, according to A. E. Waite, establishing the earliest known Rosicrucian order in the United States.

Dr. Randolph had no desire to become a French subject despite the many friends he possessed in that great country and the power with which he had been vested, and his mind therefore turned toward the establishment of the Fraternity in America. For some years the greater part of his time and thought was directed toward this end, while at the same time he was keenly interested in the "new freedom party" which was silently at work.

In about the year 1858, his first efforts proved successful, and the first Temple of Rosicrucia was established in America with Headquarters in Boston. Meanwhile, he continued to function as Supreme Grand Master of the Fraternity with Headquarters in France, which position he held until 1863 when he appointed a successor for France but still under his guidance.

In 1861 Dr. Randolph visited California, conducted a series of lectures there on occultism, mysticism and the objects of Rosicrucianism and established the Grand Lodge for California. His task completed, his mind once again turned to the thought of completing the text book dealing with Soul Sight through the medium of the Magic Mirror. Ten weeks after his arrival in California he left for the Orient there to seek at first hand material on which to base the instructions which were from the basis of his book which when published bore the title, Seership, of which the present volume is the first reprint under the present regime.

During 1861-62, Dr Randolph successfully visited England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Malta, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, Palestine, Turkey, Greece and other nations, as well as many sects heretofore almost unknown and certainly never before visited by a white man. He was received in the inner circles of the Mystic Orders of all of these countries, as his office gave him free entry at all times as well as the privilege of scanning the pages of the most secret manuscripts, as well as the right to initiation into all the rites of the various Orders.