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Mark Stavish - A Kabbalistic Guide to Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection (74.0 Kb)

Cover of Mark Stavish's Book A Kabbalistic Guide to Lucid Dreaming and Astral ProjectionBook downloads: 1174
The projection of consciousness has been an integral part of kabbalistic teachings, from the Merkavah (Chariot) Riders and their journeys to the starry Palaces (Hekelot) of the invisible world, to Traveling in Spirit Visions with the early adepts of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the 19th can early 20th centuries. While a wide variety of approaches has been formulated to assist the disciples of these diverse schools, much of their techniques require an extensive amount of preparatory teachings and/or ritual assista... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Astral Projection And Travels
Category 2:  Lucid Dreaming
Category 3:  Kabbalah or Qabala
Author:      Mark Stavish
Format:      eBook
The projection of consciousness has been an integral part of kabbalistic teachings, from the Merkavah (Chariot) Riders and their journeys to the starry Palaces (Hekelot) of the invisible world, to Traveling in Spirit Visions with the early adepts of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the 19th can early 20th centuries. While a wide variety of approaches has been formulated to assist the disciples of these diverse schools, much of their techniques require an extensive amount of preparatory teachings and/or ritual assistance. For those who have little or no knowledge of traditional 10-12th century Merkavah doctrines, or no interest in learning the necessary signs, symbols, and invocations for Golden Dawn style techniques and their 'spin offs', yet want a Hermetic approach to their inner world, there is a solution. It is also simple, direct, and does not require an extensive amount of visualization or creative imaging.

The following experiment was carried out over a three month period, from December 1996 to February 1997. During that time, no additional ritual methods were performed, either for personal development, or in a group, in order to asses the value of the technique as it stood alone. The majority of the experiments occurred at night, before going to sleep, and about half the time, in the morning upon waking, while still in a borderline state.

It is designed for those who would like to have an 'out of body experience' but lack either the necessary visualization skills required of so many of the present techniques, or who have had violent experiences leaving their body, and would like a more gentle approach to the astral planes.

It can be carried out by either experienced 'traveler' or beginner with equal ease, and possibly, similar results.

About Author:

Mark Stavish is a long-time student of esotericism and has written over a two-dozen critically received articles, book reviews, and interviews on western esoteric philosophy and practices. All of the articles available below have been published in Caduceus, The Stone, The Rosicrucian Beacon (U.K.), or Atlantis Rising. Future publications will include, World War Two Magazine and Venture Inward (A.R.E.). Feel free to download them for personal use. If you would like to re-print them in your organization's journal or publication contact the author for permission.

Mark is well known for his lively, informative, and practical presentations and was voted most popular speaker at the ecumenical conference Sacred Space in 1997 and 1998. He has presented internationally at conferences for the Philosophers of Nature (PON), the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, and the highly exclusive "Palladian Academy" in Vichenza, Italy in 1997. Among the presenters were: Josclyn Godwin (SUNY), Antoine Faivre (Sorbonne), and Christopher McIntosh (UNESCO).

Esoteric experience includes initiation into Martinism, and appointment to Regional Monitor Emeritus in the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. Currently, Mark is the Director for Research for the Occult Research and Applications Project (ORA) sponsored by the Philosophers of Nature. The purpose of the ORA Project is to review ancient occult knowledge with respect to tradition and to find new and useful applications for it in the modern world. Several of the ORA Projects and their results are listed on this site. All projects are considered 'ongoing' with twice yearly updates appearing The Stone, the journal for the Philosophers of Nature. If you are interested in participating in, or contributing to, any of the O.R.A. Projects, contact Mark for submission guidelines and experiment protocols.

In addition to degrees in Theology and Counseling, Mark was raised in a family with over five generations of practicing esotericists. This familial tradition is known as "pow-wow" and is a form of oral qabalistic magic, with roots in the Renaissance, common among those of Central European decent. It is most commonly found among German Pietist, Amish, and Mennonite families. For more in formation see: Pow-Wow, Psalms, and German Magical Folklore.

Mark lectures regularly for The Wyoming Valley Society for Esoteric Studies. Lectures and group rituals are held twice monthly in Kingston, Pennsylvania (near Wilkes-Barre) with easy access from Route 309 and Route 11. These lectures are part of an ongoing, three year series of classes designed to develop the skills needed to be successful in personal esoteric research and growth.