Gabor KLANICZAY is Professor, Director of Doctoral Studies, Medieval Studies Department, CEU, Budapest.
Fields of interest of Gabor KLANICZAY are religious and cultural history. Gabor KLANICZAY research focuses on the historical anthropology of medieval and early modern European popular religion (sainthood, miracle beliefs, healing, magic, witchcraft). He is a pioneer in the application of anthropological methods to historical analysis in Hungary. His other endeavor is related to the comparative approach to history, within the framework of which he intends to situate historical observations on Hungary and Central Europe in an all-European context. His most recent topic is a comparative and cross-cultural analysis of medieval and modern visions and apparitions.
Year of birth 1950
Education, Academic Titles
1974 Graduated in History, Medieval Studies, and English Philology at Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest
1976 postgraduate studies in Paris with Jacques Le Goff (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and Michel Mollat (Sorbonne)
1983 Dr. Phil. at ELTE
1994 Cand. Sci. at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2001 Dr. Habil., Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest
2004 Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Employments, Academic and Administrative Charges
1974-78 Editor at the review Vilagossag
1978-84 Assistant Research Fellow at the Institute for Historical Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1985-90 Secretary of the National Committee of Hungarian Historians
1984-90 Assistant Professor, 1990- Associate Professor, 1994-97 Head of the Department of Medieval European History, ELTE
1989-1993 Founding Editor of Budapesti Konyvszemle (BUKSZ) 1993-2001 Chairman of the Editorial Board
1990-97 Program Director, Historical Anthropology Program sponsored by the Soros Foundation, ELTE, Budapest, (together with Andras Gero)
1991-1997 Editor of Budapest Review of Books
1991-92 Associate Dean for International Relations at ELTE, Faculty of Humanities
1992-97 Head of the Department of Medieval Studies at CEU, Budapest
1997- Professor of Medieval Studies at CEU, Budapest
1997-2002 Rector and Permanent Fellow of Collegium Budapest
2002- Permanent Fellow of Collegium Budapest
2005-2007 Head of the Department of Medieval Studies at CEU, Budapest
1986 Research Fellowship, Columbia University, New York, (Institute on East-Central Europe)
1989 'Maitre de conferences associe' at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
1990-91 Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
1992 Getty Scholar at the Getty Center for Arts and the Humanities, Santa Monica
1996 Resident Scholar at the Bellagio Study and Conference Center
2003/2004 Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford
Membership in University Committees
1989-99 ELTE reform committee
1992-99 a CEU Senate member (Doctoral Committee, External Relations Committee, Strategic Planning Committe)
1999-99 Chair of the Rector Search Committee of CEU
2001- CEU Doctoral Committee member
2001 - Humanities Center of the CEU International Advisory Council member
Membership in Other Academic Committees
1980-1985 a MTA Kulturalis Antropologia munkabizottsag
1990-2001 Secretary of the Frencs-Hungarian mixed Committee of Historians
2003-advisory board member Musee d'Europe (Bruxelles)
2003-member of the National Committee of Hungarian Historians
2006-2007 member of the Advisory Group on Humanities and Social Sciences at the DG Research of the European Commission, Bruxelles
2007-member of the Hungarian Accreditation Board - History Committee
Teaching experience
Since 1984 Courses in medieval history at ELTE, Budapest at CEU since 1993/1994 one semester each year Hagiography since 1995/96 one semester each year Historical Anthropology
1993/1994 New Sensitivities in Contemporary Historical Research
1995/1996 Magic in the Middle Ages
1996/1997 Religious Movements in Late Medieval Europe
1998/1999 Religion in the Courts (Saints, Heretics, Witches)
2000/2001 From the Ethnogenesis to Protonationalism
2001/2002 Mendicant Orders between West and East since 1995 PhD Research Seminar since 1995 PhD Seminar since 1999 University and Department Network Coordination
2002/2003 The Cult of Saints and Medieval Canonization Trials
2002/2003 The Annales School - History and Historiography
Most important publications
A civilizacio peremen. Kulturtorteneti tanulmanyok, Budapest, Magveto, 1990, pp.393.
The Uses of Supernatural Power. The Transformations of the Popular Religion in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Polity Press, Cambridge - Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1990, pp.259.
With T. Klaniczay, Szent Margit legendai es stigmai. Irodalomtorteneti Fuzetek, 135, Argumentum, Budapest, 1994. pp. 255.
Az uralkodok szentsege a kozepkorban. Magyar dinasztikus szentkultuszok es europai modellek. Balassi Kiado, Budapest, 2000. pp. 372.
with E. Madas (eds.), Legendak es csodak (13-16. szazad). Szentek a magyar kozepkorbol II. Osiris Kiado, Budapest, 2001. pp. 501.
with I. Kristof, TEcritures saintes et pactes diaboliques. Les usages religieux de l'ecrit (Moyen Age et temps Modernes)t Annales HSS, 56 (2001), pp. 947-980.
Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses. Dynastic Cults in Medieval Central Europe. translated by Eva Palmai, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002. pp. 400.
Transz es szkepticizmus Johannes Nider Formicarius cimu traktatusaban, in E. Pocs (ed.) Demonologia es boszorkanysag Europaban , L'Harmattan, Budapest, 2001. pp. 39-106.
Le stigmate di santa Margherita d'Ungheria: immagini e testi, Iconographica. Rivista di iconografia medievale e moderna, I, 2002, pp. 16-31.
(ed.) Europa ezer eve: a kozepkor, Osiris Kiado, Budapest, 2004. I-II. kot.