New Wiccan Church - Electric Garters of California (115.0 Kb)
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ELECTRIC GARTERS an abridged version of RED GARTERS is available on various Pagan computer BBS. The RED GARTERS of California is the official voice of the New Wiccan Church of California. The Office of the California State Summoner publishes a minimum of 8 issues per year, as a function of the membership and mailing lists of the New Wiccan Church. Subscription to RED GARTERS is included among the benefits of membership in the New Wiccan Church of California.Book can be downloaded.
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ELECTRIC GARTERS an abridged version of RED GARTERS is available on various Pagan computer BBS. The RED GARTERS of California is the official voice of the New Wiccan Church of California. The Office of the California State Summoner publishes a minimum of 8 issues per year, as a function of the membership and mailing lists of the New Wiccan Church. Subscription to RED GARTERS is included among the benefits of membership in the New Wiccan Church of California.
About Author:
The New Wiccan Church is neither a tradition nor a coven, but is a professional and service organization by and for members of all branches of the Traditional Craft.
The goals of the New Wiccan Church are the preservation. protection and promotion of British Traditional Wica.
To fulfill these goals the NWC provides assistance, resources and opportunities for communication to its members, the Wican Community and the general public.
In 1973 members of the growing Sacramento Pagan community established the Neo-Celtic Church (NCC) as a voice in defense of the religious rights of the Pagan community.
Members attempted to structure the NCC along the lines of previously successful organizations, such as the NAACP and the JDL, which had been created to promote and protect the rights of other ethnic and religious minorities.
In 1976, the NCC both changed its focus, becoming an exclusively British Traditional Wiccan organization, and broadened its purpose, to include encouraging a shared ethical standard for Wiccans, providing continuing education for those teaching the religion and creating a venue for resolving issues between traditions, covens and initiates.
To reflect these changes, the Neo-Celtic Church was renamed the New Wiccan Church, International. The word "New" in the title is meant to reflect that the NWC is a new type of Wiccan entity, structured as a confederation of initiates, rather than as a coven.