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Ophiel - The Art Practice of Caballa Magic (2.1 MB)

Cover of Ophiel's Book The Art Practice of Caballa MagicBook downloads: 4142
Dion Fortune wrote a great book about the Caballa but told nothing about the practices. This book starts to tell about how to use the Tree of Life, or Practices. It reveals what Dion Fortune left out because she received her knowledge from a lodge and was not at liberty to give it out. I received the knowledge direct from the inner sources and can give it all out freely.The newest book in Ophiel's Art and Practice Series begins with a brief history of the Caballa then examines the correspondences of the Tree of Life and its ... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Kabbalah or Qabala
Category 2: 
Category 3: 
Author:      Ophiel
Format:      eBook
Dion Fortune wrote a great book about the Caballa but told nothing about the practices. This book starts to tell about how to use the Tree of Life, or Practices. It reveals what Dion Fortune left out because she received her knowledge from a lodge and was not at liberty to give it out. I received the knowledge direct from the inner sources and can give it all out freely.

The newest book in Ophiel's Art and Practice Series begins with a brief history of the Caballa then examines the correspondences of the Tree of Life and its symbolism. One of the most interesting chapters offers a unique interpretation of the Three Pillars, relating them to past, present, and future. The Art and Practice of Caballa Magic provides clear instructions for practical, productive work using the symbols of the Tree of Life in daily life. As always, Ophiel's accessible language gives fresh insights to the student and a new understanding to the general reader with an interest in the occult. (Ophiel)

About Author:

Ophiel ( Edward c. Peach ) was an occultist and teacher, who taught and wrote about esotericism and the occult during the 1960 - 70?s. His books focus on the practical side of the occult, and are like a precious gold mine of practical information and instructions.

I have read most of ophiel's books several times, many years ago, and though his style is somewhat unusual, he delivers his message quite clearly.

Ophiel gained his knowledge through experiments and practical work. He said that because he was not a member of any group or fraternity, he was not sworn to secrecy, and therefore could reveal all the secrets and laws concerning the occult and magic, the subjects about which he wrote.

Ophiel books:

# The art and practice of creative visualization
# The art and practice of astral projection
# The art and practice of caballa magic
# The art and practice of the occult
# The art and practice of clairvoyance
# The art and practice of contacting the demiurge
# Tarot: mirror of the soul
# Art and practice of talismanic magic
# Oracle of Fortuna
# The art and practice of getting material things through creative visualization

It is interesting to note that Ophiel is the name given to the spirit of Mercury, one of the Olympic spirits. He is the teacher of magical arts and is able to convert quicksilver into the Philosophers Stone.

I tried to find some more information about Ophiel, but could not find any.

Ophiel died in San Francisco in 1988, at the age of 84.