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Patricia Lafayllve's Biography

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Patricia Lafayllve published her first book, "Freyja, Lady, Vanadis: An Introduction to the Goddess" in September 2006 and "Njal's Saga: Book One, Fanning the Embers" in 2008. She is a proud member of Two Ravens Kindred, Bjornsal, and The Troth. She has been heathen for twelve years, a trance practitioner (shamanist and seidh/spae) for sixteen, and has been active in her local heathen and pagan communities for close to twenty years. She is a Troth-certified Godwoman, a Dean in The Troth's Lore Program, and has served The Troth as a Steward, High Steward, founder of the Lore Program, Provost, and former Steerswoman.

Source: http://www.sacredwheel.org/BTW/Between The Worlds/AdditionalTeachers.html

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