Marcus Bottomley is a brilliant Magus who is also a christian. He has orginated from Nigeria and he is one of the most nicest people I have had the pleasure to know. Marcus Bottomley is a voodoo expert, most of his books deal with simple folk magic material. He just might be the best source of voodoo magic, next to Catherine Yronwde.
Marcus Bottomley Bibliography (not full):
- P.A.D. Power of the Ancients - Angelic Forces: How they Can Give You Youth, Beauty and Love - Elemental Forces: Magickal Pathways to Success, Health, Power and Love - Talismanic Power: Using Seals and the Pendulum for Success in Life - Vital Power: The Healing Force of the Universe - Fire Magick: A Manual of White and Black Candle Rituals - The Amazing Egg: How It Can Create For You a Life of Charm and Happiness - The Amazing Egg: How Its Strange Mystic Powers Can Work Miracles in Your Life - The Saints: How They Can Solve Your Problems and Fulfil Your Wishes - Amulets: How They Can Change Your Life - Letters From an Occultist
- Voodoo Love Secrets - The Magick of Casting Spells - Pray and Make Your Dreams Come True - Making Money With Magick - Amazing World Prophecies of the Great Seers - 9 (Nine) Proven Magickal Rites - Proven Psycho-Mind Techniques: Winning with Wonder-Working Mind Power - Salt Power For Bringing Love, Luck and Wealth: The Only Book In The World On The Ritualistic Uses Of Salt - How dreams can foretell your future and solve your problems