Maggi Setti is a Third Degree initiate of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, and is currently serving the High Priestess of the ASW coven, Order of the World Tree, in Bergen County, NJ. Maggi has taught in across the mid- Atlantic region during the past few years. She has taught and led rituals at public gatherings at various metaphysical shops.
She is mainly interested in the Celtic and Norse pantheons. She has relationships with Brigid, Herne, Freya, Odin, Artio (Celtic Artemis), and the Morrigan. Maggi's interests range from qabala, tarot, astrology, aspecting, nature devas, kitchen witchery, herbalism and gardening, shadow work, sacred dreaming, martial arts and warriorship, and women's mysteries and empowerment. Maggi's writings have been featured on Witchvox, Witches and Pagans magazine, Wicca Spirit newsletter, and Pagan Magic UK. Her first book is Ecstasy in Shadow. Maggi offers tarot readings as well as spiritual guidance and is a certified NLP practitioner. Check out her blog at and her website at
Source: The Worlds/AdditionalTeachers.html