Kitty Bronson is a Witch, a Freyja's woman and daughter of Njordhr. She is High Priestess of Guardians of the Windsword, a coven of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. She is a follower of the Norse gods, a Fire Keeper for Sweat Lodge, a Seidhrkona and worker of the runes and herbal magick. She is an artist, an armchair anthropologist and an environmentalist. Kitty has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from NY State College of Ceramics and has studiedAnthropology at Temple University. Currently, she is back in school for a degree in Oceanography and GIS. Her inspiration for her studies and her work come from her spiritual life, believing that you can't follow your future fully without knowing some of your past. Her studies spiritually and in anthropology center on the ancient art, culture and folklore of the British Isles and Teutonic Lands from the Standing Stones through to the age of the Rune Stones. Currently she is researching the folklore of these cultures and following those stories with the immigrants to the New World.
Source: The Worlds/AdditionalTeachers.html