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Kennet Granholm's Biography (Books)

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Kennet Granholm born 1977 M.A. Abo Akademi University 2001 Researcher Department of Comparative Religion, Abo Akademi University.

Kennet Granholm the scholar of esotericism has argued that academics should cease referring to "Western esotericism" altogether, instead simply favouring "esotericism" as a descriptor of this phenomenon.

From webpage of Dr. Kennet Granholm:

I'm a scholar of religion focused on the study of contemporary esotericism. In particular, I am interested in the impact of late modern societal change, the development of new methodological and theoretical approaches and perspectives, and the exploration of new and "alternative" arenas for the esoteric. In many ways religion, and the esoteric, nowadays functions and is used as entertainment and pastime, and thus I have a strong interest in the study of popular culture.

In my list of publications you will find more information on the work I have done, and under "Current Research" you can read about the work I am engaged in right now.

Kennet Granholm Bibliography (not complete, see full here http://kennetgranholm.com/home/publications/):

Monographs and Edited Volumes:

- "Secret Lineages and de facto Satanists: Anton LaVey's Use of Esoteric Tradition". In Egil Asprem and Kennet Granholm (eds.). Contemporary Esotericism.
- Contemporary Esotericism. Edited with Egil Asprem. London: Acumen/Equinox Publishing, 2013. Published by Routledge since 2014.
- Embracing the Dark: The magic order of Dragon Rouge : its practice in dark magic and meaning making - Anthropological work by Kenneth Granholm on the Dragon Rouge
- Dark Enlightenment: The Historical, Sociological, and Discursive Contexts of Contemporary Esoteric Magic. Leiden: Brill, 2014.
- Religion, Media, and Social Change. Edited with Marcus Moberg and Sofia Sjo. London & New York: Routledge, 2015.
- Perspektiv pa esoterisk nyandlighet. Abo: Uniprint, 2008.

Online publications:

- "New Age or Mass-Popularization of Esoteric Discourse: Some Preliminary Reflections on the Reconceptualization of New Age." Torino: CESNUR, 2008.
- "Conference Rapport: Western Esotericism at the 2008 CESNUR Conference." In ESSWE Newsletter, May 14, 2008.
- "New Religiosity; If Not New Age, Then What?" In ESSWE Newsletter, May 14, 2008.
- "Il Dragon Rouge e la Via della Mano Sinistra." In the online encyclopedia Le religioni in Italia, 2007.
- "'The Prince of Darkness on the Move'. Transnationality and Translocality in Left-Hand Path Magic." Torino: CESNUR, 2007.
- "Symbolic Death and Rebirth in the Left Hand Path." Torino: CESNUR, 2005.
- "Feminine Symbolism and the Left Hand Path." ASANAS 2004. Audio file.
- "Teosofiska Samfundet." In the project Uttryck for tro[Expression of Faith], in which new teaching material was produced for the religious education in senior high school. 2004.
- "Dragon Rouge - A Spiritual Organisation in Opposition to the Society and the Church?" Torino: CESNUR, 2001.

Source: wikipedia, kennetgranholm.com (official Kennet Granholm's site)

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