Kaatryn MacMorgan-Douglas is one of the founders of Universal Eclectic Wicca in its current form, Kaatryn MacMorgan-Douglas, Kat to her friends, That Damn Kat to others, is the author of several books and articles on Modern Paganism, Wicca specifically and UEWicca most specifically of all. More information can be found at her blog, labgrrl.com.
Kaatryn MacMorgan-Douglas Bibliography:
- All One Wicca (The most important book on Wicca you've never heard of. Created to serve the rapidly growing Universal Eclectic Wiccan audience, All One Wicca was first released for free onto the 'net in 1997. Since then, thousands of adulterated illegal downloads of the document have been distributed, often under the title "book one of Wicca." These copies were usually edited to remove references to the author and her tradition or had materials added from other unlucky authors.)
- A Master Class in Wicca: Wicca 333 and Wicca 334 (Originally created as textbooks for both offline and online 'advanced' classes, Wicca 333 and Wicca 334 are not textbooks in Wicca so much as textbooks for Wiccans, covering topics ranging from history to ethics.)
- Wicca 334: Further Advanced Topics in Wiccan Belief (2008) - Kaatryn MacMorgan-Douglas, with Llysse Smith Wylle, Covenstead Press ISBN 978-0-615-17536-2
- The Ethical Eclectic (This small book is not a guide to Wicca, but a guide to eclecticism for people of all and any religions (indeed, both Satanism and Christianity are discussed and treated fairly inside the book, a fact some have been very vocally critical of!) Originally designed as a monograph, the notoriously long-winded MacMorgan shows she can be concise when it is needed. Although short, Kat has been quoted as saying Ethical Eclectic is her favorite of her books, and the one she's most proud of)
- The Circle, Cubed (The most 'inside baseball' of Kat's works, The Circle, Cubed is a book that dissects and explores one of the foundational rituals of the Wiccan religion in excruciating detail. The Covenstead Press edition of this material is packed with extras and supporting material not found elsewhere)