?>>?Jaq D Hawkins is a British author in the genres of Steampunk, Fantasy and the occult. Her first published book, About Jaq D Hawkins in English.
Understanding Chaos Magic (Capall Bann, 1996), was the first book on chaos magic to bring a general understanding of the subject to a wide audience, and earned her a place among the best known writers on chaos magic.
Her Spirits of the Elements series spread her reputation across a wider spectrum of the magical community and led to speaking engagements in far flung corners of the earth, including the US and Japan as well as the UK. She retired from public speaking in 2006, but started making exceptions on occasion in 2008. She is no longer able to travel to the US however, as they do not accept her British passport due to complications over her actual place of birth.
Of her subsequent books, the most popular is Chaos Monkey, which takes a unique perspective on the subject of magic and how it affects the lives of those who choose to follow a magical path. It personifies magic as The Monkey, a Trickster archetype that sometimes teaches powerful lessons through uncomfortable methods. Those who learn to laugh with The Monkey become stronger as a result.
In 2005 her first Fantasy novel, Dance of the Goblins, was published followed by Demoniac Dance and soon to be joined in 2012 by Power of the Dance.
In Steampunk, Jaq has released The Wake of the Dragon: A Steampunk Adventure and has two more Steampunk titles in progress.
She currently lives in Norwich, UK.
About Jaq D Hawkins in German.
Jaq D. Hawkins interessierte sich schon im Alter von 9 Jahren f??r New Age Themen, nachdem sie von einer Tante in die Astrologie eingef??hrt wurde und seltsame Ph??nomene in ihrem Leben beobachtete. Mit 13 Jahren praktizierte sie Ritualmagie, obwohl sie erst zwei Jahre sp??ter zusammen mit anderen, die ihre Interessen teilten, mit einem angemessenen Studium beginnen sollte.
Nach mehr als drei Jahrzehnten des Studiums verschiedener magischer Richtungen und Traditionen, f??hrte ihr Weg sie zur Chaosmagie. Sie ist mittlerweile sehr bekannt f??r ihre Artikel und B??cher ??ber Chaosmagie und andere magische Themen.
Ms. Hawkins lebt gegenw??rtig in Norwich, England mit ihrem Partner Anton, ihrer Tocher Wendy LeFay und der Familienkatze ???Lucky???.
Autorin von: Chaosmagie. Grundlagen und Hintergr??nde
Homepage der Autorin: http://www.jaqdhawkins.co.uk/