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Arthur Edward Waite - A Detection of Damnable Driftes Practized by Three Witches Arraigned at Chelmisforde in Essex (101.0 Kb)

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A Detection of damnable driftes, practized by three Witches arraigned at Chelmisforde in Essex, at the laste Assises there holden, whiche were executed in Aprill. 1579. Set forthe to discouer the Ambushementes of Sathan, whereby he would surprise vs lulled in securitie, and hardened with contempte of Gods vengeance threatened for our offences. Imprinted at London for Edward White, at the little North-dore of Paules.Accept this pamphlet (Christian Reader) view, and peruse it with discretion, and hedefulnesse. No trifles are t... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Love and Sex Magic
Category 2:  Wicca and Witchcraft
Category 3:  The Golden Dawn
Author:      Arthur Edward Waite
Format:      eBook
A Detection of damnable driftes, practized by three Witches arraigned at Chelmisforde in Essex, at the laste Assises there holden, whiche were executed in Aprill. 1579. Set forthe to discouer the Ambushementes of Sathan, whereby he would surprise vs lulled in securitie, and hardened with contempte of Gods vengeance threatened for our offences. Imprinted at London for Edward White, at the little North-dore of Paules.

Accept this pamphlet (Christian Reader) view, and peruse it with discretion, and hedefulnesse. No trifles are therin conteined worthy to be conte~ned, nor pernicious fantazies deseruyng to bee condemned. But contrariwise in this pretie plot may holsome hearbes of admonitions for the vnwarie, and carelesse, and soote flowers to recreate the wearied senses, be gathered. For on thone side the cleare sight maie espie the ambushmentes, whiche Sathan the secrete woorkemaister of wicked driftes, hath placed in moste partes of this realme, either by craftie conueighaunces, to creepe into the conceiptes of the simple, or by apparaunt treacherie to vndermine and spoile the states of suche as God permitteth him to haue power ouer. And on the other side the eye that is wimpled, may hereby be aduertised of the darkenesse, wherewith his vnderstandyng is ouercast, and puttyng of the veile of vanitie, maie reclaime his concept, and esteeme of the impietie of the offendours and vilanie of their actes, accordyng to the woorde of God, and waightinesse of the case. And if in tyme past he hath escaped their Sorceries, let hym not the lesse feare the harmes that maie hereafter ensue. For the Deuill by the sufferaunce of almightie God, is as well able to plague the persone, that moste presumeth of safetie, as any haue bin who in this treatise are mentioned. Some with muche adoe ca~ be awaked out of their drousie dreames, though thei bee tolde that their neighbours house is on fire. But when their owne walles are inuaded with like flames, thei shall finde that it had bin better to haue come an hower too soone, to quenche those forrein fires, then to haue risen one minute too late to extinguishe the same, creepyng into their owne chambers. If therefore thou be assured that thy neighbour, either in bodie, familie, or gooddes is impaired by damnable witchcrafte, or perceiuest by information, or other wise ought of suche deuises, inte~ded to be practized, or likely presumption of suche Deuilishe deedes contriued, for Charitie to thy Christian brother, and tender regard of thine own state, preuente or stop the mischief by all possible meanes. And for thyne owne parte with praier, and assured faithe in the merites of Christ Iesus shield thy self, so shal neither the Deuill nor his Angelles haue power, ouer thee, or thine.

About Author:

Arthur Edward Waite (October 2, 1857 - May 19, 1942) was an occultist and co-creator of the the popular and widely used Rider-Waite Tarot deck and author of its companion volume, the Pictorial Key to the Tarot. This was notable for being one of the first decks to illustrate all 78 cards fully, as opposed to the 22 major arcana.

Waite was a prolific author with many of his works being well received in academic circles. He wrote occult texts on subjects including divination, Rosicrucianism, freemasonry, black and ceremonial magic, Kabbalism and alchemy; he also translated and reissued several important mystical and alchemical works. His works on the Holy Grail, influenced by his friendship with Arthur Machen, were particularly notable. A number of his volumes remain in print, The Book of Ceremonial Magic, The Holy Kabbalah, and New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry having seen reprints in recent years.