Phil Hine - Aspects of Evocation (370.0 Kb)
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This collection of essays, written between 1988-95, deals with aspects of the practice of magical evocation. My first lengthy foray into this much-misunderstood aspect of magic was a personal magical retirement inspired by accounts of magicians working the Abra-melin system, but perhaps more influenced in execution by the work of Austin Osman Spare and the Industrial art movement. My experiences in this retirement are recounted in the first essay, Howling. At the core of this essay is the identification of cognitive-emotiona... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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This collection of essays, written between 1988-95, deals with aspects of the practice of magical evocation. My first lengthy foray into this much-misunderstood aspect of magic was a personal magical retirement inspired by accounts of magicians working the Abra-melin system, but perhaps more influenced in execution by the work of Austin Osman Spare and the Industrial art movement. My experiences in this retirement are recounted in the first essay, Howling. At the core of this essay is the identification of cognitive-emotional-behavioural constructs as discrete entities - Personal Demons, if you will - a subject which I have dealt with in more user-friendly detail in Condensed Chaos (New Falcon Publications, 1995). The next phase of work concerned the evocation of Servitors (lit: a person who serves another), prompted by a brief paragraph in Peter J. Carroll's book, Liber Null (Morton Press, 1978). Working with the magical group, Circle of Stars, I developed a simple, generic approach to creating and evoking magical servitors. The basics of this approach are presented in the Servitors essay, followed by both an example of a rather successful servitor, and an approach to what I have chosen to call, 'Functional Spirits' which requires no ritual trappings whatsoever. The third phase of work concerned the more 'traditional' forms of evocation. Together with a colleague, Fra. GosaA, I embarked on a 'Goetia Project' - the aim being to experiment with various approaches to the evocation of spirits, beginning with the Lesser Key of Solomon the King. Some observations on our results with the entities of the Lesser Key of Solomon are enclosed.
During this project, I found my interests returning to a recurrent obsession - the entities of the Cthulhu Mythos. The final essay, Evoking Yog-Sothoth, (originally written for the journal of the Esoteric Order of Dagon) is an attempt to pull together a theoretical model relating to mythos entities, earth lights, and other factors. At the time of writing this, I was very much into creating 'theoretical models' prior to embarking on practical projects.
In a way, I was prompted to 'specialise' in methods of Evocation by virtue of the fact that at the time, I hadn't encountered much in the way of useful information concerning this magical practice. In the minds of some occultists, evocation seems inextricably linked with 'calling up demons' and the notion that it constitutes 'black magic' - a notion much in favour with those who have been exposed to too many Dennis Wheatley novels! Fortunately, the rise of a more eclectic approach to practical magic, in which I feel the so-called Chaos Magic movement has palyed a significant part, has done much to banish the old dogmas surrounding what is after all, a very practical and useful set of magical techniques. Phil Hine, March 1998
About Author:
Phil Hine is a writer, artist, book reviewer and occultist of Chaos Magick. He is one of the most well known authors and exponents on this subject through his works Pseudonomicon, Condensed Chaos, Prime Chaos, as well as several essays on the topics of chaos magic and Cthulhu Mythos magick.
Phil Hine is widely considered one of the most practical, down-to-earth, and accessible authors on the subject of occultism. Unlike the more complex writings of authors such as Aleister Crowley, his works are considered highly successful at taking the mystical jargon out of magical writing.
Phil Hine repeatedly stresses, probably strongly influenced by Peter Carroll, Robert Anton Wilson and Neuro-linguistic Programming, that the metaphysical frameworks used by certain schools of magic and their attendant goals for the practitioner are not inescapable absolutes, but, to the chaos magician, matters of style and practicality. Rather than giving metaphysical explanations of why something should work, he outlines a few basic techniques for altering states of consciousness, and insists that the only way to find out about magic is to try it yourself. He generally conforms to the opinion that certain forms of magic are executed in a state of gnosis, but does not do so rigidly.
Phil Hine Biography:
Growing up in Blackpool, Hine became involved with chaos magic theory in West Yorkshire in the 1980s. This was after he "picked up the fabled white edition of Liber Null by Peter J. Carroll at Sorcerer's Apprentice." Hine subsequently published a series of booklets on urban shamanism, and a magic primer that has since been titled Condensed Chaos. This book has been described by William S. Burroughs as "the most concise statement of the logic of modern magic."
He was a founder and co-editor of Pagan News in partnership with Rodney Orpheus, and is a former editor and contributor to Ian Read's magazine Chaos International. He has facilitated workshops and seminars on modern magical practice in America and Europe and contributed to a wide range of occult journals, being most active in the period 1986-1996.
As of 1997 he resides in South London.
Hine is bisexual and has written many articles on this topic within occultism.
His earliest popular work was a small pamphlet now called Oven-Ready Chaos (formerly Condensed Chaos, a title that has been appropriated since for one of his full-length books) which outlined a brief and simple "definition" of magic(k), a brief history of the school of practice called chaos magic and an outline of some of its basic approaches, which presented a number of simple techniques.
Condensed Chaos is a full length expansion of this pamphlet focusing on basic techniques and the style of doing magic that has become associated with chaos magic. It was later joined by a second companion volume Prime Chaos, which focused more on the construction and uses of more formalised ritual techniques.
Phil Hine Written works:
- Prime Chaos, 1993. ISBN 1-56184-137-4
- Condensed Chaos, 1995. ISBN 1-56184-117-X
- The Pseudonomicon 1996. ISBN 1-56184-195-1
Contributions to anthologies:
- Are You Illuminated? in The Book of Lies - the Disinformation Guide to Magick & the Occult 2003
- Foreword, to Chaotopia!: Magick & Ecstasy in the PandaemonAeon, Dave Lee, Attractor 1997
- "Cthulhu Madness" in The Starry Wisdom, Mitchell (ed), 2nd Edition, Creation Press 1996
- Riding the Serpent, in Secrets of Western Tantra, New Falcon Publications, 1996
- "Sexual Magick: A Chaos Perspective", in Sex, Magick, Tantra & Tarot, New Falcon Publications, 1996
- "Responses to Chaos Culture", in Rebels & Devils, Hyatt (ed), New Falcon Publications 1996
- Foreword, to Chaos Ritual, Steve Wilson, Neptune Press 1994
- "Bitter Venoms", in A Taste of Things to Come, Revelations 23 Press, 1991
- "The Physics of Evocation", in The Nox Anthology, Sennitt & Hewitson-May (eds), New World Publishing, 1990
- "Dark Entries", in Starry Wisdom, Pagan News Publications, 1990
Out of print books:
- Walking Between The Worlds: Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol.1 (1989)
- Two Worlds & In between: Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol. II (1989)
- Touched By Fire: Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol. III (1990)
- Starry Wisdom (Collected essays from the Esoteric Order of Dagon, 1990)
- Chaos Servitors: A User Guide (1991)
- Condensed Chaos (original booklet, 1992)
Source: wikipedia