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Nathan Wood - The Secret of the Universe (1.8 MB)

Cover of Nathan Wood's Book The Secret of the UniverseBook downloads: 2890
To that great Quest President Nathan Wood has made a contribution in this book. To me it is more than a Quest, it is a Conquest. In bulk this book is small. In reach it is as vast as the Universe. I could describe it as "The Philosophy of the Universe." The Author probably would prefer to call it "A Philosophy of the Universe." Whether "The," with its suggestion of finality, or "A," calling for further investigation, it is Philosophy, and must make an appeal to all who are seeking light on the fascinating mystery.Personally ... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Mystic and Occultism
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Author:      Nathan Wood
Format:      eBook
To that great Quest President Nathan Wood has made a contribution in this book. To me it is more than a Quest, it is a Conquest. In bulk this book is small. In reach it is as vast as the Universe. I could describe it as "The Philosophy of the Universe." The Author probably would prefer to call it "A Philosophy of the Universe." Whether "The," with its suggestion of finality, or "A," calling for further investigation, it is Philosophy, and must make an appeal to all who are seeking light on the fascinating mystery.

Personally when Dr. Wood did me the honour of allowing me to peruse the manuscript, I read it with growing amazement, at the final inclusiveness of its outlook, and the clear and cogent statement of its examination of those parts which interpret the whole. The first three parts of the book are as fascinating as a Fairy Story. That perhaps is an unfortunate figure of speech as it may suggest something fanciful. I employ it rather in the sense that truth is stranger than fiction. The final part requires more careful, or shall I say slower reading, as the Author gives us a keen and penetrative analysis of the Universe.

It is not the work of an introduction to give away a "secret." That must be discovered by the reader of the book. At least I do not hesitate to say here is a book, startling, challenging, scholarly, sane, courteous and it must make its appeal to the consideration of those who are not content to drift through life taking things as they are, but desire to challenge life, not only in its passing hours, and nearest dust, but in its vastness and entirety. In this age, when Philosophyhas really had nothing new to say for many generations, but has been satisfied with garbing in new terminology the thinking of other days, here is a book which will surely make men stop-look-and-listen. I would like to put a copy first in the hands of every theological student, and then also in the hands of every student who is endeavoring to "beat his music out."

About Author:

Nathan R. Wood originally came to Gordon as a last-minute fill-in for a theology professor who had fallen ill. Having studied at Harvard, Newton Theological Institute and in Germany before he assumed a pastorate in Medford, MA, Dr. Wood was well qualified for this new work, and flourished as a teacher and administrator at the College from 1908 until 1910, when he became the Dean of the School.

Dr. Wood remained in this position for nine years, during which the College expanded in accreditation, receiving from the state of Massachusetts the right to grant degrees in education, theology, and divinity. In 1919, the Board of Trustees voted Wood president. His wife, Isabel Warwick Wood, was also of tremendous importance to the school, serving as dean of faculty, overseeing the expanding curriculum and teaching literature and French, among other services.

Dr. Wood's passionate focus on community engagement drew new donors to Gordon, providing resources for new building and expansion to the growing school, which had recently relocated to the Fenway in Boston. Even in the face of the Great Depression and World War II, Dr. Wood's leadership enabled the College to continue to expand in academic programs, in national recognition and in its base of support within New England through finance and friendship.

Significant Accomplishments:

- A tireless advocate of the College, Dr. Wood built a rapport with donor Martha D. Frost, whose generous gift allowed for a brand new building project on campus.

- Many faculty members were added under President Wood, expanding the sciences, languages, literature, and arts departments.

- Selected Publications: The Secret of the Universe (1932); Seven Lamps of Fire (1943); The Open Secret of Christianity (1950); A School of Christ (1953)

Source: www.gordon.edu