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Michael Ford - Midnight Circle A Commentary of AZOTHOZ A Book of the Adversary (13.0 Kb)

Cover of Michael Ford's Book Midnight Circle A Commentary of AZOTHOZ A Book of the AdversaryBook downloads: 653
A Commentary of AZOTHOZ - A Book of the Adversary. Presented by The Night Ravener (Akhtya Seker Arimanius ~ Michael W. Ford)- A Brother in the Pact of Witchblood.AZOTHOZ presents in poetic form the antinomian concept of separation from the natural order. This is clear throughout the various grimoires such as NOX UMBRA, BOOK OF CAIN, YATUK DINOIH, GOETIA (Luciferian Edition), and The TOAD RITE. Azothoz is actually a strong foundation from which these works arose. As written as lyric and poem form, the original praxis of the s... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Devil and Satanic
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Author:      Michael Ford
Format:      eBook
A Commentary of AZOTHOZ - A Book of the Adversary. Presented by The Night Ravener (Akhtya Seker Arimanius ~ Michael W. Ford)- A Brother in the Pact of Witchblood.

AZOTHOZ presents in poetic form the antinomian concept of separation from the natural order. This is clear throughout the various grimoires such as NOX UMBRA, BOOK OF CAIN, YATUK DINOIH, GOETIA (Luciferian Edition), and The TOAD RITE. Azothoz is actually a strong foundation from which these works arose. As written as lyric and poem form, the original praxis of the spiral force is not only directed inward, it is invoked in the circle of being. As some may have studied, Aleister Crowley[1] has placed significant focus on the Spiral Force, the traveling point of magickal energy. The same may be stated in the Antinomian practice of Left Hand Path Magick, it is the spiral force from below (darkness) which ascends through the body (self) towards the Luciferian Realms (Light).

About Author:

Michael W. Ford is the Magister of The Order of Phosphorus, a closed order of solitary initiates and The Black Order of the Dragon, the inner guild based around Yatukivah - Persian and Chaos sorcery. He is the author of "Luciferian Witchcraft" which contains 12 different grimoires including the Left Hand Path Tantric Grimoire, Adamu, a forbidden book of Sexual Magick, Goetic Sorcery, a Luciferian approach to the 72 Spirits of the Shemhamforasche, Yatuk Dinoih and other works focused on the darksome rites of the path of Shadow Sorcery and so-called Skir-hand Witchcraft, introduced by Nathaniel J. Harris, a Hereditary Witch from the UK. Known as Akhtya Seker Arimanius, Ford also is the author of Liber HVHI, an explaination of the Luciferian trinity and the rituals of the Qlippoth, The Book of the Witch Moon which features an introduction by Chaos Magician Peter J. Carroll and numerous articles and essays.

Recording with Black Funeral and Darkness Enshroud, a ritualistic-darkwave band, Ford relocated for the first time to Houston, Texas, having just recorded and released his first industrial record, Valefor - Death Magick on Cold Meat Industries "Death Factory Records" in 1996.

Michael Ford was granted the Order of Nine Angles command by Christos Beest in 1996, from which Ford operated until 1998 in Indianapolis. Ford left the active ONA due to what he has described as its Neo-Fascist stance and political ideals, which in his view are not an inherent part of Magick or Satanism:

"I was and still am very interested in the Northern Tradition and the runes... It was something I am not interested in, Nazism and my projects NEVER HAD anything to do with it... I was more of an anarchist in many ways than the labeled "anarchists", I said things which would disturb, that is the point... I am NOT by any means (and this is in practice too) any kind of racist or such. That is ignorance in a high form."

Michael spent several years developing his Magickal practice between 1998 and 2000, when moving to Houston, Texas in October 1999 and editing his Book of the Witch Moon, where he had previously corresponded with Kenneth Grant.Ford continued working on music and recorded several ritual-music albums in the late 1990s, under the band name Psychonaut. Michael's interest in the works of Austin Osman Spare, Kenneth Grant and the mythology of the Adversary throughout the history of humanity were his primary interest during that time .

In 2001 Ford met Dana Dark, a gothic model and vocalist from Houston, and two others to begin recording ritual workings and the practice of the specific "luciferian" magick.The band recorded several albums from that point on, performing several live rituals. The group practiced magick as a Coven during this time period.

In 2003 Ford began publishing chapbooks and distributing them at low cost throughout the Satanic and Left Hand Path underground, which was designed as a type of "hit and run" guerrilla tactic. Ford had written in numerous published interviews that his goal was to upset and redefine the often-stagnant occult genre with an "Adversarial" approach. 2004 brought Michael's first contribution to a soundtrack, during his collaboration with Hexentanz, a ritual-medieval music project, with The Soil Bleeds Black and Psychonaut 75).

Ford published Luciferian Witchcraft in 2005, which quickly reached LULU.com's top 100, where it remained through 2008. Soon after Ford published numerous other left hand path and satanic books, redefining and presenting a new approach to so-called Dark paths of Magick and religion.

Ford is also the founder of The Order of the Phosphorus and The Black Order of the Dragon and a co-founder of The Church of Adversarial Light, a Luciferian Church. Ford has been an initiate and developer of the Luciferian Path for over ten years and also takes a significant interest in ancient Zoroastrian mysteries and Yatukih Sorcery. Ford is the co-owner of Succubus Productions and The Luciferian Apotheca.

He has done soundtracks for the movies Cadaver Bay and Hell Bound Book of the Dead released in 2004. (from wikipedia.org)