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Gerina Dunwich - A Witchs Guide to Ghost and the Supernatural (copyrighted book, review only)

Cover of Gerina Dunwich's Book A Witchs Guide to Ghost and the Supernatural
Ghosts and the supernatural have been a part of my existence for as long as I can remember. My attraction to ghosts developed early in life and a psychic once told me that I was born with something unusual in my aura that attracted ghosts to me. Undoubtedly, some people--especially those of the ghost-dreading variety--may perceive this as a kind of curse. However, I have always considered it to be a gift from the gods. As a child, I was intensely drawn to theworld of the occult and fascinated greatly by ghost stories (especi... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Wicca and Witchcraft
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Author:      Gerina Dunwich
Format:      eBook
Ghosts and the supernatural have been a part of my existence for as long as I can remember. My attraction to ghosts developed early in life and a psychic once told me that I was born with something unusual in my aura that attracted ghosts to me. Undoubtedly, some people--especially those of the ghost-dreading variety--may perceive this as a kind of curse. However, I have always considered it to be a gift from the gods. As a child, I was intensely drawn to the

world of the occult and fascinated greatly by ghost stories (especially those belonging to the category of non-fiction), haunted dwellings, communication with the dead, and the ancient legends of vampires and werewolves. I attended my first seance in the late sixties.

My paranormal experiences have been many, and I have also had the great fortune to live in several haunted houses in various parts of the country. Among them, a 1950s ranch house in Southern California, a 300-year-old Colonial house in Massachusetts known as the Moses Day Homestead, and an old Victorian mansion in a small country town in upstate New York. My lifelong interest in, and experiences with, the spirits of the dead eventually led me to become involved in spirit channeling, ghost research, the investigation of haunted houses, and the writing of this book.

About Author:

Gerina Dunwich (born December 27, 1959, Illinois, United States) is a professional astrologer, occult historian, and New Age author, best known for her books on Wicca and various occult subjects. She is also involved in paranormal research and is the founder of the Paranormal Animal Research Group, which investigates cases of alleged hauntings by animal spirits.

Her first newspaper article was published in October 1976. It was an interview with singer/songwriter Jim Peterik from the local Chicago band, the Ides of March (and later, Survivor). By the spring of 1980 Dunwich was publishing a small press literary journal called Golden Isis, a one-woman operation that specialized in Goddess-inspired poetry and off-beat fiction.

In December 1993 she moved to Fort Covington, Franklin County, New York, where she opened a small shop on High Street called "The Country Witch" (later renamed "The Calico Cat Whatnot Shop"), which sold antiques, curios and various occult supplies. She officially established Coven Mandragora on Candlemas 1996 and served as its High Priestess. That same year she established the Wheel of Wisdom School (an educational organization offering correspondence courses on the sabbats) and the Pagan Poets Society (a literary circle for writers and publishers of Pagan poetry), along with a local networking organization known as North Country Wicca. In February 1998 she received a ministerial license from the Universal Life Church.

A respected spokesperson for the Wiccan/Pagan community, Dunwich has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows throughout the United States and Canada. She has lectured and presented workshops at festivals and gatherings across the country, such as the CraftWise Pagan Gathering (Waterbury, Connecticut), the Real Witches' Ball (Columbus, Ohio), and Panpipes' Pagan Day Festival (West Hollywood, California).

A member of the Fellowship of Isis, Circle, the Pagan Poets Society, the Authors Guild, and the Authors League of America, Dunwich's biography can be found in such reference works as Who's Who in the East, Personalities of America, The Wicca Source Book, The Modern Witch's Complete Sourcebook, and Crossroads: Who's Who of the Magickal Community (published by The Witching Well Education and Research Center, 1988). Dunwich is also mentioned in the book, Goddesses and Wise Women by Anne Carson(The Crossing Press, 1992) and in other works. Her articles, poetry, and reviews have appeared in numerous publications, including Sage Woman, Magical Blend, Circle Network News, Pagan Free Press, and American Woman.

Gerina Dunwich Bibliography:

The following is a complete list of Gerina Dunwich's published works to date:

- Candlelight Spells (1988) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1106-0
- The Magick of Candleburning (1989) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1141-9
- Circle of Shadows (1990) Golden Isis Press ISBN 0-9628638-0-7
- The Concise Lexicon of the Occult (1990) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1191-5
- Wicca Craft (1991) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1238-5; ISBN 85-286-0150-1 (Portuguese); ISBN 3-478-08613-2 (German)
- Secrets of Love Magick (1992) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1365-9; ISBN 3-635-60303-1 (German); ISBN 85-286-0325-3 (Portuguese); ISBN 0-7090-5162-X (British)
- The Wicca Spellbook (1993) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1476-0
- The Wicca Book of Days (1995) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1685-2; ISBN 0-7522-2108-6 (British)
- The Wicca Source Book (1996) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1830-8
- The Wicca Garden (1996) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1777-8
- Wicca Love Spells (1996) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1782-4
- A Wiccan's Guide to Prophecy & Divination (1997) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1864-2
- Everyday Wicca (1997) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1869-3
- Wicca Candle Magick (1997) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1831-6; ISBN 85-286-0865-4 (Portuguese)
- Magick Potions (1998) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1982-7
- Wicca A to Z (1998) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-1930-4; ISBN 0-7522-2107-8 (British)
- Wicca Source Book - Revised 2nd Ed. (1998) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-2027-2
- The Wiccan's Dictionary of Prophecy and Omens (1999) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-2067-1
- The Pagan Book of Halloween (2000) Penguin/Compass ISBN 0-14-019616-1
- Your Magickal Cat (2000) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-2094-9
- The Modern Witch's Complete Sourcebook (2001) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-2293-3
- Exploring Spellcraft (2001) New Page Books ISBN 1-56414-494-1
- Herbal Magick (2002) New Page Books ISBN 1-56414-575-1
- The Cauldron of Dreams (2002) Original Publications ISBN 0-942272-74-9
- A Witch's Guide to Ghosts and the Supernatural (2002) New Page Books ISBN 1-56414-616-2
- A Witch's Book of Spells (2002)
- Dunwich's Guide to Gemstone Sorcery (2003) New Page Books ISBN 1-56414-672-3
- Phantom Felines and Other Ghostly Animals (2006) Citadel Press ISBN 0-8065-2752-8
- A Witch's Halloween (2007) Adams Media ISBN 1-59869-340-9

In addition to her own book writing, Gerina Dunwich has contributed to:

- Circles, Groves and Sanctuaries by Dan & Pauline Campanelli (Llewellyn, 1992)
- The Cat Book of Lists by Stephen J. Spignesi (New Page Books, 2001)
- A Witch Like Me by Sirona Knight (New Page Books, 2001)
- The Witch Book by Raymond Buckland (Visible Ink Press, 2002)
- Haunted Northern New York by Cheri Revai (North Country Books, 2002)
- The Action Hero's Handbook by Joe and David Borgenicht (Quirk Books, 2002)
- American Witch by Anthony Paige (Citadel Press, 2003)
- Encyclopedia of Haunted Places by Jeff Belanger (New Page Books, 2005)
- Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook (various years)
- Llewellyn's Witches' Calendar (various years)
- Llewellyn's Magical Almanac (various years)
- Llewellyn's Herbal Almanac (2001)
- Llewellyn's Spell-A-Day Calendar (2001)

Source: wikipedia