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Franz Bardon - Frabato the Magician (copyrighted book, review only)

Cover of Franz Bardon's Book Frabato the Magician
Though cast in the form of a novel, Frabato the Magician is in fact the spiritual autobiography of Franz Bardon, one of the 20th century's greatest Hermetic adepts.Frabato was the author's stage name during his career as a performing magician, and it is Frabato who occupies center stage in the novel as well. Set in Dresdent, Germany, in the early 1930s, the story chronicles Frabato's magical battles with the members of a powerful and dangerous black lodge, his escape from Germany during the final desperate days of the Weimar... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Mystic and Occultism
Category 2: 
Category 3: 
Author:      Franz Bardon
Format:      eBook
Though cast in the form of a novel, Frabato the Magician is in fact the spiritual autobiography of Franz Bardon, one of the 20th century's greatest Hermetic adepts.

Frabato was the author's stage name during his career as a performing magician, and it is Frabato who occupies center stage in the novel as well. Set in Dresdent, Germany, in the early 1930s, the story chronicles Frabato's magical battles with the members of a powerful and dangerous black lodge, his escape from Germany during the final desperate days of the Weimar Republic, and the beginning of the spiritual mission which was to culminate in Franz Bardon's classic books on Hermetic magic.

More than an occult novel, Frabato the Magician is itself a work of magic which illuminates Bardon's other books as well as providing a revealing look into the dark occult forces which lay behind the rise of the Third Reich.

The four Bardon books can be considered unsurpassed classics. You will find more information in one Bardon book than in a hundred other books on this subject. The reader will be pleasantly surprised that nothing is hidden behind the veil of incompetence or arrogance. Everything is out in the open and nothing is omitted. These books have enjoyed a world-wide acceptance since 1958, which we feel will continue to grow. We feel that everyone is entitled to this knowledge and not just a select few, since this was the intention of Divine Providence.

Evidence regarding the events related in this book will be reserved for people trained and developed in magic. Humankind will have to resign itself to the fact that a great deal of evidence concerning the workings of our cosmos can only be furnished through spiritual means.

About Author:

Franz Bardon (December 1, 1909 - July 10, 1958). Czech occultist best known for his three volumes on Hermetic magic. These volumes are Initiation Into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation and The Key to the True Quabbalah. Additionally there was a fourth work attributed to him by the title of Frabato the Magician, supposed to be a disguised autobiography, though the factuality of its contents and its authorship are questionable.

Bardon's works are most notable for their simplicity, their relatively small theoretical sections, and heavy emphasis on practice with many exercises. Many consider him to have written the best training programs of any magician of the 20th century. They were written with the intention of allowing students who wished to practice magic the means to do so if they could not study under a teacher (which Bardon recommended if possible).