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Order of Nine Angles - The Logos Of The Order of Nine Angles (235.0 Kb)

Cover of Order of Nine Angles's Book The Logos Of The Order of Nine AnglesBook downloads: 417
The texts and essays in this pdf compilation have been chosen to provide a useful, concise, insider, and contemporary, overview of 'the Logos' - the unique perceiveration - of the controversial esoteric group The Order of Nine Angles (ONA/O9A). As such, the compilation may be useful not only to occult neophytes and novices contemplating following the O9A's initiatory Seven Fold Way, but also to those who, seriously or just curiously interested in the O9A, seek a more informed view, beyond the hyperbole and the polemics and t... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Devil and Satanic
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Author:      Order of Nine Angles
Format:      eBook
The texts and essays in this pdf compilation have been chosen to provide a useful, concise, insider, and contemporary, overview of 'the Logos' - the unique perceiveration - of the controversial esoteric group The Order of Nine Angles (ONA/O9A). As such, the compilation may be useful not only to occult neophytes and novices contemplating following the O9A's initiatory Seven Fold Way, but also to those who, seriously or just curiously interested in the O9A, seek a more informed view, beyond the hyperbole and the polemics and the allegations and the rumours.

The O9A Way, manifest (i) in their Seven Fold Way and in (ii) their adversarial praxis with its 'code of kindred honour', is above all a practical and difficult way.

And, although it is only one contemporary occult way, one esoteric quest, among many, the O9A do claim that their Way, involving as does an exeatic voyage of self-discovery, can lead to that rare commodity, wisdom for what matters insofar as the O9A are concerned "is the individual developing, from their own years-long (mostly decades-long) practical experience, a personal weltanschauung: that is, discovering their own individual answers to certain questions concerning themselves, life, existence, the Occult, and the nature of Reality." For it is the finding of such answers - by each individual, via their own esoteric and exoteric quest and in their own time - which is the real beginning of wisdom.

R.P., November 2013 ev

About Author:

The Order of Nine Angles (ONA; O9A) is a Satanic and Left-Hand Path occult group based in the United Kingdom, but with affiliated groups in various other parts of the world. Claiming to have been established in the 1960s, it arose to public recognition in the early 1980s.

Describing its approach as "Traditional Satanism", it has been academically identified as also exhibiting Hermetic and Neo-Pagan elements in its beliefs.

According to the Order's own account, it was established in the Welsh Marches of Western England during the late 1960s by a woman who had previously been involved in a secretive pre-Christian tradition surviving in the region. This account also states that in 1973 a man named "Anton Long" was initiated into the group, subsequently becoming its Grand Master. Several academic commentators to have studied the ONA express the view that the name "Anton Long" is probably the pseudonym of the British Neo-Nazi activist David Myatt, although Myatt has denied that this is the case. From the late 1970s onward, Long authored a number of books and articles propagating the Order's ideas, and in 1988 it began production of its own journal, Fenrir. Through these ventures it established links with other Neo-Nazi Satanist groups around the world, furthering its cause through embracing the internet in the 2000s.

The ONA promotes the idea that human history can be divided into a series of Aeons, each of which contain a corresponding human civilization. It expresses the view that the current Aeonic civilization is that of the Western, but claims that the evolution of this society is threatened by the "Magian/Nazarene" influence of Judeo-Christian religion, which the Order seeks to combat in order to establish a militaristic new social order, termed the "Imperium". According to Order teachings, this is necessary in order for a Galactic civilization to form, in which "Aryan" society will colonise the Milky Way. It advocates a spiritual path in which the practitioner is required to break societal taboos by isolating themselves from society, committing crimes, embracing political extremism and violence, and carrying out an act of human sacrifice. ONA members practice magick, believing that they are able to do so through channeling energies into our own "causal" realm from an "acausal" realm where the laws of physics do not apply, with such magical actions designed to aid in the ultimate establishment of the Imperium.

The ONA lacks any central authority or structure, instead operating as a broad network of associates - termed the "kollective" - who are inspired by the texts originally authored by Long and other members of the "Inner ONA". The group comprises largely of clandestine cells, termed "nexions", as well as gangs known as Dreccs, artists known as Balobians, and folk mystics known as Rounwytha. With the first nexion based in Shropshire, Western England, the majority of groups have been established in the British Isles and Germany, although others have been formed elsewhere in Europe, Russia, South Africa, Australia, and North America. Academic estimates suggest that the number of individuals broadly associated with the Order falls in the low thousands.