Order of the Skull - The Black Pillar (754.0 Kb)
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TERRIBILIS EST LOCUS ISTE. Order of the Skull PUBLICATION IN CLASS B with some exceptions.In my mind, The Black Pillar begs the questions: What is religion without sacrilege? What is the savior without sin? A flock without a shepherd? The answer: You. The individual. All the trappings of humanity with the potential to perform feats both catastrophic and godlike. I find it devastatingly amusing that the word "individuality" contains the term "Duality". Irony to the utmost. The yin and yang, obeah and wanga, that struggle betw... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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TERRIBILIS EST LOCUS ISTE. Order of the Skull PUBLICATION IN CLASS B with some exceptions.
In my mind, The Black Pillar begs the questions: What is religion without sacrilege? What is the savior without sin? A flock without a shepherd? The answer: You. The individual. All the trappings of humanity with the potential to perform feats both catastrophic and godlike. I find it devastatingly amusing that the word "individuality" contains the term "Duality". Irony to the utmost. The yin and yang, obeah and wanga, that struggle between the mundane notions of good and evil. A worthless pursuit if mired in the petty politics of some clerical hierarchy, forcing you to pick a side as if there were only one.
Herein, Mr. Perdue has eschewed the bonds, shackles, and collars of religion, be it Christianity, Satanism, Gnosticism, Thelema, and dare I say Voodoo? He's thrown out any adherence to the codes of conduct pertaining to any occidental or eastern religion and has discovered them anew, in accordance with his own true Will. Ripped, raped, and rejoiced, we discover his own dark night of the soul, his personal descent into the Abyss, only to ascend unto the throne of CHORONZON to find only a jagged cave full of
gleaming mirrors.
What does it all mean? I don't know. I'm not sure. We can only know how far we'd go if we were faced with the revelation that with what borrowed time we may have we can render the universe as our own. In OUR image. Your mileage may vary of course, and it definately will not resemble anything like mine, or that of the lady down the street, and certainly not Mr.
Perdue's. This is not an instruction manual on how to think for yourself. This is pure confusion, and this is folly. Wisdom, truth, and light, from the deepest reaches of the blackest recesses of the unknown, which is EVERYTHING.
Deep Within the Sanctuary Of The Gnosis, Randall Pike