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Ann Moura - Green Witchcraft (copyrighted book, review only)

Cover of Ann Moura's Book Green Witchcraft
Positive, practical, and easy to use, Green Witchcraft brings together the best of both modern Wicca and the author`s family heritage of herb craft and folk magic. Green Witchcraft explores the fundamentals of the Wiccan religion, providing magical training for the independent thinker. Step-by-step instructions on a wide variety of magical techniques as well as basic rules of conduct make this the ideal book to get you started. Green rituals for self-initiation, rites of passage, seasonal celebrations and activities provide ... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Wicca and Witchcraft
Category 2: 
Category 3: 
Author:      Ann Moura
Format:      eBook
Positive, practical, and easy to use, Green Witchcraft brings together the best of both modern Wicca and the author`s family heritage of herb craft and folk magic. Green Witchcraft explores the fundamentals of the Wiccan religion, providing magical training for the independent thinker. Step-by-step instructions on a wide variety of magical techniques as well as basic rules of conduct make this the ideal book to get you started. Green rituals for self-initiation, rites of passage, seasonal celebrations and activities provide an excellent foundation for your own magical tradition.

About Author:

Ann Moura (born August 20 1947) is an author of books about magic, religion and Neo-Paganism. She calls her witchcraft tradition Green Witchcraft, and has written several books about it. Her public Craft name is Aoumiel.

Ann Moura has been a solitary practitioner of Green Witchcraft for over forty-five years. According to Moura, her mother and grandmother practiced witchcraft, which makes her a hereditary witch. Her mother and grandmother were Brazilians of Spanish descent, and Ann Moura considers their tradition Celtic-Iberian. Unlike them, Moura doesn't include names of Christian saints to her witchcraft practice. Instead, she uses names of Pagan deities because she believes that the family's witchcraft tradition was originally Pagan.

The death of Moura's mother prompted her to write about Green Witchcraft. She wanted to pass along the things she had learned from her mother and grandmother. Her mother and grandmother passed down information as matters came up rather than as a complete, formal education. Moura was worried that the knowledge moving from one generation to the next was getting slimmer. Green Witchcraft as presented by Moura also contains information discovered by Moura herself.

Moura holds both Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in history. She is a certified Archivist, and has been a Navy Lieutenant and a high school history teacher. She runs her own metaphysical store. She is married, and has two children. She lives in Florida.


Books about Green Witchcraft

- Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft (1996) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-1-56718-690-1, ISBN 1-56718-690-4
translated in German as Naturmagie: Die Grune Hexenkunst Silberschnur ISBN 3-89845-091-0, ISBN 978-3-89845-091-1
translated in Italian as Stregoneria verde: Magia popolare, tradizioni fatate e l'arte delle erbe Elfi ISBN 88-89296-00-3, ISBN 978-88-89296-00-4
- Green Witchcraft II: Balancing Light & Shadow (1999) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-1-56718-689-5, ISBN 1-56718-689-0
translated in Italian as Stregoneria verde 2: L'equilibrio tra luce ed ombra Elfi ISBN 88-89296-08-9, ISBN 978-88-89296-08-0
- Green Witchcraft III: The Manual (2000) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-1-56718-688-8, ISBN 1-56718-688-2
- Green Magic: The Sacred Connection to Nature (2002) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-0-7387-0181-3, ISBN 0-7387-0181-5
- Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows (2003) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-0-7387-0287-2, ISBN 0-7387-0287-0
- Tarot for the Green Witch (2003) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-0-7387-0288-9, ISBN 0-7387-0288-9
- Mansions of the Moon for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Lunar Magic (2010) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-0-7387-2065-4, ISBN 0-7387-2065-8

Other books

- Dancing Shadows: The Roots of Western Religious Beliefs (1995) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-1-56718-691-8, ISBN 1-56718-691-2
- Origins Of Modern Witchcraft: The Evolution of a World Religion (2000) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-1-56718-648-2, ISBN 1-56718-648-3
- Witchcraft: An Alternative Path (2003) Llewellyn Publications ISBN 978-0-7387-0343-5, ISBN 0-7387-0343-5