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Michael Majerus - Atalanta Fugiens (879.0 Kb)

Cover of Michael Majerus's Book Atalanta FugiensBook downloads: 333
Hermes, the most industrious searcher into all the secrets of Nature, doth in his Smaragdine Table exquisitely thus succinctly describe the Natural Work when he says: 'Wind carried Him in his belly,' as if he should have said that He whose father is Sol & mother is Luna must, before he can be brought forth into the light, be carried by windy fumes, even as a Bird is carried in the Air when it flies.Now from fumes or winds (which are nothing else but Air in Motion) being coagulated, Water is produced, & from Water mixed with ... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Mystic and Occultism
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Author:      Michael Majerus
Format:      eBook
Hermes, the most industrious searcher into all the secrets of Nature, doth in his Smaragdine Table exquisitely thus succinctly describe the Natural Work when he says: 'Wind carried Him in his belly,' as if he should have said that He whose father is Sol & mother is Luna must, before he can be brought forth into the light, be carried by windy fumes, even as a Bird is carried in the Air when it flies.

Now from fumes or winds (which are nothing else but Air in Motion) being coagulated, Water is produced, & from Water mixed with earth all minerals & metals do proceed. And even these last are said to consist of & be immediately coagulated from fumes, so that whether He be placed in Water or fume the thing is the same for one as well as the other is the master of Wind. The same the more remotely may be said of Minerals & Metals, but the Question is: Who is He that ought to be carried by Winds? I answer: Chymically it is Sulphur which is carried in Argent Vive (contained in quicksilver), as Lully in his Codicill cap. 32 & all other Authors attest. [Marginal note: "Lully ibid: 'The wind carries him in his belly ' That is, sulphur is carried by Argent Vive & Ch. 47: 'The Stone is Fire carried in the Belly of Air.'"] Physically it is the Embryo, which in a little time ought to be borne into the light. I say also that rithmetically it is the Root of a Cube Musically it is the Disdiapason Geometrically it is a point, the beginning of a continued running line Astronomically it is the Center of the Planets Saturn, Jupiter & Mars.

About Author:

Michael Eugene Nicolas Majerus (13 February 1954 - 27 January 2009) was a British geneticist and Professor of Evolution at the University of Cambridge.

Michael Majerus was also a Teaching Fellow at Clare College, Cambridge. He was an enthusiast in Darwin's theory of evolution and became a world authority in his field of insect evolutionary biology. He was widely noted for his work on moths and ladybirds and as an advocate of the science of evolution. He was also an enthusiastic educator and the author of several books on insects, evolution and sexual reproduction. He is best remembered as an ardent supporter and champion of experiments on peppered moth evolution.

The son of Fernand and Muriel Majerus, Michael Majerus took an early interest in insects. He got his first butterfly net at the age of four. His father, a Luxembourg national by origin, encouraged him by taking him for field trips on weekends and bringing him home specimens from his travels. He was particularly interested in lepidopterans and ecological genetics following the work of E.B. Ford, whose book Moths (in the New Naturalist series) he bought at the age of ten.

He was educated at Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood, and graduated in botany and zoology from Royal Holloway College, London. He earned his PhD from Royal Holloway College on the study of the genetic control of larval colour in the Angle Shades moth. He worked for two years at Keele University as a research demonstrator. In 1980 he joined the Department of Genetics at the University of Cambridge as a Research Associate. After promotion as Lecturer in 1987 and Reader in 2001, he was appointed Professor of Evolution in 2006. In 1990 he was elected Fellow of Clare College, and from the next year, in 1991, he became a Teaching Fellow of the college, the post he held until his death.

He died 27 January 2009 after an unexpected and brief struggle with aggressive mesothelioma.