Adam Pickering - Possibly The Odest Religion in the World Why is it Not a Religion in the Eyes of the Law (106.0 Kb)
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Take a large pot of mainstream religious arrogance, add a pinch of two thousand year old stereotyping, add a hint of government indifference and finish it off with a cup of modern media cliches. And what have you got? The average persons view on Wicca, witchcraft and paganism. Many Christians see witches as evil devil worshippers, and are really quite fond of telling witches this. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Is one of their favorite quotes. Forget Charmed, harry potter, and Buffy the vampire slayer. Witchcraft i... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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Take a large pot of mainstream religious arrogance, add a pinch of two thousand year old stereotyping, add a hint of government indifference and finish it off with a cup of modern media cliches. And what have you got? The average persons view on Wicca, witchcraft and paganism. Many Christians see witches as evil devil worshippers, and are really quite fond of telling witches this. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Is one of their favorite quotes. Forget Charmed, harry potter, and Buffy the vampire slayer. Witchcraft is not the, demon fighting, Latin language, mystical chosen ones, object that the media have made it out to be. Wiccans have said for centuries that witchcraft is an ancient nature loving religion, in which they worship a god and goddess and they try to work in harmony with the world around them.