Frater Rikb - The Black Moon Lillith (44.0 Kb)
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In the interests of further exploring this possibility, I have compiled the astrological data pertaining to the position of Lilith in the charts of 14 women who I judged to display a "Lillith character." This includes women whose powerful sexuality has become a hallmark of their public image, or whose defiance of male hegemony in the personal and public spheres is well known. They are primarily writers, entertainers, feminists, and sex workers.These women were selected from a large database of famous persons for whom reliabl... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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In the interests of further exploring this possibility, I have compiled the astrological data pertaining to the position of Lilith in the charts of 14 women who I judged to display a "Lillith character." This includes women whose powerful sexuality has become a hallmark of their public image, or whose defiance of male hegemony in the personal and public spheres is well known. They are primarily writers, entertainers, feminists, and sex workers.
These women were selected from a large database of famous persons for whom reliable birth data were available. Some of the birth data were solicited through the author's own acquaintances, and two of them are sisters of the OTO.4 In none of the cases was the position of Lilith known to me before selecting the chart for inclusion in the study. (Frater Rikb)