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Valentina Izmirlieva - All the Names of the Lord (2.5 MB)

Cover of Valentina Izmirlieva's Book All the Names of the LordBook downloads: 2189
This book, like a baby monster, was in gestation for fifteen long years, during which it accumulated many debts. Some of the people who helped me nurse it to life are no longer here to acceptmy acknowledgments others are probably so tired of the book that they would not want to hear anymore about it. I should know better than to list all their names in a book that regards comprehensive lists as precariously ambitious. Conforming to the rules of the game, I will mention only some. All of them-the nameless with the named-h... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Mystic and Occultism
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Author:      Valentina Izmirlieva
Format:      eBook
This book, like a baby monster, was in gestation for fifteen long years, during which it accumulated many debts. Some of the people who helped me nurse it to life are no longer here to acceptmy acknowledgments others are probably so tired of the book that they would not want to hear anymore about it. I should know better than to list all their names in a book that regards comprehensive lists as precariously ambitious. Conforming to the rules of the game, I will mention only some. All of them-the nameless with the named-have my deepest gratitude.

Ideas that eventually found their way into this book have been presented at various scholarly centers, most notably the Osteuropa-Institut at the Free University of Berlin, the Slavic Department and the Department of Religious Studies at Northwestern University, the Committee on Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Columbia University, the Seminar on Slavic History and Culture at Columbia University, and the Department of Cyrillo-Methodian Studies at Sofia University in Bulgaria. I am in debt to my receptive audiences in all these venues.

This book about thingsmagical andmystical has had its fair share of serendipity, never more conspicuous than in the final phase of its promotion (which is perhaps fitting, since it is also a book about the social promotion of texts). My entire experience with the University of Chicago Press and the Harriman Publication Series has been a blessing. The present version of the book has benefited much from the competent advice of Elizabeth Branch Dyson and Ron Meyer, and from the technical assistance of Mary Fahnestock-Thomas. To David Brent, who has championed this project through thick and thin all the way to production, I owe much more than I can possibly express. - Valentina Izmirlieva

About Author:

Valentina Izmirlieva is a scholar of Balkan and Russian religious cultures with a strong background in critical theory and intellectual history. Two areas of specialization represent the scope of her teaching interests: the religious culture of the Orthodox Slavs with an emphasis on the medieval and early modern periods, and literary Modernism and Postmodernism with a focus on Vladimir Nabokov. Much of her research addresses cultural transfers among Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the context of multi-religious empires.

Valentina Izmirlieva Education:

- Ph.D. -- University of Chicago, 1999
- M.A. -- Ohio State University, 1991
- B.A. -- Sofia University, 1987

Valentina Izmirlieva Courses:

The Muslim and the Christian in Balkan Narratives; Religion in Russia: Culture, History, Institutions; Old Russian Literature I: The Making of Old Rus'; Old Russian Literature II: On the Verge of Modernity; Orthodoxy, Text, Ritual; Magical Mystery Tour: The Legacy of Old Rus'; Proseminar in Literary Theory and Method; The Lolita Phenomenon; Acmeism; Russian Symbolist Poetry; Literature and Ideology: Balkan Modernism and Postmodernism.

Fellowships and Grants:

- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship at the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers of the New York Public Library, 2012-2013
- National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, Summer Mediterranean Institute, Barcelona, Spain, 2012
- Harriman Seed Grant, 2010-2011
- National Council for East European and Eurasian Research -- Title VIII National Research Competition Grant, 2009-2011
- Howard Foundation Fellowship in History, 2009-2010
- Erasmus Institute Fellowship, Summer Faculty Seminar, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, 2003
- Junior Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study of Religion, The University of Chicago, 1998-1999
- Whiting Dissertation Fellowship, 1991-1997.
- Century Fellowship, The University of Chicago, 1991-1995
- Fulbright Scholarship, 1990-1995

Valentina Izmirlieva Selected Publications.


- All the Names of the Lord: Lists, Mysticism, and Magic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008.
- (co-ed. with Boris Gasparov) Translation and Tradition in Slavia Orthodoxa. Series Slavische Sprachgeschichte 5. Vienna, Austria: Lit Verlag, 2012.


- "Hosting the Divine Logos: Radical Hospitality and Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment" in Routledge Companion to Literature and Religion (forthcoming)
- "Christian Hajjis--The Other Orthodox Pilgrims to Jerusalem," 73 Slavic Review 2 (2014): 322-46; Winner of the Distinguished Article Prize of the Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture for 2014
- "The Title Hajji and the Ottoman Vocabulary of Pilgrimage," 28/29 Modern Greek Studies Yearbook, 2012-2013, 137-67.
- "The 72 Names of The Lord: Translation, Transliteration and Religious Hybridization." In Translation and Tradition in Slavia Orthodoxa, Valentina Izmirlieva and Boris Gasparov, eds. Vienna, Austria: 2012, 46-65 (in Russian).
- "Typography and Magic on the Threshold of Modern Europe: Printed Amulets between the Apennines and the Balkans," Starobulgarska literatura, 41/42 (2009): 453-65 (in Bulgarian).
- "Orthodox Widows: The Burden and Power of Charisma." In Women and the Orthodox Church: Past Roles, Future Paradigms. Ed. Justin Marc Lasser. The Sophia Institute. Studies of Orthodox Theology, vol. 1, New York: Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, 2009, 65-81.
- "The Peculiar Codex Jerusalem 22: Tracing the Slavic Kabbalah." In Jews and Slavs. Vol. 20. The Holy Land and the Manuscript Legacy of the Slavs. Jerusalem and Sofia: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and The Cyrillo-Methodian Research Center, 2008, 87-108.
- "Nabokov and Casanova, or Lolita and Zaire." In Poetics. Self. Place: Essays in Honor of Lisa Crone. Eds. Nicole Boudreau, Sarah Krive, and Catherine O'Neil. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers, 2007, 630-647.
- "From Babel to Christ and Beyond: The Number 72 in Christian Political Symbolism." Starobulgarska literatura, 35/36 (2006): 3-21.
- "Augustine Divided: A Response to David Tracy." In Erotikon: Essays on Eros, Ancient and Modern. Eds. Shadi Bartsch and Thomas Bartscherer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005, 107-112.
- "The Aetiology of the Seventy-Two Diseases: Investigating a Byzantino-Slavic False Prayer." Byzantinoslavica,59/1 (1998): 181-195.
- "Auf den Spuren einer hypothetischen hagiographischen Gattung im Werk des Evtimij von Turnovo." In Gattungen und Genologie der slavisch-orthodoxen Literaturen des Mittelalters. Ed. Klaus - Dieter Seemann. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1992, 43-62.
- (with Petko Ivanov) "The Saint of Sushitsa. Parts 1-3. Folk Vita-- Folk Legends-- Sainthood in Folk Context." Bulgarski folklor, 16/3 (1990): 75-94; 17/1 (1991): 61-78; 17/2 (1991): 3-12 (in Bulgarian)

Source: http://slavic.columbia.edu/people/profile/1419