Francis Barrett - The Magus A Complete System Of Occult Philosophy Vol II (1.5 MB)
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IN this Work, which we have written chiefly for the information of those who are curious and indefatigable in their enquiries into occult knowledge, we have, at a vast labour and expence, both of time and charges, collected whatsoever can be deemed curious and rare, in regard to the subject of our speculations in Natural Magic--the Cabala--Celestial and Ceremonial Magic--Alchymy--and Magnetism and have divided it into two Books, subdivided into Parts: to which we have added a third Book, containing a biographical account... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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IN this Work, which we have written chiefly for the information of those who are curious and indefatigable in their enquiries into occult knowledge, we have, at a vast labour and expence, both of time and charges, collected whatsoever can be deemed curious and rare, in regard to the subject of our speculations in Natural Magic--the Cabala--Celestial and Ceremonial Magic--Alchymy--and Magnetism and have divided it into two Books, subdivided into Parts: to which we have added a third Book, containing a biographical account of the lives of those great men who were famous and renowned for their knowledge shewing upon whose authority this Science of Magic is founded, and upon what principles. To which we have annexed a great variety of notes, wherein we have impartially examined the probability of the existence of Magic, both of the good and bad species, in the earliest, as well as in the latter, ages of the world. We have exhibited a vast number of rare experiments in the course of this Treatise, many of which, delivered in the beginning, are founded upon the simple application of actives to passives the others are of a higher speculation.
The First Book we have, fully explained what Natural Magic is and have shewn that, by the application of actives to passives, many wonderful effects are produced that are merely natural, and done by manual operations. We have procured every thing that was valuable and scarce respecting this department of our work, which we have introduced under the title of Natural Magic and a variety of our own experiments likewise. In the possession of this work, the laborious and diligent student will find a complete and delectable companion so that he who has been searching for years, for this author and the other, will in this book find the marrow of them all.
The Second Book forms a complete treatise on the mysteries of the Cabala and Ceremonial Magic by the study of which, a man (who can separate himself from material objects, by the mortification of the sensual appetite - abstinence from drunkenness, gluttony, and other bestial passions, and who lives pure and temperate, free from those actions which degenerate a man to a brute) may become a recipient of Divine light and knowledge by which they may foresee things to come, whether to private families, or kingdoms, or states, empires, battles, victories, &c. and likewise be capable of doing much good to their fellow-creatures: such as the healing of all disorders, and assisting with the comforts of life the unfortunate and distressed.
The Third Book forms a complete Magical Biography, being collected from most antient authors, and some scarce and valuable manuscripts and which has been. the result of
much labour in acquiring. Therefore, those who wish to benefit in those studies, must shake off the drowsiness of worldly vanity, all idle levity, sloth, intemperance, and lust so that they may be quiet, clean, pure, and free from every distraction and perturbation of mind, and worthily use the knowledge he obtains from his labours.