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Stuart Nettleton - The Alchemy Key Unraveling The Single Tangible Secret In All Mysteries (copyrighted book, review only)

Cover of Stuart Nettleton's Book The Alchemy Key Unraveling The Single Tangible Secret In All Mysteries
Colleagues often ask me why I wrote this unusual book. At first, it was simply so I could sleep at night. It was a way to marshal the extraordinary facts and histories that constantly rotated in my mind and became graphically alive at bedtime! Now I think my reason is to restore, in a humble way, richness to the mystery tradition at a time when the old arts of the philosopher are all but lost. Then there are capital P and small p philosophers. Capital P philosophers deride literalists and small p philosophers alike a... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Alchemical Works
Category 2:  Mystic and Occultism
Category 3: 
Author:      Stuart Nettleton
Format:      eBook
Colleagues often ask me why I wrote this unusual book. At first, it was simply so I could sleep at night. It was a way to marshal the extraordinary facts and histories that constantly rotated in my mind and became graphically alive at bedtime! Now I think my reason is to restore, in a humble way, richness to the mystery tradition at a time when the old arts of the philosopher are all but lost.

Then there are capital P and small p philosophers. Capital P philosophers deride literalists and small
p philosophers alike as fundamentalists , a dirty word. These capital P philosophers know all myths are just that, myths without a historical basis. Unless archeology proves something happened then it did not, and the myth is just a story having no more merit than a fairy-tale.

This book is for the small p or Gnostic philosophers who have a bit each way when it comes to myth. They see myth as having merit and are not surprised when archeologists discover a Troy, or if they hear a story in the Bible is proved true. Most think that Atlantis will eventually be located. Small p philosophers see myths representing important elements of culture and if not based on facts then often based on soft facts . One such soft fact is alchemy. Its goal is the Philosophers' Stone.

This book traces the chemistry and philosophy of the Philosophers' Stone from first dynasty Egypt and Mesopotamia through the Commagene region of Turkey, to Israel, France and England. It particularly focuses on mystery religions and philosophical schools that co-existed over thousands of years.

The great alchemist Zosimus said that everyone should have a book of chemistry.

The Alchemy Key will reveal to you works that have been unfamiliar to many contemporary readers. Perhaps you will even discover your own book of chemistry.

Alchemy, the Mystical Provenance of the Philosophers' Stone, is before you. To this day, it remains an exciting frontier of science with adrenalin pumping intrigue. Please plunge into the stream and join in the search for that which was lost.

About Author:

Stuart Nettleton is one of Australia's greatest minds: Stuart Nettleton lectures at the universities, and is a genuine humanitarian.

Stuart Nettleton is Senior Lecturer, School of Systems, Management and Leadership Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering with second-class Honours, Master of Business Administration, Master of Engineering Science, PhD (UTS) Fellow, CPA Australia.

Stuart Nettleton's Research Interests:

Computable general equilibrium with networked infrastructure for evaluating (a) the effects of global policies on regional industry policy; and (b) changes in the importance of natural endowments and productivity

Stuart Nettleton's Publications:

- Nettleton, S.J. 2013, 'Solution of Extreme Transcendental Differential Equations', Wolfram Technology Conference 2013, Wolfram Technology Conference 2013, Wolfram Research, Inc, Champaign, Illinois, USA, pp. 1-7.
- Nettleton, S.J. 2013, 'Role of Nuclear Generation in Energy-Food-Water Security', Energy-Food-Water Security, University of Technology Sydney.
- Nettleton, S.J. 2010, 'The Service Science of Climate Change Policy Analysis: applying the Spatial Climate Economic Policy Tool for Regional Equilibria', 18th International Conference on Input-Output Economics, International Conference on Input-Output Economics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-43.
- Nettleton, S.J. 2010, 'Recent controversies in neoclassical modelling and developments in Evidence-Driven Policy', 18th International Conference on Input-Output Economics, International Conference on Input-Output Economics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-30.
- Nettleton, S.J. 2010, 'Sakai Portfolios, 4 years and 2500 portfolios', AuSakai 2010 Conference, Sydney, Australia.
- Nettleton, S.J. 2010, 'Developments in the use of Mathematica for Computable General Equilibrium analysis', 18th International Conference on Input-Output Economics, International Conference on Input-Output Economics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-13.
- Nettleton, S.J., Lowe, D.B. & Dorahy, R.P. 2008, 'Using e-Portfolios to Integrate Reflective Practice with Experiential Learning in Engineering Teaching and Learning', Ed-Media 2008: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, AACE, Vienna, Austria, pp. 4746-4754.