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Robert Ellwood - The Encyclopedia of World Religions (copyrighted book, review only)

Cover of Robert Ellwood's Book The Encyclopedia of World Religions
Gratifi ed by the response to the initial publication of The Encyclopedia of World Religions, the editors have prepared a revised and much enhanced edition of this work. The new edition contains 100 new articles on as many fresh topics,from ACTS OF THE APOSTLES to VIETNAMESE RELIGIONS. Numerous suggestions for further reading have been added throughout. Many articles have also been updated and expanded. The entire encyclopedia has been carefully scrutinized to ensure accuracy, to include the latest scholarship and informatio... More >>>Note that, unfortunately, not all my books can be downloaded due to the restrictions of copyright. However, most of the books on this site do not have copyright restrictions. If you find any copyright violation, please contact me at . I am very attentive to the issue of copyright and try to avoid any violations, but on the other hand to help all fans of magic to get access to information.
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Category 1:  Religion and Mythology
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Author:      Robert Ellwood
Format:      eBook
Gratifi ed by the response to the initial publication of The Encyclopedia of World Religions, the editors have prepared a revised and much enhanced edition of this work. The new edition contains 100 new articles on as many fresh topics,

from ACTS OF THE APOSTLES to VIETNAMESE RELIGIONS. Numerous suggestions for further reading have been added throughout. Many articles have also been updated and expanded. The entire encyclopedia has been carefully scrutinized to ensure accuracy, to include the latest scholarship and information, and to adequately represent recent world events involving religion.

The early years of the 21st century have turned out to be a time in which religion is much in the news, often in very controversial ways. Once again, faith has shown itself to be a major force behind political and international events, as well as within the hearts of individuals. Regardless of how one feels about religion's role in society, now more than ever, reliable and in-depth information about the world's religions--an understanding of its role both today and throughout history--is essential to responsible modern citizenship. It is hoped that this encyclopedia will contribute to that vital understanding. -- Robert S. Ellwood

General Editor

About Author:

Robert S. Ellwood (Normal, 1933) is an American academic, author and expert on world religions.

obert Ellwood is the author of over twenty-five books, ranging from textbooks in religious studies (including Many Peoples, Many Faiths, a popular world religion textbook) to books of religious history (The Fifties Spiritual Marketplace, The Sixties Spiritual Awakening, and Islands of the Dawn, among others) to inspirational books written from a theosophical perspective (Finding the Quiet Mind, The Pilgrim Self, Theosophy, The Cross and the Grail, Finding Deep Joy, Frodo's Quest). He was a professor of world religions at the University of Southern California for thirty years, from 1967 until his retirement in 1997.

Robert Ellwood was born in Normal, Illinois, in 1933. He was educated at the University of Colorado, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale in New Haven, Connecticut, and the University of Chicago Divinity School. He received his Ph.D. in History of Religion at Chicago in 1967. He has been an Episcopal priest and a chaplain in the U.S. Navy. He is a member of the Theosophical Society in America and a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church, a small denomination using traditional Catholic styles of worship while presenting an esoteric interpretation of Christianity. He now lives in Ojai, California. He has two grown children, Richard, a teacher at Happy Valley School in Ojai, and Fay Ellen, a graduate student at the Claremont School of Theology in California.

Robert S. Ellwood's Works:

- The Feast of Kingship: Accession Ceremonies in Ancient Japan (1973).
- Introducing Religion: From Inside and Outside (1978; 2nd ed. 1983; 3rd ed. 1993).
- Alternative Altars: Unconventional and Eastern Spirituality in America (1979).
- Mysticism and Religion (1980).
- An Invitation to Japanese Civilization (1980).
- Many Peoples, Many Faiths: An Introduction to the Religious Life of Humankind (1982).
- (with Richard Pilgrim), Japanese Religion: A Cultural Perspective (1984).
- The Sixties Spiritual Awakening: American Religion Moving from Modern to Postmodern (1994).
- The Fifties' Spiritual Marketplace: American Religion in a Decade of Conflict (1997).
- The Pilgrim Self: Traveling the Path from Life to Life (1997).
- The Politics of Myth: A Study of C. G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell (1999).
- Introducing Japanese Religion (2008).
- Myth (2008).
- Tales of Darkness: The Mythology of Evil (2009).

Source: wiki