Karl Hans Welz - Armanen Runes (1.5 MB)
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Rune Magic is extra power for you! It is ancient technology. You can use this extraordinary method now by harnessing the Ur-energies (original energies) of the universe. These energies provide you with your personal gate to the powers of creation !!!Using the creative powers of the Runes for your psychic development and spiritual advancement, you can naturally gain control of love, money, business, sports, status, and life itself. - You can harness the powers of Runeyoga to control the flow of life force for stamina, enduran... More >>>Book can be downloaded.
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Rune Magic is extra power for you! It is ancient technology. You can use this extraordinary method now by harnessing the Ur-energies (original energies) of the universe. These energies provide you with your personal gate to the powers of creation !!!
Using the creative powers of the Runes for your psychic development and spiritual advancement, you can naturally gain control of love, money, business, sports, status, and life itself.
- You can harness the powers of Runeyoga to control the flow of life force for stamina, endurance, and an abundance of creative mental and physical energy.
- The Basic Rune Course leads you on your path to become a Rune Master.
- The Rune Reading Course is an introduction to the art of reading the Runes!
- Become a member of the Knights of Runes!
- The Rune Magic Book - basic information about the Armanen Runes .
- The Rune Ceremonial Book - an introduction.
Because of their power, Runes or Rune-like symbols, have been part of religious systems in the past as well as they are in present times. Therefore Runes cannot be considered to be the "proprietary system" of any specific religious creed, even if they were or are an important part of such a creed. Keep in mind that THE BASIC TECHNOLOGIES OF RUNE MAGIC ARE INDEPENDENT FROM ANY RELIGIOUS BELIEF STRUCTURE. TRUE RUNE MASTERS encourage incorporation of Runic practice in any religious system, provided that its teachings and actions encompass tolerance and love. We know that RUNES ARE FOR EVERY INTELLIGENT BEING IN THE UNIVERSE! The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes are a symbolism that represents universal cosmic structures.
About Author:
Karl Hans Welz is an Austrian occultist, Armanist, practitioner of the Armanen runes and the inventor of the Chi Generator, Orgonite and Orgone Radionics.
Karl Hans Welz is originally from Telfs/Tirol, a small town near Innsbruck, Austria (birth-house at www.zeisele.com). At a very early age he has developed a fascination for science in general and for the stars in particular. Consequently he has read eagerly any book on astronomy, astrophysics, mathematics and physics that he could get hold of. At age 16 he became interested in the subject of hypnosis. He began studying this discipline, later he perfected Autogenic Training and eventually, age 18, he began the practice of Hatha Yoga. This practice strengthened his then frail body within a few weeks and his overall condition and health improved considerably. Quite naturally these spectacular results gave Karl an incentive to explore other sciences that were not part of his academic curriculum.
Studies and practice in astrology, practical magic, rune magic, and practice of various forms of life energy technology such as astral traveling and clair voyance followed within one year. He studied the works of Mesmer, Korschelt, von Reichenbach, Tesla, Lahkowski, and others. At age 19 Karl began his graduate studies in mathematics and physics. Several times he interrupted his academic studies to travel extensively. During the course of these travels he gained valuable information about magical practices and the use of life force in many cultures and traditions and he came in contact with many gifted teachers and adepts on the subject-matter.
During his stays in South Africa, Switzerland, West Berlin and, since 1974, the United States of America, he continued his studies which he then rounded off with general semantics, radionics, Reichian psychology, and orgone physics.
Shortly after his arrival in the United States, he built his first orgone accumulators and conducted multiple experiments with these devices, mostly with plants. It was obvious that what Reich called orgone was the same form of energy that he had explored for more than a decade before knowing of Reich. In fact, a device that he built years earlier following the plans of Korschelt turned out to be an orgone accumulator. Korschelt called his device a "Solar Ether Radiation Apparatus" -- its plans are dating back to 1897.
Mesmer's barrels with iron filings, also built and tested by Welz, were obviously the earliest orgone accumulators of which we know that were built by a scientist with the accumulation of life force in mind. Therefore we can safely say that Franz Anton Mesmer was the first person of which we know to have invented the life force accumulator one and a half centuries before Reich.
Soon he realized that orgone can be projected at any distance and that this projection follows structural links. This is a fact that was evident to people of all ages and cultures who harnessed life force, such as shamans, conjurers, spiritual workers, magicians, and healers. For this type transfer he had to develop a mathematical model that accounts for this phenomenon. This model also accounts for many of the amazing phenomena of ESP, magic, radionics, even astrology.
Source: www.welz.us (Official Site of Karl Hans Welz)