Thelema Magick Books (312)
Basic Techniques of Sex Magick by Aleister CrowleyThe main requirement for doing any kind of sex magick (one could almost say any kind of magick whatsoever) is the ability to concentrate single-mindedly, ie with no other thoughts at all intruding. This ability is developed by the practice of dhyana yoga or a similar art.
>>Download<< Control of The Astral Body by Aleister CrowleyThe book "Control of the astral body" was written by the famous English occultist and mystic Alister Crowley. He devoted his life to the cognition of religious philosophy of Thelema. In addition, Crowley has studied the nature and behavior of the astral body. In his book, Crowley describes the...
>>Download<< Magick by Aleister CrowleyThe first three sections of this work consist of Parts I-III of Aleister Crowley's Book Four. Crowley's text is given in it's entirety (the few exceptions are noted in the text), as his is the most superb introduction to the Science of Illumination written in the West. Section IV currently consists...
>>Download<< The Book Of Thoth by Aleister CrowleyThe Book of Thoth : A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians is the title of The Equinox, volume III, number 5, by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley. The book is recorded in the vernal equinox of 1944 (an Ixviii Sol in 0? 0' 0" Aries, March 21, 1944 e. v. 5:29 p.m.) and was...
>>Download<< Magick In Theory And Practice by Aleister CrowleyMy former work has been misunderstood, and its scope limited, by my use of technical terms. It has attracted only too many dilettanti and eccentrics, weaklings seeking in "Magic" an escape from reality. I myself was first consciously drawn to the subject in this way. And it has repelled only too...
>>Download<< The Book Of The Law by Aleister CrowleyLiber AL vel Legis is the central text of Thelema, written by Aleister Crowley in Cairo, Egypt in the year 1904. Its full title is Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX, as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI,[1] and it is commonly referred to as The Book of the Law. Liber AL vel Legis contains three...
>>Download<< The Necronomicon by Aleister CrowleyDedication On the One Hundredth anniversary of the Nativity of the Poet ALEISTER CROWLEY 1875-1975 Ad Meiomrum Cthulhi Gloriam. THE PRESENT MANUSCRIPT was delivered into the hands of the Editor by a priest who had managed to get ordained through uncanonical methods which have been entertainingly...
>>Download<< The Zodiac and the Tarot by Aleister CrowleyTHE UNIVERSE is one, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. Its substance is homogenous and this substance cannot be said to possess the qualities of Being, Consciousness, and Bliss for these are rather the shadows of it, which are apprehended by the highly illuminated mind when it comes near...
>>Download<< The Book Of Lies by Aleister CrowleyAnother of Aleister Crowley's important works was a book on mysticism, The Book of Lies (1912), whilst another was a collection of different essays entitled Little Essays Toward Truth (1938). He also penned an autobiography, entitled The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (1929). Throughout his...
>>Download<< Sigils In Theory and Practice by Frater FPThis paper, the first of the 'talks@templum' series, examines the use of sigils for causing changes in the individual and their environment, according to their will. The approach of chaos magick is taken, where experiment and results are encouraged over beliefs about the mechanism by which the...
>>Download<< Book 4 Part I Meditation by Aleister CrowleyPart I is titled "Mysticism" with the sub-title "Meditation: The way of attainment of genius or Godhead considered as a development of the human brain." The section is essentially Crowley's system of yoga, which is designed to still the mind and enable single-pointed concentration. When developing...
>>Download<< Thoth Tarot Deck by Aleister CrowleyIt's really important to understand that this book is one of a large movement centred around using the Tarot from a counselling/Jungian point of view, rather than as a magical/divination tool. The card definitions in the books are unrelentingly positive and based entirely on the querant's...
>>Download<< Magick Without Tears by Aleister CrowleyIn 1943 Aleister Crowley met a lady who, having heard of his wide knowledge and experience, asked his advice on occult, spiritual, and practical matters. This chance connection resulted in a stimulating exchange of letters.Crowley then asked others to put similar questions to him. The result was...
>>Download<< The Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister CrowleyDiary of a Drug Fiend, published in 1922, was occult writer and mystic Aleister Crowley's first published novel, and is also reportedly the earliest known reference to the Abbey of Thelema in Sicily.The story is widely thought to be based upon Crowley's own drug experiences, despite being written...
>>Download<< Pocket Guide to Chaos Magick by Frater FPThere is a syllabus of sorts in Liber Null which is worthwhile pursuing, and the Pact offer other courses, I gather. Don't forget that the Chaos in Chaos Magick refers to a scientific model which maps dynamic systems, such as clouds or water, and is not a reference to disorganisation or anarchy!...
>>Download<< The World Of Tarot by Aleister CrowleyFor centuries, people have turned to picture cards for answers, enlightenment and entertainment. The Tarot has inspired artists, mystics, philosophers, religious and ordinary people to create systems of belief and meanings tailored to. Some believe that a deck of Tarot cards holds mystical ability...
>>Download<< Pocket Guide to Thelema by Aleister CrowleyCrowley did not invent Thelema, but he certainly promulgated its philosophy and wrapped the existing magical systems around its heart. The Book of the Law is worthy of study by all those enquiring about the Universe, as it synthesises all of Crowley's teachings, despite the inherent problems caused...
>>Download<< Liber 004 Or Magick Liber ABA by Aleister CrowleyMagick, Liber ABA, Book 4 is widely considered to be the magnum opus of 20th century occultist Aleister Crowley, the founder of Thelema. It is a lengthy treatise on Magick, his system of Western occult practice, synthesized from many sources, including Eastern Yoga, Hermeticism, medieval grimoires,...
>>Download<< Eight Lectures on Yoga by Aleister CrowleyEight Lectures on Yoga is a book by English occultist and teacher Aleister Crowley about the practice of Yoga. The book is number 4 of volume 3 of the Equinox, which was published by the Ordo Templi Orientis. The work is largely a demystified look at yoga, using little to no jargon or satirical...
>>Download<< Book 4 Part II Magick Elemental Theory by Aleister CrowleyPart II, "Magick (Elemental Theory)," deals with the accessories of ceremonial magick in detail. Subjects include: the temple, the magick circle, the altar, the scourge, dagger, and chain, the holy oil, the wand, cup, sword, pentacle, lamp, crown, robe, book, bell, lamen, and the Magick Fire...
>>Download<< The Supreme Ritual The Invocation Of Horus by Aleister CrowleyThe Supreme Ritual The Invocation Of Horus ACCORDING TO THE DIVINE VISION OF W., THE SEER To be performed before a window open to the E. or N. without incense. The room to be filled with jewels, but only diamonds to be worn. A sword, unconsecrated, 44 pearl beads to be told. Stand. Bright daylight...
>>Download<< Book 4 Part IV The Law by Aleister CrowleyPart IV is titled "OEAHMA (Thelema)-the Law." This section deals with The Book of the Law, including the book itself, a brief biography of Crowley, the events leading up to its reception, and the conditions of the three days of its writing. This part is Crowley's 1936 book Equinox of the Gods only...
>>Download<< The Anatomy Of The Body Of God by Frater AchadAlthough the title of this book may seem, to some who have not read its contents, to be both presumptuous and unwarrantable, it is hoped that these will reserve their judgment until they have given due attention and consideration to the study of such an important subject.We are living in strange...
>>Download<< Absinthe the Green Goddess by Aleister CrowleyAn essay composed in 1918 in the legendary Old Absinthe House in New Orleans, first published in The International. In this essay Crowley extols the inspirational virtues of this mildly hallucinogenic green liqueur, and speaks out against the rising tide of prohibitionism that was sweeping the...
>>Download<< Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing by Frater Achad1923. Or the Crystal as a Stepping Stone to Clear Vision. A Practical Treatise on the Real Value of Crystal Gazing. Contents: The lesser crystal sphere The greater crystal sphere Universal crystalline sphere A consideration of the ancient methods Further considerations the methods...
>>Download<< Liber 1264 Crowley Greek Qabalah by Aleister CrowleyA complete dictionary of all sacred and important words and phrases given in the Books of the Gnosis and other important writings both in the Greek and the Coptic. It is to the Greek Qabalah what the Sephir Sephiroth is to the Hebrew. The present form is taken from Crowley's notes by Bill Heidrick,...
>>Download<< Psychology of Hashish by Aleister CrowleyThe Herb Dangerous Part II The Psychology of Hashish by Oliver Haddo (Aleister Crowley). "The girders of the soul, which give her breathing, are easy to be unloosed." "Nature teaches us, and the oracles also affirm, that even the evil germs of matter may alike become useful and good."
>>Download<< Liber 051 Atlantis The Lost Continent by Aleister CrowleyAn account of the continent of Atlantis: the manners and customs, magical rites and opinions of it's people, together with a true account of the catastrophy, so-called, which ended in it's disappearance. See also 'Atlantis'. A political satire and / or mystic treatise and / or deliberately obscure...
>>Download<< Duty by Aleister CrowleyA note on the chief rules of practical conduct to be observed by those who accept the Law of Thelema."Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.""There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.""...thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that and no other shall say nay. For pure will, unassuaged...
>>Download<< The Rite of Lilith by Frater Annuit CoeptisOrdo Antichristianus Illuminati. The Rite of Lilith being the mystical invocation of the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth by Joshua Jacob Seraphim (Frater Annuit Coeptis).The Legend of Lilith evolves from diverse Religious and Metaphysical sources, appearing in the Alphabet of Ben...
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol III No V The Book of Thoth by Aleister CrowleyThis book describes the philosophy and the use of Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot, a deck of Tarot cards designed by Crowley and co-designed and painted by Lady Frieda Harris. The Thoth Tarot has become one of the best-selling and most popular Tarot Decks in the world.The book is divided into four...
>>Download<< Every Man and Every Woman is a Star by Aleister CrowleyThe idea has been put forward before that every person in existence is in fact a single spark of God and thus an Illuminated being. This theology has been adequately examined elsewhere and need not be overly examined at this point. Suffice to say that it is believed that within every individual...
>>Download<< Evocation of Bartzabel the Spirit of Mars by Aleister CrowleyCeremonie d'evocation de l'Esprit de Mars, Bartzabeln realise par Crowley & d'autres membres de l'A.A. au printemps de 1910. Cette version, helas incomplete car le Journal de Crowley est en partie perdu, annonce, entre autre, l'arrivee des deux grandes guerres mondiales, 1914 - 1918 & 1939 - 1945....
>>Download<< Liber 418 The Vision and the Voice by Aleister CrowleyThe Vision and the Voice (Liber 418) chronicles the mystical journey of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) as he explored the 30 Enochian ?thyrs originally developed by Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley in the 16th century. These visions took place at two times: in 1900 during his stay in Mexico, and later...
>>Download<< Liber 058 Qabalah Or An Essay Upon Number by Aleister CrowleyAlso sometimes refered to as "Gematria" or "An Essay on Number". A general discussion of the Method and uses of the Qabalah. This was originally published as The Temple of Solomon the King, Part V in Equinox I v. See also: The Temple of Solomon the King in the Equinox: Part I, Part II, Part III,...
>>Download<< Liber 440 The Book Of Perfection by Aleister CrowleyAiwass dictated The Book of the Law, Liber 220, to 666 in Cairo, Egypt, in 1904c.e. Starting at noon one chapter was written down, within the hour, on each of April 8, 9 and 10. Aiwass dictated The Book of Codes, Liber 718, to 777 near Portland, Oregon, in 1976.The five chapters were written down...
>>Download<< Liber 333 The Book Of Lies by Aleister CrowleyThe Book of Lies (full title: Which is also Falsely Called BREAKS. The Wanderings or Falsifications of the One Thought of Frater Perdurabo, which Thought is itself Untrue. Liber CCCXXXIII [Book 333] ) was written by occultist and teacher Aleister Crowley and first published in 1912 or 1913 (see...
>>Download<< Cocaine by Aleister CrowleyCrowley's views on prohibition are certainly entertaining though it is suspected very few readers were amused at the time. Very jocular piece and informative about the drug's use in New York during the period after World War I.
>>Download<< Konx Om Pax by Aleister CrowleyKonx Om Pax: Essays in Light is a publication by British occultist Aleister Crowley, first published in 1907. The name Konx Om Pax is a phrase purportedly used in the Eleusinian Mysteries. Its companion is Khabs Am Pekht, which in the Egyptian language means roughly "Light in extension" or "Light...
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No I by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< Skill Of The Adoption Of The Godly Forms by Aleister CrowleyThe adoption of godly forms is the extremely important element of different magic rituals, in which are used invokatsii. Assuming the form of the corresponding god or godly means, magician connects his personal consciousness with the aspect of his highest (godly genius) harmonious, with respect to...
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol III No I Blue Equinox by Aleister CrowleyThe Blue Equinox first published in 1919, is a book by English mystic and occultist Aleister Crowley, the founder of Thelema, detailing the principles and aims of the secret society O.T.O. and its ally the A?A?. It includes such topics as The Law of Liberty, The Gnostic Mass, and Crowley's Hymn to...
>>Download<< Lecture on the Philosophy of Magick by Aleister CrowleyBro. Richard Kaczynski, a serious student of Crowley's unpublished work who recently completed his biography of Crowley, obtained this lecture from Christina Foyle, a member of the English bookdealing family renowned for her leterary luncheon lectures. Her family's London shop remaindered Crowley's...
>>Download<< Liber 231 Liber Arcanorum by Aleister Crowley"Liber Arcanorum twu ATV twu TAHVTI QUAS VIDIT ASAR IN AMENNTI sub figura CCXXXI Liber Carcerorum twu QLIPHOTH cum suis Geniis. Adduntur Sigilla et Nomina Eorum. This is an account of the cosmic process so far as it is indicated by the Tarot Trumps." Portions received Dec 5-6, 1907. See also:...
>>Download<< The Soul Of Osiris by Aleister CrowleyFirst Edition limited to 500 copies thus: on machine-made paper (there were also 6 copies on India paper). A collection of poetry in four "chapters." This was one of the few books of Crowley's verse to attract critical acclaim: by his own account no less a luminary that G. K. Chesterton had...
>>Download<< Little Essays Toward Truth by Aleister CrowleySome of Crowley's clearest and most mature thoughts on sixteen concepts fundamental to human existence reflected in the light of the Qabalah: Man, Memory, Sorrow, Wonder, Beatitude, laughter, Indifference, Mastery, Trance, Energy, Knowledge, Understanding, Chastity, Silence, Love and Truth.
>>Download<< Sepher Sephiroth by Aleister CrowleyThis numerical dictionary has been revised and updated, including much new material. It has also been stripped of much extraneous material such as planetary spirits, etc., to make it a more "purist" production, since much of the material of that type is rather unreliable.All the numerations have...
>>Download<< White Stains by Aleister CrowleyWhite Stains is a poetic work written by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley under the pseudonym "George Archibald Bishop". It was published in 1898 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.White Stains contains various poems in both English and French which can also be regarded as individual works....
>>Download<< Liber AL vel Legis by Aleister CrowleyAlso: Liber L (Liber Legis), or The Book of the Law Facsimile pages of the actual manuscript of The Book of the Law. This book is the foundation of the New Aeon, and thus of the whole of our Work. Received April 8, 9 and 10, 1904 by Aleister Crowley and Rose Kelly.
>>Download<< Pocket Guide To Witchcraft by Frater FPWitchcraft, Wicca and Paganism you'll need to decide what aspect to follow. In my view, Paganism encompasses all aspects of a pagan lifestyle, and suits those with a view to bringing their entire life, family and career into a pagan (country-dwelling) perspective. Witchcraft is the magical...
>>Download<< Book Of The Heart Girt With The Serpent by Aleister CrowleyOne of Aleister Crowley's most powerful works of spiritual poetry, this "Class A" epic describes the stage of spiritual initiation in which the Aspirant attains the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. This is considered to be one of the "Holy Books" of the Thelemic canon.
>>Download<< Ritual VIII Practical Notes by Aleister CrowleyThe light is come to the darkness, and the darkness is made light. Then is light married with light, and the child oftheir love is that other darkness, wherein they abide that have lost name and form. Therefore did I kindle him that had notunderstanding, and in the Book of the Law did I write the...
>>Download<< Liber 536 Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia by Aleister CrowleyLiber DXXXVI. A complete Treatise on Astrology. This is the only text book on astrology composed on scientific lines by classifying observed facts instead of deducting from a priori theories. Unpublished originally, but reconstructed from various sources in The General Principles of Astrology
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No II by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< Why Jesus Wept by Aleister CrowleyIt is a work which, as far as pious innocence is concerned, should be kept strictly under lock and key... The strange mingling of ribaldry, indecency, poetry, and wit, could be perpetrated by no one but Mr. Crowley and certainly no other author would issue, under his own name, such a ruthless...
>>Download<< Songs Of The Spirit by Aleister CrowleyThis modest little volume contains many beautiful thoughts expressed in delicate phrases: daring verses too, which cannot lightly be overlooked. "The Farewell of Paracelcus to Aprile," "The Initiation," "The Philosopher's Progress," are finely-wrought images from Mr. Crowley's vivid mind. Little...
>>Download<< Alice An Adultery by Aleister CrowleyHe has a good deal of talent of a weak, neurotic, lyrical kind, but it is purely derivative... For matter, the author has turned to some unsavoury reminiscences of a chance acquaintance, reminiscences which plead to be forgotten, and which none but the very shameless would dare to put into print......
>>Download<< Liber 216 vel The I Ching by Aleister CrowleyThe I Ching. A new translation, with a commentary by the Master Therion. The Yi King is mathematical and philosophical in form. It's structure is cognate with that of the Qabalah. The I Ching reduced expertly to a series of six-line mnemonic keys, one for each hexagram. See also: See also: Equinox...
>>Download<< The Mass Of The Phoenix by Aleister CrowleyThe Mass of the Phoenix is a single person ritual within Thelema, a philsophy and religion created and organized by author and occultist Aleister Crowley. The Mass was first printed as Chapter 44 in Crowley's The Book of Lies, published in 1913. Among the several objects used in the ceremony are a...
>>Download<< Clouds Without Water by Aleister CrowleyClouds without Water is a poetry collection by Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). Clouds without Water was one of many of Crowley's eccentric works published in his lifetime and was first seen in 1909. The title comes from a passage in Jude 1:13 which is quoted at the beginning of the book: Clouds...
>>Download<< The Winged Beetle by Aleister CrowleyThis book is not a story but a collection of poems from the occult author Aleister Crowley. Fans of his work will love it as his prose shines on every page. (part of the reason for his large following) And those who love poems will find something in this book as well. I am a large fan of Crowley, I...
>>Download<< Ritual VIII by Aleister CrowleyThe light is come to the darkness, and the darkness is made light. Then is light married with light, and the child oftheir love is that other darkness, wherein they abide that have lost name and form. Therefore did I kindle him that had notunderstanding, and in the Book of the Law did I write the...
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No V by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< Liber 006 O vel Manus Et Sagittae by Aleister Crowleynstructions given for the elementary study of the Qabalah, Assumption of God forms, Vibration of Divine Names, the Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram, and their uses in protection and invocation, a method of attaining astral visions so called, and an instruction in the practice called rising on...
>>Download<< Liber 157 The Tao Teh King by Aleister CrowleyA new translation with a commentary by the Master Therion. This is the most exalted and yet practical of the Chinese classics. Also called Liber LXXXI. Equinox III viii. Typescripts of Crowley's version of this Chinese classic circulated amongst his students, but the work remained unpublished until...
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No IV by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< The Black Moon Lillith by Frater RikbIn the interests of further exploring this possibility, I have compiled the astrological data pertaining to the position of Lilith in the charts of 14 women who I judged to display a "Lillith character." This includes women whose powerful sexuality has become a hallmark of their public image, or...
>>Download<< Liber 242 AHA by Aleister CrowleyAn exposition in poetic language of several of the ways of attainment and the results obtained. In the form of a Discourse between and Adept and His Pupil. Equinox I iii, p. 9 and Aha!
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No III by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No VII by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< The Cephaledium Working by Aleister CrowleyThis edition is published privately for Thelemites and other friends. This edition is accurate and proofed against a photocopy of the holograph MS. It features Aleister Crowley, Leah Hirsig, and C. F. Russell (Frater Genesthai) in the Abbey of Thelema at Cephalu Sicily, November 28th 1920 (circa)...
>>Download<< Amphora or Hail Mary by Aleister CrowleyAmphora (Hail Mary). This book which probably stands as Crowley's most famous practical joke. In 1908 Crowley anonymously submitted the text of this book of devotional verse to the well-known Catholic publishers Burnes and Oates Somehow the publishers managed to overlook the dubious theology and...
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No X by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No VI by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< Concerning Blasphemy by Aleister CrowleyConcerning "Blasphemy" in General And the Rites of Eleusis in Particular ALEISTER CROWLEY. This essay first appeared in The Bystander during Crowley's staging of the Rites of Eleusis at Caxton Hall, London in 1910.
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No IX by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< Liber 111 Aleph by Aleister CrowleyAn extended and elaborate commentary on "The Book of the Law", in the form of a letter from the Master Therion to the son of mankind. Contains some of the deepest secrets of Initiation, with a clear solution of many cosmic and ethical problems. This is Equinox III vi
>>Download<< Stone of Cybele from Golden Twigs by Aleister CrowleyThe Stone of Cybele from Golden Twigs by Aleister Crowley. Golden Twigs are Aleister Crowley's largely unpublished short stories based upon Frazer's Golden Bough. This wonderful tale is the first of the series which will appear in future issues. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is...
>>Download<< The Equinox Vol I No VIII by Aleister CrowleyThe Equinox (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A.?.A.?., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization, Ordo Templi Orientis). Begun in 1909, it...
>>Download<< Hymn to Pan by Aleister CrowleyHYMN TO PAN: This poem, together with extracts from the Book of the Law and the Collects from the Gnostic Mass formed the Last Ritual at Aleister Crowley at his funeral in Brighton on December 5th, 1947.
>>Download<< The Works Of Aleister Crowley Vol I Part 1 by Aleister CrowleyThe Collected Works basically gathered together most of Crowley's work that had been published to date. This was largely poetry and plays, although it did include Berashith, a magical essay first published in 1903, and a number of previously unpublished or especially revised pieces, including a...
>>Download<< The Three Characteristics by Aleister CrowleyThe Three Characteristics is a tongue-in-cheek take on what is known as a "jataka" story, or incarnation saga of Buddhism, but sounds more like the Book of Job with Ganesh being tempted by Jehiour (really Iehi Aour, Allan Bennett) to inflict various karma on the reincarnating Per R Abu (Perdurabo,...
>>Download<< Liber 451 Siloam by Aleister CrowleyThought lost. Liber Siloam is mentioned by Crowley and also mentioned is a practice called "Sleep of Siloam" [see]. A ritual called "Sleep of Siloam" was published in The Magical Link. Also, in Liber LXV IV.9, "the sleep of Shi-loh-am" is mentioned.
>>Download<< Snowdrops From a Curate Garden by Aleister CrowleyThis is certainly an interesting piece of literature. If you have a weak stomach, or do not have a taste for the twisted and unusual, I would not recommend reading it. The book was actually written with his wife, Rose Edith Kelly, in mind. She had a love of erotica, so Crowley decided to write...
>>Download<< The Testament Of Magdalen Blair by Aleister Crowley"The Testament to Magdalen Blair" is the longer of the three and was originally published in "The Equinox" volume I, no.9 in 1913. It tells the haunting story of a psychic woman who delves into the dying, subconscious psyche of her husband and bears resemblance to Edgar Allan Poe's "Mesmeric...
>>Download<< Liber 067 The Sword of Song by Aleister CrowleyTwo Poems. A critical study of various philosophies. An account of Buddhism. 1925. See also: Collected Works, Vol. ii, pp. 140-203. One of Crowley's most significant early works, it was the first work in which Crowley publicly identified himself as 'The Beast.' Referred to by Richard Kaczynski as...
>>Download<< The Stratagem and Other Stories by Aleister CrowleyThe Stratagem and Other Stories, a small book of short stories written by Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), occult magician, poet and self-proclaimed prophet of a new AEON., Including "The Strategem", "The Testament of Magdalen Blair", "His Secret Sin". The Testament of Magdalen Blair paints a...
>>Download<< Liber 500 Sepher Sephiroth Revised by Aleister CrowleyBy Allen Bennet, Crowley and Friends. A dictionary of Hebrew words arranged according to their value numerically. This is an Encyclopedia of the Holy Qabalah, which is a map of the Universe, and enables man to attain Perfect Understanding. See also: Equinox I viii, Special Supplement.
>>Download<< Liber 850 vel Rites of Eleusis by Aleister CrowleySee also: Equinox I vi. The Rites of Eleusis were a series of seven public invocations or rites written by British occultist Aleister Crowley, each centered on one of the seven classical planets of antiquity. They were dramatically performed by Aleister Crowley, Leila Waddell (Laylah), and Victor...
>>Download<< Liber P The Book of Peh by Aleister CrowleyAn expose of the hidden qabalah of Liber AL. The several levels of qabalistic knowledge contained within the text of Liber AL can be found using various methods of hermeneutics, but perhaps the most difficult of all techniques for the student to employ meaningfully in his/her researches is that of...
>>Download<< Rights of Man by Aleister CrowleyThelema is essentially a polytheistic religion, with the deities adopted from Ancient Egyptian religion, namely Nuit, Hadit and Horus. The faith follows the idea that the 20th century marked the beginning of a the Aeon of Horus, in which a new ethical code would be followed "Do what thou wilt...
>>Download<< The Works Of Aleister Crowley Vol I Part 2 by Aleister CrowleyThe Collected Works basically gathered together most of Crowley's work that had been published to date. This was largely poetry and plays, although it did include Berashith, a magical essay first published in 1903, and a number of previously unpublished or especially revised pieces, including a...
>>Download<< World Tragedy by Aleister CrowleyThis is one of the rarest of Crowley's published works. The book was privately printed in Paris in 1910 in an edition of 100 copies, but it seems certain that either the rather enthusiastic discussion of sodomy in British schools in the Preface or the books rather virulently anti-Christian...
>>Download<< Liber 400 TAU vel Kabbalae Trium Literarum by Aleister Crowley"Liber TAV Vel Kabbalae Trium Literarum Sub Figura CD. A graphic interpretation of the Tarot on the plane of initiation." Analyzes the Hebrew alphabet into seven triads, each of which forms a Trinity of sympathetic ideas relating respectively to the Three Orders comprised in the AA. Received Dec...
>>Download<< Leah Sublime by Aleister CrowleyA pornographic poem of 156 lines written at Cefalu for Alostrael (aka Aleister Crowley). Aliester is reknown for one upping any who try to out smut him, out gross him. And I must say, although not the best of his works, or even teh grosses or most extreme, it is still a fine example of his works....
>>Download<< Sepher Sephiroth Supplement Section II by Aleister CrowleyThis numerical dictionary has been revised and updated, including much new material. It has also been stripped of much extraneous material such as planetary spirits, etc., to make it a more "purist" production, since much of the material of that type is rather unreliable.All the numerations have...
>>Download<< Synopsis of Six Articles on Drugs by Aleister CrowleyThese articles were never written -- a great loss since Crowley succinctly anticipates (by at least thirty years) the main trends in sociological and psychopharmacological thought as they developed, oftenpainfully, in the 1960s and 1970s. Although this synopsis appears to have been written in...
>>Download<< Ethyl Oxide by Aleister CrowleyExperiments conducted (at odd times beginning July 1916 e.v.) on my own person, have convinced me that the particular technical administration of Ethyl Oxide in combination with certain mental exercises enables the experimenter to ascertain - Aleister Crowley
>>Download<< Tantric Influences on Thelema by Genevieve PettyIt is obvious to even the most casual observer that Tantric practices in Hinduism and Buddhism share an element of sex with Thelema, the religion promulgated by Aleister Crowley. But how deep and howwide is the Tantric influence on Thelema? This paper will explore this question. To begin, another...
>>Download<< The Works Of Aleister Crowley Vol I Part 3 by Aleister CrowleyThe Collected Works basically gathered together most of Crowley's work that had been published to date. This was largely poetry and plays, although it did include Berashith, a magical essay first published in 1903, and a number of previously unpublished or especially revised pieces, including a...
>>Download<< To Man by Aleister CrowleyDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. My term of Office upon the Earth being come in the year of the foundation of the Theosophical Society, I took upon myself, in my turn, the sin of the wholeWorld, that the Prophecies might be fulfilled, so that Mankind may take the Next Step from the...
>>Download<< Gargoyles by Aleister CrowleyGargoyles, Being Strangely Wrought Images of Life and Death by Aleister Crowley. Bound holograph manuscript with revisions in the hand of Aleister Crowley. Also printed in The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley, Vol. III, Page 84, Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth, Boleskine, Foyers,...
>>Download<< Thelema A New Spiritual Tradition for a New Age by AnonymousTHELEMA: New Spiritual Tradition for a New Age Is it a religion? a philosophy? a collection of mystical practices? a system of post-modern ethics? Decide for yourself ... "There is religion in Thelema for those that require it. There is also freedom from religion in Thelema, for those that require...
>>Download<< Sepher Sephiroth Supplement Section I by Aleister CrowleyThis numerical dictionary has been revised and updated, including much new material. It has also been stripped of much extraneous material such as planetary spirits, etc., to make it a more "purist" production, since much of the material of that type is rather unreliable.All the numerations have...
>>Download<< Liber 001 B vel Magi by Aleister Crowley"This is an account of the Grade of Magus, the highest grade which it is ever possible to manifest in any way whatever upon this plane. Or so it is said by the Masters of the Temple."
See also: Equinox I vii, p. 5 III ix III x and, Book IV
>>Download<< Liber 370 AASH vel Capricorni Pneumatici by Aleister Crowley"Liber A'ASH Vel Capricorni Pneumatici Sub Figura CCCLXX. Contains the true secret of all practical magick." Analyzes the nature of the creative magical force in man, explains how to awaken it, how to use it and indicates the general as well as the particular objects to be gained thereby. Sexual...
>>Download<< Beginners Guide to Crowley Books by Frater JulianusBeginner's Guide to Crowley Books by Frater Julianus The author would like to dedicate this Guide to his three Cats, in recognition of their constant Efforts to distract him from his Work. Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947) is certainly the single most influential occult practitioner of the last...
>>Download<< Ahab And Other Poems by Aleister CrowleyMr. Crowley has amplified the Biblical narrative, has given to the savage figure of Ahab some-thing of the nobility of reason that rebels against the tyranny of his fate. There is a modern self-consciousness in this tragic, brooding monologue. Mr. Aleister Crowley's previous work has been...
>>Download<< International by Aleister CrowleyAn archive of The International, a literary magazine which included essays, poetry, plays and libri by Aleister Crowley and works by other authors. The International was a literary and arts journal founded by George Sylvester Viereck, published in New York between WWI and WWII. For a number of...
>>Download<< The Star And The Garter by Aleister CrowleyMr. Aleister Crowley's volumes succeed one another with a rapidity that almost takes one's breath away. The Star and the Garter, hitherto only accessible in a privately printed edition, is now offered to the public at the low price of one shilling. The Society for the Propagation of Religious...
>>Download<< Liber 31 by Frater AchadLIBER THIRTY ONE Frater Achad. Being a part of the diary of O.I.V.V.I.O. concerning the Fool, Parzival and how he discovered the mystery of the One that is Not. Written down in the fourteenth year of this Aeon when the Sun was in the sign of Libra, by Frater Arctaeon.Not delivered by 777 unto 666...
>>Download<< Liber 009 E vel Exercitiorum by Aleister Crowley1. It is absolutely necessary that all experiments should be recorded in detail during, or immediately after, their performance.2. It is highly important to note the physical and mental condition of the experimenter or experimenters.3. The time and place of all experiments must be noted also...
>>Download<< Rodin In Rime by Aleister CrowleyContains seven lithographs executed by Auguste Clot after the original sketches with water-colors of Auguste Rodin which were presented to Crowley during a visit in 1903.It's said that many of these books were destroyed or damaged due to a flood that occurred in a warehouse where they were being...
>>Download<< Rosa Decidua by Aleister CrowleyPrivately published. This poem has everywhere been recognized as overwhelming. E. S. P. Haynes told me that it was the most powerful that he had ever read, and Frank Harris wrote from what he thought was his death bed, "In Rosa Decidua there is more" ("scil". than in some other poem of which he has...
>>Download<< Liber 066 Stellae Rubeae by Aleister Crowley"A secret ritual, the Heart of IAO- OAI, delivered unto V.V.V.V.V. for his use in a certain matter of Liber Legis, and written down under the figure LXVI. This book is sufficiently described by the title". See Liber CCCXXXIII (The Book of Lies), pp. 34-5 III ix, p. 85 and Appendix VI of...
>>Download<< Stepping Out Of The Old Aeon Into The New by Aleister CrowleyVolume I N1. 1996. La Loi de Thelema Liber CL vel Nun, Ayin, Lamed, une Sandale. Liber Khabs Am Pekht. Liber OZ, Chroniques Litteraires et Musicales. La Loi de Thelema, (Dossier). Aleister Crowley et sa Magie, par Pierre Victor, Interview de Pierre Victor. Liber DCCCXII, la Loi de Liberte. Thelema...
>>Download<< Mortadello Or The Angel Of Venice by Aleister CrowleyA play. Crowley hoped to persuade the renowned American actor and singer Paul Robeson (1898-1976) to put on a production of the play, in which Robeson would take the part of the character Orlando, 'a Negro of the Tunisian Sudan.' Robeson read the play but declined, explaining: "I'm afraid it's no...
>>Download<< Oracles by Aleister CrowleyOracles: the Autobiography of an Art, is like a little collected works in itself and contained Crowley's backlog of poems from 1889-1903, including an unfinished Buddhist classic the Dhammapada, Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleur du Mal (also unfinished) and some from Green Alps, his teenage collection...
>>Download<< The Hermit Hymn To Solitude by Aleister CrowleyNamo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhasa. Venerable Lord and Best of Friends. We, seeing the cycle in which Maha Brahma is perhaps more a drifting buoy than ourselves, knowing that it is called the walking in delusion, the puppet show of delusion, the writing of delusion, the fetter of...
>>Download<< Liber 124 Of Eden and the Sacred Oak by Aleister CrowleyLIBER CXXIV. Of Eden and the Sacred Oak: and of the Greater and Lesser Hospitality of the O.T.O. an Epistle of Baphomet to His Excellency James Thomas Windram, Very Holy, Very Illuminated, Very Illustrious, Initiate of the Sanctuary of the Gnosis, his Viceroy in the Union of South Africa. Do what...
>>Download<< Liber 027 Liber Trigrammaton by Aleister CrowleyLIBER TRIGRAMMATON SUB FIGVRA XXVII BEING THE BOOK OF THE TRIGRAMS OF THE MUTATIONS OF THE TAO WITH THE YIN AND THE YANG.The full knowledge of the interpretation of this book is concealed from all. The Practicus must nevertheless acquire a copy and throughly acquaint himself with the contents, and...
>>Download<< Liber 007 Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli by Aleister CrowleyLIBER LIBERI VEL LAPIDIS LA ZVLI ADVMBRATIO KABBAL A AGYPTIORUM SVB FIGVRA VII BEING THE VOLUNTARY EMANCIPATION OF A CERTAIN EXEMPT ADEPT FROM HIS ADEPTSHIP. THESE ARE THE BIRTH-WORDS OF A MASTER OF THE TEMPLE.The full knowledge of the interpretation of this book is concealed from all, save only...
>>Download<< 1907 Diary Fragments by Aleister CrowleyFragments from Aleister Crowley Diary 1907. Between 1907 and 1911 Crowley, under the direct influence of a spirit, wrote twelve Holy Books. During these years he also worked on nonmagical manuscripts and published several long poems including Clouds Without Water (1908) and began expanding his...
>>Download<< Liber 065 Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente by Aleister CrowleyLiber Cordis Cincti Serpente sub figura ADNI. "An account of the relations of the Aspirant with his Holy Guardian Angel. This book is given to Probationers, as the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is the Crown of the Outer College. Similarly Liber VII is given...
>>Download<< Green Alps Partial Poetry by Aleister CrowleyThe following are from Green Alps, a volume that was never issued. It was going to be published by Leonard Smithers, the leading pornographic publisher of the day. However, it was never issued, since the sheets were destroyed at a fire. Only part of the page-proofs survive in a unique copy at the...
>>Download<< Liber 500 Sepher Sephiroth by Aleister CrowleyBy Allen Bennet, Crowley and Friends. A dictionary of Hebrew words arranged according to their value numerically. This is an Encyclopedia of the Holy Qabalah, which is a map of the Universe, and enables man to attain Perfect Understanding. See also: Equinox I viii, Special Supplement.
>>Download<< Liber 300 Khabs Am Pekht by Aleister CrowleyKhabs am Pekht. A special instruction for the Promulgation of the Law. This is the first and most important duty of every aspirant of whatever grade. It builds up in him the character and Karma which forms the Spine of Attainment. See also: Equinox III i, p. 171 III x
>>Download<< Liber 831 IOD by Aleister CrowleyLiber YOD(IOD) formerly Vesta An instruction giving three methods of reducing the manifold consciousness to the Unity. Adapted to facilitate the task of Raja Yoga, and of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. See also: Equinox I vii, p. 101.
>>Download<< Liber AL vel Legis Scans by Aleister CrowleyFrom the collection of Thelemic scholar Martin P. Starr, who was for a time in his youth an associate of Motta's, and one of his representatives in the USA, with Starr's ownership signature on the front free endpaper. The S.O.T.O. edition of 'The Book of the Law.'
>>Download<< Liber 868 Viarum Viae by Aleister CrowleyA graphic account of Magical powers classified under Tarot Trumps. An analysis of the 22 letters. To each is attributed a magical or mystical practice of progressive difficuly until attainment is complete. Equinox I vii, p. 101
>>Download<< City of God A Rhapsody by Aleister CrowleyCrowley wrote the poem during his travels in pre-revolutionary Russia, and first published it in The English Review in 1914 and republished it in the 1940s. He recalled in his 'Confessions' that "I expressed the soul of Moscow in a poem "The City of God" .... it is a "hashish dream come true". This...
>>Download<< Liber 031 by Aleister Crowley"Being a part of the diary of Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. concerning the fool Parzival and how he discovered the mystery of the one that is not. Written down in the fourteenth year of this Aeon when the sun was in the sign of Libra by Frater Arctaeon.". See also: Equinox I i, p. 4 III x.
>>Download<< Liber 059 Across The Gulf by Aleister CrowleyCrowley: 'A fantastic account of a previous incarnation. Its principal interest is that its story of the overthrowing of Isis by Osiris may help the reader to understand the meaning of the overthrowing of Osiris by Horus in the present AEon.' See also: Equinox I vii, p. 293
>>Download<< Liber D DAARNIZHAAN by Aleister CrowleyThe Libri of Aleister Crowley is a list of texts mostly written or adapted by Aleister Crowley. Some are attributed to other authors. Many of the important works of Aleister Crowley are in the form of Libri (lit. "books"), which are usually short documents consisting of core teachings,...
>>Download<< Liber 061 vel Causae AA by Aleister CrowleyExplains the actual history and origin of the present movement. It's statements are accurate in the ordinary sense of the word. The object of the book is to discount Mythopeia. In other words, the collapse of the Order of the GD and the founding of the AA. See also Equinox III i III ix....
>>Download<< Liber 335 Adonis an Allegory by Aleister CrowleyAdonis an Allegory. A short play. Set in the hanging gardens of Babylon in classical times with classical characters. An account in poetic language of the struggle of the human and divine elements in the consciousness of man, giving their harmony following on the victory of the latter.
>>Download<< The Fun of the Fair by Aleister Crowley"The Fun of the Fair" is Crowley's reminiscences - in verse - of the bawdy spectacle of the great festival at Nijni Novgorod (Russia) he visited in 1913. It was originally published in 1942 in an edition of 200 copies - this is a facsimile of that edition, published anonymously, probably in London...
>>Download<< Liber 079 Testis Testitudinis vel ThTz by Aleister CrowleyThe Libri of Aleister Crowley is a list of texts mostly written or adapted by Aleister Crowley. Some are attributed to other authors. Many of the important works of Aleister Crowley are in the form of Libri (lit. "books"), which are usually short documents consisting of core teachings,...
>>Download<< Chalice Of Ecstasy by Frater AchadI came to this book as part of my continuing quest to better understand the Grail legend, and in particular Wagner's great music-drama "Parsifal," which this book is primarily about. As an interpretive essay I found it quite interesting, delving deeply into the meanings of the various mystical...
>>Download<< A Thelemic Calendar by Frater HoorDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. This calendar is intended to replace the old Roman calendar with a convenient system based upon the Solar year. Each 365 day year is divided without remainder into 5 months of 73 days,1 beginning on the Vernal Equinox.2
>>Download<< In Residence The Dons Guide to Cambridge by Aleister CrowleyA collection of Crowley's early poetry, published in the same years as Crowley received The Book of the Law. The poems are mostly reprinted from magazines like 'Granta,' 'Cambridge Magazine,' 'Cantab,' etc. though some were previously unpublished. Includes twenty pages of extremely interesting,...
>>Download<< Suffering A Thelemic Perspective by Greg WottonSuffering: A Thelemic Perspective An examination of Suffering in the Book of the Law and its commentaries by Greg Wotton. The religion we call Thelema was founded in 1904 with the receiving of The Book of the Law by the magician/prophet/poet Aleister Crowley. This book is said to have been dictated...
>>Download<< The Heart Of The Master by Aleister CrowleyI am one of a concourse. All, or nigh all, seem fallen into heaviness, not from exhaustion of labour, but from lethargy. The plain is vast beyond eye to mark it's bounds, even were not all dark with blight of fog and thick with marish damp. A few of us are half awake, gaze dumbly on the East. No...
>>Review Only<< Gilles De Rais The Banned Lecture by Aleister CrowleyGILLES de RAIS to have been delivered before the University Poetry Society by ALEISTER CROWLEY on the evening of Monday, Feb.3rd.1930Originally this article appeared in The OCCULT DIGEST Vol 2 N3, Chicago, 1972. The banner proclaimed "COLLECTORS EDITION-FIRST PUBLICDISTRIBUTION ANYWHERE OF GILLES...
>>Review Only<< Alexandra by Aleister CrowleyThis previously unpublished work, by Aleister Crowley. There were several proof versions of Alexandra, but it appears the book was either never published by Crowley, or if it was, all copies were destroyed. This then, is most likely the first edition of Alexandra, and was pubished in a Limited...
>>Review Only<< Liber 031 QBL Or The Brides Reception by Aleister CrowleyQ.B.L., or The Bride's Reception, the first of Achad's major qabalistic works. His radical reassignment of the attributions of the paths is first intimated in an appendix to this book. (from B. L. or The Bride's Reception is a masterpiece of Qabalah and controversy. Its importance...
>>Review Only<< QBL Or The Brides Reception by Frater AchadQ.B.L. is a unique work in both Qabalah and Thelemic circles. In the world of the Qabalah, Frater Achad revealed revolutionary new principles that caused students of the Qabalah to reexamine and thus deepen their knowledge of the Tree of Life. In Thelemic circles, Aleister Crowley named Frater...
>>Review Only<<