Astrology And Geomancy Books (49)
The Zodiac and the Tarot by Aleister CrowleyTHE UNIVERSE is one, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. Its substance is homogenous and this substance cannot be said to possess the qualities of Being, Consciousness, and Bliss for these are rather the shadows of it, which are apprehended by the highly illuminated mind when it comes near...
>>Download<< The Numbers Book by SepharialNumerology is a science which has survived the test of thousands of years. The learned Ancients discovered the co-relationship of numbers, the planetary influences over life on this earth and the ordered planning of the universe. In modern times, no one has made a greater study of this science than...
>>Download<< The Kabala Of Numbers by SepharialThe science of numbers is of remotest antiquity. Among the Aryans and Greeks, the Assyrians and Egyptians, we find indications of a development which gave to numbers their real significance and employed them in a system of symbolism which had respect to something more than mere enumeration.While it...
>>Download<< Occult Philosophy and Magick Book I by Henry Cornelius AgrippaHow Magicians Collect vertues from the three-fold World, is declared in these three Books. Seeing there is a three-fold World, Elementary, Celestiall, and Intellectual, and every inferior is governed by its superior, and receiveth the influence of the vertues thereof, so that the very original, and...
>>Download<< Hebrew Astrology Key to the Study of Prophecy by SepharialIn these days of advanced thinking it is a matter of common observation that we have left many of the old landmarks behind and that we are now pressing forward to greater heights and to a wider horizon than that which represented the mind-content of our progenitors. It has been suggested that human...
>>Download<< The Science of Foreknowledge by SepharialThe following pages are intended to bring some of the more recondite and controversial aspects of the Science of Foreknowledge into discussion and, further, to supply a great deal of abstruse information not otherwise accessible to the student. That there are problems yet before the student of...
>>Download<< Manual of Occultism Scanned Version by SepharialThis author is known world wide for his books on astrology and occultism. This unique volume covers many facets of the wonderful world of the occult. Contents: Astrology - Section I: The Alphabet, Aspects, Signs & Houses, Personal Appearance, Constitution, Health, Character, Accidents, Fortunes,...
>>Download<< The Silver Key by SepharialDr Walter Gorn Old (born 20 March 1864, at 2:06 a.m. LMT in Handsworth, England died 23 December 1929 in Hove, England) was a notable 19th century astrologer, better known as Sepharial.An eminent English Theosophist, Sepharial was a well-known and respected astrologer in the late 19th and early...
>>Download<< New Dictionary of Astrology by SepharialThis reference work intimately explains and illustrated all technical and abstruse terms used in the textbooks of the science. The pages will appeal immediately to those who are in the preliminary stages of astrological study, and in some part also to such as, having made progress in the technical...
>>Download<< Manual of Astrology Book 2 by SepharialDr Walter Gorn Old (born 20 March 1864, at 2:06 a.m. LMT in Handsworth, England died 23 December 1929 in Hove, England) was a notable 19th century astrologer, better known as Sepharial.Sepharial was in fact one of the founder members of the Theosophical movement in England. Madame Blavatsky...
>>Download<< Law of Values by SepharialAn Exposition of the Primary Causes of Stock and Share Fluctuations. In the following pages I have given some valuable hints to those who are able to invest their money and take their dividends. They will be able, with the assistance of my book, to buy cheaply and to clear out before prices recede...
>>Download<< Astrology And Marriage by SepharialThis handbook deals with the subject of marriage from the point of view of the ancient science of the Chaldeans, and shows the secret of happiness or unhappiness in the marital state to be revealed in the reactions caused by planetary influence.The author deals with the broad question of marriage,...
>>Download<< The Arcana or Stock and Share Key by SepharialSepharial was a very influential author in the fields of the occult, astrology and numerology, and his writings had a considerable impact on E. H. Bailey and Alan Leo, who he introduced to Theosophy. He can be credited as the first astrologer to use Earth's "dark moon" Lilith in his calculations....
>>Download<< Manual of Occultism Text Version by SepharialThis author is known world wide for his books on astrology and occultism. This unique volume covers many facets of the wonderful world of the occult. Contents: Astrology - Section I: The Alphabet, Aspects, Signs & Houses, Personal Appearance, Constitution, Health, Character, Accidents, Fortunes,...
>>Download<< Occult Philosophy and Magick Book II by Henry Cornelius AgrippaHow Magicians Collect vertues from the three-fold World, is declared in these three Books. Seeing there is a three-fold World, Elementary, Celestiall, and Intellectual, and every inferior is governed by its superior, and receiveth the influence of the vertues thereof, so that the very original, and...
>>Download<< Cosmic Symbolism by SepharialAs a young man Sepharial initially studied medicine and followed this up with studies in psychology, oriental languages, astrology and numerology. In 1886 he started to write an astrology problem page in the Society Times, where he answered the public's questions, and in 1887 at the age of just 23...
>>Download<< The Astrological Metaphors by Giuseppe BezzaAll the signs are opposite to other signs: Taurus and Capricorn, for example, are opposite to Virgo since these signs injure the stars that are in Virgo and Leo is opposite to Aries, as Leo truly eats the Aries and Sagittarius is opposite to Leo, since Sagittarius means bow-shooting....
>>Download<< Occult Philosophy and Magick Book IV by Henry Cornelius AgrippaHow Magicians Collect vertues from the three-fold World, is declared in these three Books. Seeing there is a three-fold World, Elementary, Celestiall, and Intellectual, and every inferior is governed by its superior, and receiveth the influence of the vertues thereof, so that the very original, and...
>>Download<< The Astrological Ready Reckoner by SepharialAn eminent English Theosophist, Sepharial was a well-known and respected astrologer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and wrote numerous books, some of which are still highly regarded today. He was editor of "Old Moore's Almanac", which is still published in the 21st century.As a young man...
>>Download<< Arcana or Stock And Share Key by SepharialThe RADIX of any company is the noon of the date and place of registration of that Company, whereby, under the laws of the country the promotors are given powers to form the company and proceed with business.The RADIX of a Stock Exchange IS THE NOON OF THE DATE OF FOUNDING. The charts for New York...
>>Download<< Collection of Keys by SepharialThe Map for the event is simply set by adding to time of the event the SIDEREAL TIME at noon. Correct the result by adding or subtracting Local Time. Subtract for West, add for East, of Greenwich. Find the sign and degree from the Table of Houses for the Midheaven or House of your map. The other...
>>Download<< On the Markets by SepharialA collection of writings by the most-cited author on the W. D. Gann List of Books for Sale Comprised of the following works in transcription: - THE LAW OF VALUES - THE ARCANA OR STOCK & SHARE KEY - KEY TO SUGAR VALUES - THE MASTER KEY - THE GOLDEN KEY - THE ECLIPSE KEY - THE SOLAR LUNAR VALUES -...
>>Download<< Of Geomancy by Henry Cornelius AgrippaAdapted from "Fourth BOOK of Occult Philosophy", tr. Robert Turner, LONDON: Printed by J.C. for John Harrison, at the Lamb at the East-end of Pauls. 1655.Geomancy is an Art of Divination, wherby the judgement may be rendred by lot, or destiny, to every question of every thing whatsoever, but the...
>>Download<< Astronomical Geomancy by Gerald CremonensisAstrological geomancy is an ancient method of divination. The word geomancy means earth divination and is believed to have come from the use of sand to generate the geomantic figures, the basis of prediction in geomancy. This also accounts for its Arabic name, ilm al-raml, literally the science or...
>>Download<< The Basis of Scripture Prophecy by SepharialWHEN it is said that "wise men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit", we are, I think, rightly disposed to believe that in such case the Spirit would not dictate otherwise than in terms of the laws of Being which in their creative effects were seen by God to be good and pronounce to...
>>Download<< Encyclopedia of Astrology by Nicholas DevoreThe Philosophical Library, June 1947. Retyped with additional 'Apolo notes' and reconstructed tables by Philip Graves. By kind permission of current publisher David Roell of Astrology Classic.This is the best of the many astro-reference books, one you will use constantly. Among thousands of entries...
>>Download<< Primary Directions Made Easy by SepharialI have often been asked by students to evolve a method which, while simple enough to appeal to the average student unused to spherical trigonometry, is yet sound in principle and capable of immediate demonstration. For a long time the study of Primary Directions by the Semiarc method, together with...
>>Download<< The Key to Sugar Values by Sepharial Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old, though he almost never used his birth name), 1864 - 1929. As C.E.O. Carter says, he is brilliant at almost everything he touches. Sepharial's writing on numerology remains unsurpassed. Sepharial was more than a mere astrologer. Reading his work it is obvious to me that...
>>Download<< Geodetic Equivalents by SepharialAn eminent English Theosophist, Sepharial was a well-known and respected astrologer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and wrote numerous books, some of which are still highly regarded today. He was editor of "Old Moore's Almanac", which is still published in the 21st century.He became a...
>>Download<< Solar Epoch by SepharialThis document contains the full text of The Solar Epoch by Sepharial, originally published in 1925. The book has been scanned and converted to plain text with OCR-software. This document has been given the same layout as the original book. It has been made sure the pagenumbering in the printed...
>>Download<< Notes On Geomancy by Nick FarrellWhat follows are instructions on Geomancy within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn structure. This book was written because, face it, Geomancy is considered a chore by most students. On one hand it seems complicated and on the other it is so deterministic that it makes it unattractive to anyone...
>>Download<< Why the War Will End in 1917 by SepharialDr Walter Gorn Old (born 20 March 1864, at 2:06 a.m. LMT in Handsworth, England died 23 December 1929 in Hove, England) was a notable 19th century astrologer, better known as Sepharial.An eminent English Theosophist, Sepharial was a well-known and respected astrologer in the late 19th and early...
>>Download<< Anima Astrologiae Or A Guide For Astrologers by William LillyWe have formerly some thoughts of revising our Introduction to Astrology, now out of print, and to have enriched it from another edition with the choicest aphorisms, both from the writings of the ancients and our own many years' experience, but the laboriousness of that work, considering our age...
>>Download<< Gerald Cremonensis On Astrological Geomancy by AnonymousGerard of Cremona (Italian: Gerardo da Cremona Latin: Gerardus Cremonensis c. 1114-1187), was a Lombard translator of Arabic scientific works found in the abandoned Arab libraries of Toledo, Spain. He was one of a small group of scholars who invigorated medieval Europe in the twelfth...
>>Download<< An Astrological Judgement Touching Theft by Anthony GriffinSir, I MADE BOLD to Dedicate this small piece to you, though somewhat a stranger to you at present, yet being desired by a faithful friend of yours: who informed me of the great respect you owe to Art, I could do no less.Therefore good Sir, let me Crave your pardon in this my presumption, and let...
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